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<page type="Approaches">
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<h1>Mordechai's Refusal to Bow</h1>
<h1>Mordechai's Refusal to Bow</h1>
<div class="overview">
<div class="overview">
<p>Mordechai's refusal to bow has been alternately perceived as personally, religiously, or politically motivated.&#160; Hoil Moshe views Haman and Mordechai as rivals in the king's court, each vying for positions of power.&#160; Haman's promotion irked Mordechai who, thus, refused to show him honor.</p>
<p>Mordechai's refusal to bow has been alternately perceived as personally, religiously, or politically motivated.&#160; The Hoil Moshe views Haman and Mordechai as rivals in the king's court, each vying for positions of power.&#160; Haman's promotion irked Mordechai who, thus, refused to show him honor.</p>
<p>The majority of commentators, though, drawing on the verse "כִּי הִגִּיד לָהֶם אֲשֶׁר הוּא יְהוּדִי", instead assert that Mordechai had a religious obligation to refrain from bowing.&#160; The Bavli maintains that Haman had turned himself into a god, while Esther Rabbah suggests that he wore an idol on his garments.&#160; Both of these positions assume that Mordechai's action was not only justified but required by law.&#160; In contrast, R. Reggio suggests that Mordechai mistakenly assumed that one may not bow to a human and that he endangered the entire nation due to his erroneous piety.</p>
<p>The majority of commentators, though, drawing on the verse "כִּי הִגִּיד לָהֶם אֲשֶׁר הוּא יְהוּדִי", instead assert that Mordechai had a religious obligation to refrain from bowing.&#160; The Bavli maintains that Haman had turned himself into a god, while Esther Rabbah suggests that he wore an idol on his garments.&#160; Both of these positions assume that Mordechai's action was not only justified but required by law.&#160; In contrast, R. Reggio suggests that Mordechai mistakenly assumed that one may not bow to a human and that he endangered the entire nation due to his erroneous piety.</p>
<p>A final approach sets Mordechai and Haman in opposing political or national camps. This position subdivides regarding the perceived nationality of Haman and thus the specific threat that he posed.&#160; According to Y. Eldad, Haman hailed from Greece and Mordechai considered him a fifth column and a security hazard to the Persian empire.&#160; According to many Midrashic sources, in contrast, Haman was a descendant of Esav, the sworn enemy of Israel. &#160;Either way, Mordechai deemed it dangerous to submit to the authority of an enemy.</p></div>
<p>A final approach sets Mordechai and Haman in opposing political or national camps. This position subdivides regarding the perceived nationality of Haman and thus the specific threat that he posed.&#160; According to Y. Eldad, Haman hailed from Greece, and Mordechai considered him a fifth column and a security hazard to the Persian empire.&#160; According to many Midrashic sources, in contrast, Haman was a descendant of Esav, the sworn enemy of Israel. &#160;Either way, Mordechai deemed it dangerous to submit to the authority of an enemy.</p></div>
<category name="">Personal Rivalry
<category>Personal Rivalry
<p>Mordechai refused to bow down out of pride and an ongoing personal rivalry with Haman.</p>
<p>Mordechai refused to bow down out of pride and an ongoing personal rivalry with Haman.</p>
<mekorot><multilink><a href="TargumYerushalmiEsther3-2" data-aht="source">First Targum of Megillat Esther</a><a href="TargumYerushalmiEsther3-2" data-aht="source">Targum Rishon Esther 3:2</a><a href="First Targum of Megillat Esther" data-aht="parshan">About First Targum of Megillat Esther</a></multilink>,<fn>The First Targum distinguishes between the terms "כֹּרְעִים" and "וּמִשְׁתַּחֲוִים", suggesting that all the servants were "כֹּרְעִים" to the idol on Haman's chest but "מִשְׁתַּחֲוִים" to Haman himself.&#160; Mordechai neither kneeled before the idol because of the prohibition against worshiping idolatry nor bowed to Haman the person because of their personal rivalry.</fn> <multilink><a href="HoilMosheEsther3-2" data-aht="source">Hoil Moshe</a><a href="HoilMosheEsther3-2" data-aht="source">Esther 3:2</a><a href="R. Moshe Yitzchak Ashkenazi (Hoil Moshe)" data-aht="parshan">About R. Moshe Yitzchak Ashkenazi</a></multilink><fn>See Y. Medan, "ומרדכי לא יכרע ולא ישתחווה - מדוע"&#160; in הדסה היא אסתר (Jerusalem, 1997): 151-171 who develops this approach and compares it to the positions which assume religious or nationalistic motives.</fn></mekorot>
<mekorot><multilink><a href="TargumYerushalmiEsther3-2" data-aht="source">First Targum of Megillat Esther</a><a href="TargumYerushalmiEsther3-2" data-aht="source">Targum Rishon Esther 3:2</a><a href="First Targum of Megillat Esther" data-aht="parshan">About First Targum of Megillat Esther</a></multilink>,<fn>The First Targum distinguishes between the terms "כֹּרְעִים" and "וּמִשְׁתַּחֲוִים", suggesting that all the servants were "כֹּרְעִים" to the idol on Haman's chest but "מִשְׁתַּחֲוִים" to Haman himself.&#160; Mordechai neither kneeled before the idol because of the prohibition against worshiping idolatry nor bowed to Haman the person because of their personal rivalry.</fn> <multilink><a href="HoilMosheEsther3-2" data-aht="source">Hoil Moshe</a><a href="HoilMosheEsther3-2" data-aht="source">Esther 3:2</a><a href="R. Moshe Yitzchak Ashkenazi (Hoil Moshe)" data-aht="parshan">About R. Moshe Yitzchak Ashkenazi</a></multilink><fn>See Y. Medan, "ומרדכי לא יכרע ולא ישתחווה - מדוע"&#160; in הדסה היא אסתר (Jerusalem, 1997): 151-171 who develops this approach and compares it to the positions which assume religious or nationalistic motives.</fn></mekorot>
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<point><b>Authority behind the command</b> – Hoil Moshe contends that bowing to Haman was a command of the king, but not yet signed into law, and thus could still be reversed.&#160; He suggests that Mordechai was trying to set himself as an example to other members of the court that they too should refuse to honor Haman and instead get the king to annul the command.</point>
<point><b>Authority behind the command</b> – Hoil Moshe contends that bowing to Haman was a command of the king, but not yet signed into law, and thus could still be reversed.&#160; He suggests that Mordechai was trying to set himself as an example to other members of the court that they too should refuse to honor Haman and instead get the king to annul the command.</point>
