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<category>Parallels and Contrasts
<category>Type Scenes
<p>It is fruitful to compare and contrast Moshe’s initial prophecy (נבואת הקדשה) with that of others, such as Gidon (Shofetim Chapter 6), Shemuel (Shemuel I Chapter 3), Yeshayahu (Yeshayahu Chapter 6), Yirmeyahu (Yirmeyahu Chapter 1), and Yechezkel (Yechezkel Chapter 1), in order to note the similarities and differences that reflect the unique personality and mission of each prophet.</p>
<li>See&#160;<a href="https://etzion.org.il/en/tanakh/neviim/sefer-shmuel-aleph/chapter-3-shmuels-consecration-prophecy">Shemuel’s Consecration Prophecy</a> by R. Amnon Bazak for comparison of Moshe’s and Shemuel’s consecration prophecies.</li>
<li>See<a href="https://etzion.org.il/en/tanakh/neviim/sefer-yirmeyahu/%E2%80%9C-i-formed-you-belly-i-knew-you%E2%80%9D-%E2%80%93-yirmeyahu%E2%80%99s-prophecy-consecration"> Before I Formed You in the Belly I Knew You: Yirmiyahu’s Prophecy of Consecration</a>, by R. David Sabato, for analysis of the essential components of prophecies of consecration, with a focus on Yirmeyahu.&#160;</li>
<li>Among the most salient aspects of Moshe’s initial prophecy is his great reluctance to accept his mission.&#160; Several of Nechama Leibowitz’s&#160;<a href="https://www.nechama.org.il/cgi-bin/parasha.pl?Id=13">gilyonot</a> on this chapter focus on understanding Moshe’s reluctance.<fn>See also&#160;<a href="https://lookstein.org/resource/nechama/nechama_parasha27_vaera.htm">Moshe: The Reluctant Leader</a> for exploration of different approaches to understanding this reticence.</fn>&#160;</li>

Version as of 11:32, 9 August 2023

Literary Devices – Shemot 3

This topic has not yet undergone editorial review


Type Scenes

It is fruitful to compare and contrast Moshe’s initial prophecy (נבואת הקדשה) with that of others, such as Gidon (Shofetim Chapter 6), Shemuel (Shemuel I Chapter 3), Yeshayahu (Yeshayahu Chapter 6), Yirmeyahu (Yirmeyahu Chapter 1), and Yechezkel (Yechezkel Chapter 1), in order to note the similarities and differences that reflect the unique personality and mission of each prophet.


Key Words

Character Titles