Miracles and Mitzvot at Marah

Points of Dispute

These are some of the central points of dispute (נקודות המחלוקת) between the various exegetes:

  • Were commandments given before Sinai?
    • Yes – Mekhilta, Seder Olam Rabbah, Bavli, Targum Yerushalmi (Yonatan), Rashi, Rambam
    • No – Rashbam, Ramban, Ralbag, Shadal
    • Given to Moshe but not transmitted to the people – Abarbanel
  • Meaning of "נִסָּהוּ"
    • Test – R. Eliezer in Mekhilta, Targum Yerushalmi (Yonatan), R. Saadia, Rashi, Ibn Ezra
    • Glorify – R. Yehoshua in Mekhilta, Ralbag
    • Perform miracles – Abarbanel
    • Make accustomed – Rashbam, R. Avraham Maimonides, Biur
  • Subject of "שָׂם לוֹ"
    • Hashem – most commentators
    • Israelites – Ralbag
    • Moshe – R. Bachya, Tzeror HaMor