<point><b>Did Mordechai know what the consequences would be?</b> This position would probably maintain that Mordechai did not know what the consequences of his actions would be, since it is unlikely that he would have sacrificed the whole nation's lives just for his personal pride.<fn>According to the Hoil Moshe, who posits that there was even potential to annul the law to bow, Mordechai probably did not even view himself as having done anything particularly problematic.</fn>&#160; From Chapter 5, though, it sounds as if Mordechai continued to refuse to pay Haman honor even after the decree, "וְלֹא קָם וְלֹא זָע מִמֶּנּוּ".&#160; This position might respond that, even after the fact, Mordechai never realized that the reason that Haman had set out to destroy the Jews was because of his personal refusal to bow.<fn>If so, after seeing Haman's evil decree, Mordechai had more reason, not less, to continue his show of dishonor.</fn></point>
<point><b>Did Mordechai know what the consequences would be?</b> This position would probably maintain that Mordechai did not know what the consequences of his actions would be, since it is unlikely that he would have sacrificed the whole nation's lives just for his personal pride.<fn>According to the Hoil Moshe, who posits that there was even potential to annul the law to bow, Mordechai probably did not even view himself as having done anything particularly problematic.</fn>&#160; From Chapter 5, though, it sounds as if Mordechai continued to refuse to pay Haman honor even after the decree, "וְלֹא קָם וְלֹא זָע מִמֶּנּוּ".&#160; This position might respond that, even after the fact, Mordechai never realized that the reason that Haman had set out to destroy the Jews was because of his personal refusal to bow.<fn>If so, after seeing Haman's evil decree, Mordechai had more reason, not less, to continue his show of dishonor.</fn></point>
<point><b>Haman's edict</b> – Haman's decision to destroy a nation due to competition with a single individual is somewhat difficult for this approach.&#160; If the whole story was about personal vendettas, it is odd that Haman did not simply find a way to rid himself of Mordechai without annihilating an entire nation.<fn>In the position's defense, though, it should be noted that the verses do present Haman as thinking that it was beneath him to strike Mordechai alone, and thus he decided to punish the entire nation as well.</fn></point>
<point><b>Haman's edict against the entire nation</b> – Haman's decision to destroy a nation due to competition with a single individual is somewhat difficult for this approach.&#160; If the whole story was about personal vendettas, it is odd that Haman did not simply find a way to rid himself of Mordechai without annihilating an entire nation.<fn>In the position's defense, though, it should be noted that the verses do present Haman as thinking that it was beneath him to strike Mordechai alone, and thus he decided to punish the entire nation as well.</fn></point>
<point><b>"וְאֶת דָּתֵי הַמֶּלֶךְ אֵינָם עֹשִׂים"</b> – This position would probably suggest that Haman was referring to general laws that the nation did not abide by, and that this statement had nothing to do with Mordechai's refusal to bow to him.<fn>If one maintains that the command to bow only referred to those in the court, obviously no others were transgressing the command.&#160; But, even if one asserts that it was on the entire populace, there is no reason to believe that anyone besides Mordechai refused since his refusal was based on personal rather than religious or national issues.</fn></point>
<point><b>"וְאֶת דָּתֵי הַמֶּלֶךְ אֵינָם עֹשִׂים"</b> – This position would probably suggest that Haman was referring to general laws that the nation did not abide by, and that this statement had nothing to do with Mordechai's refusal to bow to him.<fn>If one maintains that the command to bow only referred to those in the court, obviously no others were transgressing the command.&#160; But, even if one asserts that it was on the entire populace, there is no reason to believe that anyone besides Mordechai refused since his refusal was based on personal rather than religious or national issues.</fn></point>
<category name="">Religious Prohibition
<category>Religious Prohibition
<p>Mordechai did now bow down due his belief that there was a religious prohibition to do so.&#160; The exact nature of such a prohibition and the correctness of Mordechai's position are the subject of debate.</p>
<p>Mordechai did not bow down due his belief that there was a religious prohibition to do so.&#160; This approach subdivides regarding the exact nature of such a prohibition and the correctness of Mordechai's position:</p>
<opinion name="">Idolatry
<p>Bowing would have been a violation of the prohibition against idolatry either because Haman considered himself a god,<fn>See Bavli, R. Saadia Gaon, Rashi, and Lekach Tov.</fn> or because Haman wore an idol on his clothing.<fn>See First Targum of Megillat Esther, Esther Rabbah, Pirkei DeRabbi Eliezer and Ibn Ezra.</fn></p>
<p>Bowing would have been a violation of the prohibition against idolatry, either because Haman proclaimed himself to be a deity, or because he wore an idol on his clothing.</p>
<mekorot><multilink><a href="BavliMegillah19a" data-aht="source">Bavli</a><a href="BavliMegillah10b" data-aht="source">Megillah 10b</a><a href="BavliMegillah12b-13a" data-aht="source">Megillah 12b-13a</a><a href="BavliMegillah19a" data-aht="source">Megillah 19a</a><a href="BavliSanhedrin61a" data-aht="source">Sanhedrin 61a</a><a href="Talmud Bavli" data-aht="parshan">About the Bavli</a></multilink>, <multilink><a href="EstherRabbah6-2" data-aht="source">Esther Rabbah</a><a href="EstherRabbah6-2" data-aht="source">6:2</a><a href="EstherRabbah7-8" data-aht="source">7:8</a><a href="EstherRabbah8-7" data-aht="source">8:7</a><a href="Esther Rabbah" data-aht="parshan">About Esther Rabbah</a></multilink>, <multilink><a href="PirkeiDeRabbiEliezerHigger49" data-aht="source">Pirkei DeRabbi Eliezer</a><a href="PirkeiDeRabbiEliezerHigger49" data-aht="source">(Higger) 49</a><a href="Pirkei DeRabbi Eliezer" data-aht="parshan">About Pirkei DeRabbi Eliezer</a></multilink>, <multilink><a href="RSaadiaGaonIntroductiontoEsther" data-aht="source">R. Saadia Gaon</a><a href="RSaadiaGaonIntroductiontoEsther" data-aht="source">Introduction to Esther</a><a href="RSaadiaGaonEsther3-1-4" data-aht="source">Esther 3:1-4</a><a href="R. Saadia Gaon" data-aht="parshan">About R. Saadia Gaon</a></multilink>, <multilink><a href="RashiEsther3-2" data-aht="source">Rashi</a><a href="RashiEsther3-2" data-aht="source">Esther 3:2</a><a href="R. Shelomo Yitzchaki (Rashi)" data-aht="parshan">About R. Shelomo Yitzchaki</a></multilink>, <multilink><a href="LekachTovEsther3-2" data-aht="source">Lekach Tov</a><a href="LekachTovEsther3-2" data-aht="source">Esther 3:2</a><a href="R. Toviah b. Eliezer (Lekach Tov)" data-aht="parshan">About R. Toviah b. Eliezer</a></multilink>, <multilink><a href="IbnEzraEstherVersionA3-2-4" data-aht="source">Ibn Ezra</a><a href="IbnEzraEstherVersionA3-2-4" data-aht="source">Esther Version A 3:2-4</a><a href="R. Avraham ibn Ezra" data-aht="parshan">About R. Avraham ibn Ezra</a></multilink></mekorot>
