Literary Devices – Bereshit 34/0

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Literary Devices – Bereshit 34

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Parallels and Contrasts

Key Words Tanakh Lab demonstrates that the word that appears most frequently (14 times) in Bereshit 34 is בת.  The related word בן appears 11 times.  As Robert Alter notes, Dena’s identity as a בת is ostensibly similar to that of the בנות הארץ whom she seeks to meet, but her status as a stranger makes her vulnerable and distinct. Similarly, her position as Yaakov’s child places her in an entirely different position than the son of the king, who in turn comes into conflict with the sons of Yaakov.  The repeated use of the words בת and בן highlights the superficial similarity of age and status among the characters in the story, which belies their vastly different positions in society.  The differential in power among the characters is also emphasized by the title “nesi ha-aretz” that describes Hamor, and by Shechem’s offer to pay an exorbitant dowry.  These milim manchot also emphasize the family relationships in the story, which lead to the tension and violence of the narrative. 

Character Titles