Literary Devices – Bereshit 32/0

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Literary Devices – Bereshit 32

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Parallels and Contrasts

Key Words

אדון ועבד (master and servant)

Tanakh Lab demonstrates that the words “אדון” and "עבד" appear frequently in Bereshit 32-33 (the narrative of Yaakov’s reunion with Esav).1 This language underscores Yaakov’s mistrust of Esav and his need to be strategically deferential when relating to him. On the backdrop of the prophetic promise of Esav’s eventual subservience to Yaakov (25:23) and Yaakov's taking Yitzchak’s blessing "Be master over your brothers" (27:29), such subservience is very ironic. The fact that the text refers to Esav and Yaakov as brothers 7 times in this unit, and Yaakov nonetheless feels the need to pose as "servant", further highlights Yaakov's fear that Esav was perhaps not ready to view him as "brother".2

Character Titles