<mekorot><multilink><a href="BavliMegillah19a" data-aht="source">Bavli</a><a href="BavliMegillah10b" data-aht="source">Megillah 10b</a><a href="BavliMegillah12b-13a" data-aht="source">Megillah 12b-13a</a><a href="BavliMegillah19a" data-aht="source">Megillah 19a</a><a href="BavliSanhedrin61a" data-aht="source">Sanhedrin 61a</a><a href="Talmud Bavli" data-aht="parshan">About the Bavli</a></multilink>, <multilink><a href="EstherRabbah6-2" data-aht="source">Esther Rabbah</a><a href="EstherRabbah7-5" data-aht="source">7:5</a><a href="EstherRabbah6-2" data-aht="source">6:2</a><a href="EstherRabbah7-8" data-aht="source">7:8</a><a href="EstherRabbah8-7" data-aht="source">8:7</a><a href="Esther Rabbah" data-aht="parshan">About Esther Rabbah</a></multilink>, <multilink><a href="PirkeiDeRabbiEliezerHigger49" data-aht="source">Pirkei DeRabbi Eliezer</a><a href="PirkeiDeRabbiEliezerHigger49" data-aht="source">(Higger) 49</a><a href="Pirkei DeRabbi Eliezer" data-aht="parshan">About Pirkei DeRabbi Eliezer</a></multilink>, <multilink><a href="RSaadiaGaonIntroductiontoEsther" data-aht="source">R. Saadia Gaon</a><a href="RSaadiaGaonIntroductiontoEsther" data-aht="source">Introduction to Esther</a><a href="RSaadiaGaonEsther3-1-4" data-aht="source">Esther 3:1-4</a><a href="R. Saadia Gaon" data-aht="parshan">About R. Saadia Gaon</a></multilink>, <multilink><a href="RashiEsther3-2" data-aht="source">Rashi</a><a href="RashiEsther3-2" data-aht="source">Esther 3:2</a><a href="R. Shelomo Yitzchaki (Rashi)" data-aht="parshan">About R. Shelomo Yitzchaki</a></multilink>, <multilink><a href="LekachTovEsther3-2" data-aht="source">Lekach Tov</a><a href="LekachTovEsther3-2" data-aht="source">Esther 3:2</a><a href="R. Toviah b. Eliezer (Lekach Tov)" data-aht="parshan">About R. Toviah b. Eliezer</a></multilink>, <multilink><a href="IbnEzraEstherVersionA3-2-4" data-aht="source">Ibn Ezra</a><a href="IbnEzraEstherVersionA3-2-4" data-aht="source">Esther Version A 3:2-4</a><a href="R. Avraham ibn Ezra" data-aht="parshan">About R. Avraham ibn Ezra</a></multilink></mekorot>
<point><b>Idol versus human god</b> – The commentators who suggest that Haman viewed himself as Divine likely prefer this option since the verses speak explicitly of bowing to him and nowhere mention an idol.&#160; The others might question whether bowing to human-gods is equivalent to pure idolatry and equally prohibited and thus prefer to posit an actual hand made idol.<fn>R. Saadia responds that if one is expected to bow not only as a show of respect but as an act of worship, this is indeed just as problematic as bowing down to an idol.&#160; He also relates to the question of whether people in fact had the custom of worshiping humans and points to historical examples where such was the case.</fn>&#160;</point>
<point><b>Human deity or figurine?</b><ul>
<point><b>Was Mordechai justified?</b> Mordechai's actions were justified since he had a religious obligation to act as he did. The law requires one to die<fn>See R. Saadia Gaon who emphasizes that when the law of the land conflicts with the laws of Torah, one is not permitted to transgress the Torah to abide by the law of the land. In this statement, he appears to be reacting to the events of his own time period, directly addressing the laypeople of his own day: "למען לא יהיו סבורים אנשי ההמון שבאומה, כי בעת שנמסרו ביד המלכים רשאים הם להישמע לכל מה שיצוו אותם בנטישת הדת".</fn> rather than transgress the prohibition of idolatry (&#8206;&#8207;ייהרג ואל יעבור&#8206;).<fn>See R. Saadia who says this explicitly, and, as above, asserts that bowing to one who views himself as Divine as an act of worship (rather than a show of honor) is just as problematic as bowing to an idol.<br/> Ibn Ezra suggests that, nonetheless, perhaps Mordechai could have averted the problem and ensuing danger by simply leaving the area of the king's gate and thus not being around when Haman passed by. He answers that Mordechai did not have permission to do so from the king and, as such, leaving his position might have meant his death. The Radvaz instead suggests that Mordechai never dreamed that Haman would avenge his action by trying to destroy the whole nation.</fn>&#160; R. Astruc asserts that even according to Persian law, Mordechai had no obligation to bow to Haman, since the kingdom had laws of religious tolerance and a Jew could not be forced to act against his faith.</point>
<li><b>Human deity</b>&#160;Those who suggest that Haman viewed himself as a deity<fn>See Bavli, R. Saadia Gaon, Rashi, and Lekach Tov.</fn> likely prefer this option since the verses speak explicitly of bowing to him, while nowhere mentioning an idol.&#160; Additionally, it is unclear that bowing to a person who is wearing an idol would constitute idolatry.<fn>See discussion of commentators on Bavli Sanhedrin 61b.</fn></li>
<li><b>Figurine on his clothing</b>&#160;– Those who present Haman as wearing a figurine,<fn>See First Targum of Megillat Esther, Esther Rabbah, Pirkei DeRabbi Eliezer and Ibn Ezra.</fn> might question whether the worship of humans was prevalent in Persia.<fn>See R. Saadia who points to historical examples of deifying humans.</fn></li>
