Literary Devices – Shemot 15/0

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Literary Devices – Shemot 15

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Prof. Cassuto suggests that the song of the sea can be divided into three strophes, each ending with a celebration of Hashem's supremacy, formulated with a poetic doubling.1 The division is further marked by the fact that the  penultimate verse2 of each stanza contains a comparison of the drowning Egyptians to either stone or lead. The poem would be divided as follows:3

  • Verses 1-6: Introduction
  • Verses 7-11: Details of the Miracle
  • Verses 12-end:  Wish for Future Salvation4

Wordplay and Alliteration


  • The word “גאה” in verse 1 has the double meaning of “has triumphed” and “has surged”.5  This forms a play on words, as Hashem triumphs by engulfing His enemies in surging waters.6 
  • Amos Hakham suggests that it is possible that the word “רמה” (hurled) is used here due to its associations with the root “רום” (to raise / be exalted), often paired with the word “גאה”.‎7  Here, “רמה” ironically has the opposite meaning of רם and גאה.

Key Words

Character Titles