MiMachorat HaShabbat/2

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MiMachorat HaShabbat

Exegetical Approaches

Shabbat Bereshit

Within Chag HaMatzot

Sources:Samaritans, Karaites - Daniel Alkumsi the Karaite,Solomon b. Yerucham the KaraiteSolomon b. Yerucham the Karaite, Milchamot Hashem Shaar 10, Yefet (commentary), Levi b,. Yefet. R. Aharon b. Yosef (Hamuvchar) Keter Torah, opponents in R. Saadia GaonSefer HaHavchanahAbout R. Saadia Gaon, Karaites
Various mentions of Shabbat
Lack of date

After Chag HaMatzot

After the First Harvest

Yom Shabbaton (Yom Tov)

A Day of Ceasement