<point><b>Was Mordechai justified?</b> According to these exegetes, Mordechai's actions were justified since he had a religious obligation to act as he did. The law requires one to die<fn>See R. Saadia who emphasizes that when the law of the land conflicts with the laws of Torah, one is not permitted to transgress the Torah to abide by the law of the land. In this statement, he appears to be reacting to the events of his own time period, directly addressing the laypeople of his own day: "למען לא יהיו סבורים אנשי ההמון שבאומה, כי בעת שנמסרו ביד המלכים רשאים הם להישמע לכל מה שיצוו אותם בנטישת הדת".</fn> rather than transgress the prohibition of idolatry (&#8206;&#8207;ייהרג ואל יעבור&#8206;).<fn>See R. Saadia who says this explicitly, and, as above, asserts that bowing as an act of worship (rather than merely a show of honor) to one who views himself as a god, is just as problematic as bowing to an idol.<br/> Ibn Ezra suggests that, nonetheless, perhaps Mordechai could have averted the problem and ensuing danger by simply leaving the area of the king's gate and thus not being around when Haman passed by.&#160; He answers that Mordechai did not have permission to do so from the king and, as such, leaving his position might have meant his death. The&#160;<multilink><a href="ResponsaofRadbaz1-284" data-aht="source">Radbaz</a><a href="ResponsaofRadbaz1-284" data-aht="source">Responsa of Radbaz 1:284</a></multilink> alternatively suggests that Mordechai never dreamed that Haman would avenge his action by trying to destroy the whole nation.</fn>&#160; R. Astruc asserts that even according to Persian law, Mordechai had no obligation to bow to Haman, since the kingdom had laws of religious tolerance and a Jew could not be forced to act against his faith.</point>
<point><b>"כִּי הִגִּיד לָהֶם אֲשֶׁר הוּא יְהוּדִי"</b> – R. Saadia finds support for this position in this verse, understanding that Mordechai had given a religious reason ("הוּא יְהוּדִי") for his actions.</point>
<point><b>"כִּי הִגִּיד לָהֶם אֲשֶׁר הוּא יְהוּדִי"</b> – R. Saadia finds support for this position in this verse, understanding that Mordechai had given a religious reason ("הוּא יְהוּדִי") for his actions.</point>
<point><b>"כֹּרְעִים וּמִשְׁתַּחֲוִים"</b> – R. Saadia suggests that although השתחוויה appears in Tanakh in relation to honoring people, the combination of כריעה and השתחוויה appears only in the context of religious worship, supporting the idea that the bowing here is idolatrous in nature.<fn>It should be noted, though, that the combination of terms only appears in four other places outside of Esther (See Tehillim 22:30 and 105:6 and Chronicles II 7:3 and 29:29) which might not provide a large enough pool of sources to determine the accuracy of the contention.&#160; One might have suggested that the three cases in Esther in which the terms relate to Haman offer just as conclusive evidence in the opposite direction.<br/>On the other hand, in support of R. Saadia, the root כרע, when used with the connotation of bowing rather than surrender in war or falling after attack, appears in ten places (besides Esther) and with but one exception, all of these refer to bowing to God or an idol rather than a person.&#160; The exception relates to Eliyahu, and might be explained in light of his role as prophet of God.&#160; See, though, the Hoil Moshe above who suggests that the root כרע simply means submission and thus if one expands the pool of occurrences to include this connotation, it is often found in connection to humans and not just to religious worship.</fn></point>
<point><b>"כֹּרְעִים וּמִשְׁתַּחֲוִים"</b> – R. Saadia suggests that although השתחוויה appears in Tanakh in relation to honoring people, the combination of כריעה and השתחוויה appears only in the context of religious worship, supporting the idea that the bowing here is idolatrous in nature.<fn>It should be noted, though, that the combination of terms only appears in four other places outside of Esther (See Tehillim 22:30 and 105:6 and Chronicles II 7:3 and 29:29) which might not provide a large enough pool of sources to determine the accuracy of the contention.<br/>On the other hand, in support of R. Saadia, the root כרע, when used with the connotation of bowing rather than surrender in war or falling after attack, appears in ten places (besides Esther) and with but one exception, all of these refer to bowing to God or an idol rather than a person.&#160; The exception (Melakhim II 1:13) relates to Eliyahu, and might be explained in light of his role as prophet of God.&#160; See, though, the Hoil Moshe above who suggests that the root כרע simply means submission and thus if one expands the pool of occurrences to include this connotation, it is often found in connection to humans and not just to religious worship.</fn></point>
<point><b>Did Mordechai know what the consequences would be?</b> &#160;According to this position even if Mordechai knew in advance that Haman would try to annihilate the nation in retaliation, he would have still been obligated to refuse to bow.</point>
<point><b>Did Mordechai know what the consequences would be?</b> According to this position, even if Mordechai knew in advance that Haman would try to annihilate the nation in retaliation, he would have still been obligated to refuse to bow.</point>
<point><b>Who was supposed to bow down to Haman and why?</b> Esther Rabbah maintains that Haman wanted everyone to bow down to him so that they would thereby be worshiping idolatry.&#160; According to those who maintain that Haman made himself into a god, it is possible that the entire command was a means of gaining authority.</point>
<point><b>Who was supposed to bow down to Haman and why?</b> Esther Rabbah maintains that Haman was using his political power for religious ends, and wore an idol on his chest because he wanted everyone to worship idolatry.&#160; In contrast, those who maintain that Haman made himself into a god would likely contend that Haman was using religion as a means to amass greater political power.</point>
<point><b>"וְאֶת דָּתֵי הַמֶּלֶךְ אֵינָם עֹשִׂים"</b> – This position might suggest that all the Jews followed Mordechai's lead in not bowing, and this is what Haman referred to when he said that the nation did not follow the laws of the king.<fn>This is the interpretation given by the Karaite exegete <a href="YaakovbenReuvenEsther3-8" data-aht="source">Yaakov ben Reuven</a>.</fn></point>
<point><b>"וְאֶת דָּתֵי הַמֶּלֶךְ אֵינָם עֹשִׂים"</b> – This position might suggest that all of the Jews followed Mordechai's lead in not bowing, and it is to this which Haman refers when he asserted that the Jewish nation did not follow the laws of the king.<fn>This is the interpretation given by the Karaite exegete <a href="YaakovbenReuvenEsther3-8" data-aht="source">Yaakov ben Reuven</a>.</fn></point>
