Literary Devices – Bereshit 21/0

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Literary Devices – Bereshit 21

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Parallels and Contrasts concordance

Key Words


  • One of the guiding words in the story of Yitzchak's birth and the Banishment of Yishmael (Bereshit 21:1-21) is “צחק".  Yitzchak is mentioned six times, the verb "צחק" two times, and the noun "צחוק" once.1 The use of this word reflects the tension between the exultant joy of Sarah and Avraham and the scorn of Yishmael, both of which are expressed in laughter.2 
  • For exploration and analysis of the significance of laughter in the Yitzchak narratives, see:

בן (Son)

  • See Tanakh Lab that the word which appears most frequently in Bereshit 20:1-21 is "בן", son. The word reflects the central question of the unit – which of Avraham's sons are to be considered his spiritual heirs?

Character Titles