<point><b>Haman's edict</b> – This approach might suggest that Haman took out his anger on the entire nation and not just on Mordechai because they all refused to bow.<fn>See Y. Eldad, <a href="http://www.daat.ac.il/daat/kitveyet/mahanaim/pesher.htm">"פשר מדיני למגילת אסתר"</a>, who contends that if the whole story revolved around contrasting religious ideologies, one would have expected Haman's edict to be similarly religious in nature, calling for the spiritual, rather than physical, destruction of the Jews.&#160; One might respond that Haman's initial desire was in fact to religiously coerce, but when that failed, he decided to eradicate all nonbelievers.</fn></point>
<point><b>Haman's edict against the entire nation</b> – If the Jews followed Mordechai's lead in refusing to bow, it would make sense that Haman took out his anger, on the whole Jewish people and not just on Mordechai.<fn>See Y. Eldad, <a href="http://www.daat.ac.il/daat/kitveyet/mahanaim/pesher.htm">"פשר מדיני למגילת אסתר"</a>, who contends that if the whole story revolved around contrasting religious ideologies, one would have expected Haman's edict to be similarly religious in nature, calling for the spiritual, rather than physical, destruction of the Jews.&#160; One might respond that Haman's initial desire was in fact to religiously coerce, but when that failed, he decided to eradicate all nonbelievers.</fn></point>
<point><b>Mordechai's religious identity</b> – According to this approach, Mordechai was an observant Jew whose actions were motivated by his loyalty to his faith.&#160; His actions are to be lauded and emulated.<fn>See above that R. Saadia sets him as a model to emulate for those in his time who might be swayed to go against Torah law in favor of the law of the land.</fn></point>
<point><b>Mordechai's religious identity</b> – According to this approach, Mordechai was an observant Jew whose actions were motivated by his loyalty to his faith.&#160; His actions are to be lauded and emulated.<fn>See above that R. Saadia sets him as a model to emulate for those in his time who might be swayed to go against Torah law in favor of the law of the land.</fn></point>
<point><b>Biblical parallels</b> – R. Saadia compares Mordechai to Chananyah, Mishael, and Azaryah who similarly risked their lives in their refusal to bow to idolatry.</point>
<point><b>Biblical parallels</b> – R. Saadia compares Mordechai to Chananyah, Mishael, and Azaryah who similarly risked their lives in their refusal to bow to idolatry.</point>
<opinion name="">Bowing to Humans
<opinion>Bowing to Humans
<p>Mordechai thought that it was prohibited to bow down to anyone other than Hashem.</p>
<p>Mordechai thought that it was prohibited to bow down to anyone other than Hashem.</p>
<mekorot><multilink><a href="RYosefKaraEstherVersionA3-2" data-aht="source">R. Yosef Kara</a><a href="RYosefKaraEstherVersionA3-2" data-aht="source">Esther Version A 3:2</a><a href="RYosefKaraEstherVersionB3-2-4" data-aht="source">Esther Version B 3:2-4</a><a href="RYosefKarainPeirushChakhmeiTzarefatEsther10-3" data-aht="source">in N. French Commentary Esther 10:3</a><a href="R. Yosef Kara" data-aht="parshan">About R. Yosef Kara</a></multilink>, <multilink><a href="RYSReggioEsther3-2" data-aht="source">R. Y"S Reggio</a><a href="RYSReggioEsther3-2" data-aht="source">Esther pp. 9-10</a><a href="R. Yitzchak Shemuel Reggio (Yashar)" data-aht="parshan">About R. Yitzchak Shemuel Reggio</a></multilink></mekorot>
<mekorot><multilink><a href="RYosefKaraEstherVersionB3-2-4" data-aht="source">R. Yosef Kara</a><a href="RYosefKaraEstherVersionB3-2-4" data-aht="source">Esther First Commentary 3:2-4</a><a href="RYosefKarainPeirushChakhmeiTzarefatEsther10-3" data-aht="source">Esther First Commentary 10:3</a><a href="RYosefKaraEstherVersionA3-2" data-aht="source">Esther Second Commentary 3:2-4</a><a href="R. Yosef Kara" data-aht="parshan">About R. Yosef Kara</a></multilink>, <multilink><a href="RYSReggioEsther3-2" data-aht="source">R. Y"S Reggio</a><a href="RYSReggioEsther3-2" data-aht="source">Esther pp. 9-10</a><a href="R. Yitzchak Shemuel Reggio (Yashar)" data-aht="parshan">About R. Yitzchak Shemuel Reggio</a></multilink></mekorot>
<point><b>כֹּרְעִים וּמִשְׁתַּחֲוִים&#160;לְהָמָן</b> – R. Reggio proves from the fact that the verse mentions bowing to Haman that the issue could not have been bowing to an idol, but must have related to bowing to a human specifically.</point>
<point><b>"כֹּרְעִים וּמִשְׁתַּחֲוִים לְהָמָן"</b> – From the fact that the verse mentions bowing to Haman, R. Reggio claims that the issue could not have been bowing to an idol,<fn>R. Reggio further points out that the idea of an idol is totally missing from the text: "אם היה מפני היות צלם בבגדו, הנה העקר חסר מן הספר".&#160; He similarly attacks the first position above that the refusal related to Haman's slave status, by noting that this too has no textual basis.</fn> but must have related to bowing to a human specifically.</point>
<point><b>Was Mordechai justified?</b><ul>
<point><b>Was Mordechai justified?</b><ul>
<li><b>Unjustified </b>– R. Reggio<fn>R. Yosef Kara does not address the issue explicitly but in his comments at the end of the Megillah, he says that some of the Jews in Shushan questioned Mordechai's actions and faulted him for their near annihilation. This is why the verse states that Mordechai was liked by only "most" of his brethren.</fn> claims that Mordechai made a mistake (טעה בהתחסדות), thinking he was being pious in not bowing to a person, when in reality this is permitted.<fn>Like R. Saadia before him, he brings a whole list of Biblical characters who bowed down to others as evidence that it must be permitted.</fn> Moreover, since the halakhah is that one must abide by the laws of the land (דינא דמלכותא דינא), Mordechai was actually obligated to listen to the king's command and bow!</li>
<li><b>Unjustified </b>– R. Reggio<fn>R. Yosef Kara does not address the issue explicitly but in his comments at the end of the Megillah, he says that some of the Jews in Shushan questioned Mordechai's actions and faulted him for their near annihilation. This is why the verse states that Mordechai was liked by only "most" of his brethren.</fn> claims that Mordechai made a mistake (טעה בהתחסדות), thinking he was being pious in not bowing to a person, when in reality this is permitted.<fn>Like R. Saadia before him, he brings a whole list of Biblical characters who bowed down to others as evidence that it must be permitted.</fn> Moreover, since the halakhah is that one must abide by the laws of the land (דינא דמלכותא דינא), Mordechai was actually obligated to listen to the king's command and bow!&#160; See also&#160;<multilink><a href="RYosefKarainPeirushChakhmeiTzarefatEsther10-3" data-aht="source">R. Yosef Kara</a><a href="RYosefKarainPeirushChakhmeiTzarefatEsther10-3" data-aht="source">in N. French Commentary Esther 10:3</a><a href="R. Yosef Kara" data-aht="parshan">About R. Yosef Kara</a></multilink> who suggests that Mordechai's detractors blamed him for placing the entire nation in danger.<fn>R. Yosef Kara learns this from the closing of the Megillah which states that Mordechai was "רָצוּי לְרֹב אֶחָיו".&#160; He understands רב&#160; to mean "most," suggesting that some people were actually displeased with the leader.&#160; For elaboration and other readings of the verse, see <a href="Mordechai's Legacy – ורצוי לרב אחיו" data-aht="page">Mordechai's Legacy – ורצוי לרב אחיו</a>.</fn> R"Y Kara, however, does not go as far as R. Reggio, and does not say that the detractors were correct.</li>
<li><b>Justified&#160;–</b> One might justify Mordechai's actions by claiming that he had a religious obligation to act as he did:</li>
<li><b>Justified</b>&#160;– One might attempt to justify Mordechai's actions by claiming that he had a religious obligation to act as he did:</li>
<li><b>Kneeling before a person</b> – Although there seems to be no prohibition against bowing (השתחוויה) to people,<fn>R. Saadia brings proof from the fact that Avraham bowed down to the people of the land (Bereshit 23:7), Yaakov to Esav (Bereshit 33:3), Yosef's brothers to him (Bereshit 42:6), Natan to David (Kings I 1:23) and many other similar cases.</fn> it is possible that kneeling (כריעה) is not allowed even if the intent is just to honor.</li>
<li><b>Kneeling before a person</b> – Although there seems to be no prohibition against bowing (השתחוויה) to people,<fn>R. Saadia brings proof from the fact that Avraham bowed down to the people of the land (Bereshit 23:7), Yaakov to Esav (Bereshit 33:3), Yosef's brothers to him (Bereshit 42:6), Natan to David (Kings I 1:23) and many other similar cases.</fn> it is possible that kneeling (כריעה) is not allowed even if the intent is just to honor.</li>
<li><b>Era of destruction</b> – One might also suggest that the era was a "period of decrees against Judaism" (שעת השמד) during which one is prohibited from performing even the slightest action upon the command of someone who is intent on the nation's spiritual destruction.<fn>See the discussion in Bavli Sanhedrin 74a-b, which speaks of being killed before violating even a minor command, such as changing one's style of shoelaces. It is not clear, however, whether Mordechai's refusal actually took place in a setting of "decrees against Judaism" since there is no evidence of religious coercion in the Megillah; even the physical threat was only after Mordechai's actions.</fn></li>
<li><b>Era of destruction</b> – One might also suggest that the era was a "period of decrees against Judaism" (שעת השמד) during which one is prohibited from performing even the slightest action upon the command of someone who is intent on the nation's spiritual destruction.<fn>See the discussion in Bavli Sanhedrin 74a-b, which speaks of being killed before violating even a minor command, such as changing one's style of shoelaces. It is not clear, however, whether Mordechai's refusal actually took place in a setting of "decrees against Judaism" since there is no evidence of religious coercion in the Megillah; even the physical threat was only after Mordechai's actions.</fn></li>
<li><b>Unjustified</b> – R. Reggio<fn>R. Yosef Kara does not address the issue explicitly but in his comments at the end of the Megillah, he says that some of the Jews in Shushan questioned Mordechai's actions and faulted him for their near annihilation. This is why the verse states that Mordechai was liked by only "most" of his brethren.</fn> claims that Mordechai made a mistake (טעה בהתחסדות), thinking he was being pious in not bowing to a person, when in reality this is permitted.<fn>Like R. Saadia before him, he brings a whole list of Biblical characters who bowed down to others as evidence that it must be permitted.</fn> Moreover, since the halakhah is that one must abide by the laws of the land (דינא דמלכותא דינא), Mordechai was actually obligated to listen to the king's command and bow!</li>
<point><b>"כִּי הִגִּיד לָהֶם אֲשֶׁר הוּא יְהוּדִי"</b> – R. Yosef Kara suggests that these words constitute Mordechai's reasoning for not bowing; he pointed specifically to his Judaism, proving that his motives were religious in nature.</point>
<point><b>"כִּי הִגִּיד לָהֶם אֲשֶׁר הוּא יְהוּדִי"</b> – R. Yosef Kara and R. Reggio claim that these words constitute Mordechai's reasoning for not bowing. Since Mordechai pointed specifically to his Judaism, this proves that his motives were religious in nature.</point>
<point><b>"כֹּרְעִים וּמִשְׁתַּחֲוִים"</b></point>
<point><b>"כֹּרְעִים וּמִשְׁתַּחֲוִים"</b> – As mentioned above, these terms often refer to a show of subservience to another human even when not in the context of religious worship.<fn>See the discussion above regarding both the individual usage of the root "כרע" and the combination of כריעה and השתחוויה.</fn></point>
<point><b>Who was supposed to bow down to Haman and why?</b> R. Yosef Kara asserts that everyone was included in the command. The verse specifies the officers in order to point out that even they were included, all the more so the laypeople.</point>
<point><b>Did Mordechai know what the consequences would be?</b> According to R. Reggio, Mordechai never considered what his actions might lead to and was horrified at the outcome. He asserts that Mordechai regretted his decision and felt guilty that he had caused the edict of destruction.<fn>He paints a picture of a man so overcome by guilt that all he can do is cry out in grief. He suggests that Mordechai was not even capable of thinking clearly; it never occurred to him to pray for salvation nor even to speak with Esther. It is <b>she</b> who sees him dressed in sack cloth and inquires to the reason; Mordechai on his own had not even planned to ask for her help.</fn></point>
<point><b>Did Mordechai know what the consequences would be?</b> According to R. Reggio, Mordechai never considered what his actions might cause and was horrified at the outcome. He asserts that Mordechai regretted his decision and felt guilty that he had caused the edict of destruction.<fn>He paints a picture of a man so overcome by guilt that all he can do is cry out in grief. He suggests that Mordechai was not even capable of thinking clearly; it never occurred to him to pray for salvation nor even to speak with Esther. It is <b>she</b> who sees him dressed in sack cloth and inquires to the reason; Mordechai on his own had not even planned to ask for her help.</fn></point>
<point><b>Who was supposed to bow down to Haman and why?</b> R. Yosef Kara asserts that everyone was included in the command. The verse specifies only the officers in order to point out that <i>even</i> they were included, all the more so the laypeople.</point>
<point><b>"וְאֶת דָּתֵי הַמֶּלֶךְ אֵינָם עֹשִׂים"</b></point>
<point><b>Haman's edict against the entire nation</b> – R. Reggio claims that Haman's edict against the nation as a whole emanated, not from Mordechai's specific action, but from his own antisemitism (which stemmed from his Amalekite roots).&#160; He points out that it is only&#160;"because they told him Mordechai's nationality" ("כִּי הִגִּידוּ לוֹ אֶת עַם מׇרְדֳּכָי") that Haman thought to take Mordechai's action as an excuse to annihilate the Jewish nation.<fn>Had Mordechai been from any other nation, Haman would have sufficed with punishing Mordechai alone.</fn></point>
<point><b>Haman's edict</b></point>
<point><b>Mordechai's religious identity</b> – R. Reggio paints a Mordechai with very little knowledge (basically an עם הארץ), unaware of the intricacies of Torah laws, whose "extra" piety put the entire nation in danger.</point>
<point><b>Portrait of Mordechai</b> – Most of these sources laud Mordechai as a devout Jew, prepared to suffer martyrdom for the observance of Hashem's commandments. R. Reggio, in contrast, paints a Mordechai with very little knowledge (basically an עם הארץ), unaware of the intricacies of Torah laws, whose "extra" piety put the entire nation in danger.</point>
<category name="">Political Opposition
<category>Political Opposition
<p>Mordechai refused to submit to the authority of a person whom he considered to be a political or national threat.&#160; This approach subdivides regarding whether Mordechai was looking after the interests of Persia or the Jewish people.</p>
<p>Mordechai refused to submit to the authority of a person whom he considered to be a political or national threat.&#160; This approach subdivides regarding whether Mordechai was looking after the interests of Persia or the Jewish people.</p>
<opinion name="">Aegean Threat
<opinion>Aegean Threat
<p>Haman and Mordechai were the leaders of two opposing Persian political parties, with Haman in favor of allying with the Greeks, and&#160;Mordechai drumming up opposition.&#160; Mordechai thus refused to submit to Haman's authority, as he viewed him as a threat to the stability of the Persian empire.<fn>See similarly Y. Hazony, <i>The Dawn</i>, (Jerusalem, 1995): 48-59, and R. Medan (in a lecture summarized by a student) who both view the refusal to bow in political terms but disconnect it from the Persian-Greek wars.&#160; Hazony suggests that Mordechai viewed Haman's rise to power as a threat to the Persian kingdom, because now power was consolidated in the hands of one man. [Previously, as seen in Chapters 1-2, there had been seven separate advisers.]&#160; Haman was perhaps especially problematic because he was power hungry.&#160; Bowing to him would be showing support for an extremely dangerous politician.<br/>R. Medan has a similar thesis, suggesting that Mordechai was a representative of the judicial branch of power, sitting in the high court of Persia (reading "יוֹשֵׁב בְּשַׁעַר הַמֶּלֶךְ" as a judge), while Haman was in the legislature. Mordechai thought it was dangerous for the court to be subordinate to the legislature, as there would then be no checks and balances.</fn></p>
<p>Haman and Mordechai were the leaders of two opposing Persian political parties, with Haman in favor of allying with the Greeks, and&#160;Mordechai drumming up opposition.&#160; Mordechai thus refused to submit to Haman's authority, as he viewed him as a threat to the stability of the Persian empire.<fn>See similarly Y. Hazony, <i>The Dawn</i>, (Jerusalem, 1995): 48-59, and R. Medan (in a lecture summarized by a student) who both view the refusal to bow in political terms but disconnect it from the Persian-Greek wars.&#160; Hazony suggests that Mordechai viewed Haman's rise to power as a threat to the Persian kingdom, because now power was consolidated in the hands of one man. [Previously, as seen in Chapters 1-2, there had been seven separate advisers.]&#160; Haman was perhaps especially problematic because he was power hungry.&#160; Bowing to him would be showing support for an extremely dangerous politician.<br/>R. Medan has a similar thesis, suggesting that Mordechai was a representative of the judicial branch of power, sitting in the high court of Persia (reading "יוֹשֵׁב בְּשַׁעַר הַמֶּלֶךְ" as a judge), while Haman was in the legislature. Mordechai thought it was dangerous for the court to be subordinate to the legislature, as there would then be no checks and balances.</fn></p>
<mekorot><multilink><a href="SeptuagintEsthersectionEvss7-14" data-aht="source">Septuagint</a><a href="SeptuagintEsthersectionEvss7-14" data-aht="source">Esther section E, vss. 7-14</a><a href="Septuagint" data-aht="parshan">About the Septuagint</a></multilink>,<fn>The Septuagint provides the backdrop for this approach but does not directly address the issue of the reasoning behind Mordechai's refusal.</fn> Dr. Yisrael Eldad<fn>See his article,&#160;<a href="http://www.daat.ac.il/daat/kitveyet/mahanaim/pesher.htm">"פשר מדיני למגילת אסתר"</a> in Machanayim 67.</fn></mekorot>
<mekorot><multilink><a href="SeptuagintEsthersectionEvss7-14" data-aht="source">Septuagint</a><a href="SeptuagintEsthersectionEvss7-14" data-aht="source">Esther section E, vss. 7-14</a><a href="Septuagint" data-aht="parshan">About the Septuagint</a></multilink>,<fn>The Septuagint provides the backdrop for this approach but does not directly address the issue of the reasoning behind Mordechai's refusal.</fn> Dr. Yisrael Eldad<fn>See his article,&#160;<a href="http://www.daat.ac.il/daat/kitveyet/mahanaim/pesher.htm">"פשר מדיני למגילת אסתר"</a> in Machanayim 67.</fn></mekorot>
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<point><b>"כֹּרְעִים וּמִשְׁתַּחֲוִים"</b> – As mentioned earlier, there are many places where these terms refer to showing subservience to another human, and not in the context of religious worship.<fn>See the discussion above regarding both the individual usage of the root "כרע" and the combination of כריעה and השתחוויה.</fn></point>
<point><b>"כֹּרְעִים וּמִשְׁתַּחֲוִים"</b> – As mentioned earlier, there are many places where these terms refer to showing subservience to another human, and not in the context of religious worship.<fn>See the discussion above regarding both the individual usage of the root "כרע" and the combination of כריעה and השתחוויה.</fn></point>
<point><b>Mordechai's religious identity</b> – According to the Septuagint, Mordechai was a religiously observant Jew.<fn>The Septuagint adds several sections to the original which serve to portray both Esther and Mordechai as more obviously observant.&#160; Thus, for instance, it has Mordechai instruct Esther to fear God and not change her ways when in the palace and includes a prayer that he makes after Haman's edict goes out.</fn>&#160; Eldad suggests that the Megillah is ambiguous on this point,<fn>Eldad's depiction of Mordechai may have been influenced by his own religious orientation and political struggles against the establishment.</fn> but that it is immaterial to the discussion since it was Mordechai's views on foreign affairs, not his religious orientation, that motivated his actions.<fn>He points out that even if Mordechai had assimilated in his rise to power, it would not be long before he would realize that assimilation does not exempt one from antisemitism, and all too often it itself is the cause. See R. Medan, as noted above, who explicitly suggests that Mordechai assimilated, but in the face of Haman's edict, was quick to learn that this did not exclude him from danger.&#160; This forced him to acknowledge his Judaism and take pride in it.</fn></point>
<point><b>Mordechai's religious identity</b> – According to the Septuagint, Mordechai was a religiously observant Jew.<fn>The Septuagint adds several sections to the original which serve to portray both Esther and Mordechai as more obviously observant.&#160; Thus, for instance, it has Mordechai instruct Esther to fear God and not change her ways when in the palace and includes a prayer that he makes after Haman's edict goes out.</fn>&#160; Eldad suggests that the Megillah is ambiguous on this point,<fn>Eldad's depiction of Mordechai may have been influenced by his own religious orientation and political struggles against the establishment.</fn> but that it is immaterial to the discussion since it was Mordechai's views on foreign affairs, not his religious orientation, that motivated his actions.<fn>He points out that even if Mordechai had assimilated in his rise to power, it would not be long before he would realize that assimilation does not exempt one from antisemitism, and all too often it itself is the cause. See R. Medan, as noted above, who explicitly suggests that Mordechai assimilated, but in the face of Haman's edict, was quick to learn that this did not exclude him from danger.&#160; This forced him to acknowledge his Judaism and take pride in it.</fn></point>
<point><b>Haman's edict</b> – Y. Eldad asserts that Haman's decree was motivated by both his personal antisemitism and his political leanings. He viewed the entire nation as a threat to his plans for Greek domination and, as such, did not suffice with killing Mordechai but tried to destroy the entire population.<fn>As evidence that Haman's motives were racist rather than religious in nature, he points out that Persia was not known for imposing its beliefs in Zoroastrianism on its foreign citizens.&#160; In addition, in Haman's arguments to the king he refers to the nation's distinctiveness and desire to form a state within a state, rather than focusing on religious subversion. One might argue, though, that Haman's words "וְאֶת דָּתֵי הַמֶּלֶךְ אֵינָם עֹשִׂים" do, in fact, refer to religious edicts that the nation was not following.</fn></point>
<point><b>Haman's edict against the entire nation</b> – Y. Eldad asserts that Haman's decree was motivated by both his personal antisemitism and his political leanings. He viewed the entire nation as a threat to his plans for Greek domination and, as such, did not suffice with killing Mordechai but tried to destroy the entire population.<fn>As evidence that Haman's motives were racist rather than religious in nature, he points out that Persia was not known for imposing its beliefs in Zoroastrianism on its foreign citizens.&#160; In addition, in Haman's arguments to the king he refers to the nation's distinctiveness and desire to form a state within a state, rather than focusing on religious subversion. One might argue, though, that Haman's words "וְאֶת דָּתֵי הַמֶּלֶךְ אֵינָם עֹשִׂים" do, in fact, refer to religious edicts that the nation was not following.</fn></point>
<point><b>The miracle of Purim</b> – Y. Eldad suggests that the true miracle of Purim was that Mordechai managed to convince the king that Haman was a threat, not just to the Jewish nation, but to Persia as a whole.</point>
<point><b>The miracle of Purim</b> – Y. Eldad suggests that the true miracle of Purim was that Mordechai managed to convince the king that Haman was a threat, not just to the Jewish nation, but to Persia as a whole.</point>
<point><b>"וְאֶת דָּתֵי הַמֶּלֶךְ אֵינָם עֹשִׂים"</b> – According to Y. Eldad, Haman was suggesting that the Jews followed their own laws, trying to set up a state within a state.&#160; This phrase had nothing to do with the refusal to bow or to other crimes that might have been religious in nature.</point>
<point><b>"וְאֶת דָּתֵי הַמֶּלֶךְ אֵינָם עֹשִׂים"</b> – According to Y. Eldad, Haman was suggesting that the Jews followed their own laws, trying to set up a state within a state.&#160; This phrase had nothing to do with the refusal to bow or to other crimes that might have been religious in nature.</point>
<opinion name="">Jewish Pride
<opinion>Jewish Pride
<p>Mordechai's decision emanated from feelings of national pride and was unrelated to any religious prohibition or personal competition.</p>
<p>Mordechai's decision emanated from feelings of national pride and was unrelated to any religious prohibition or personal competition.</p>
<mekorot><multilink><a href="SecondTargumofMegillatEsther3-3" data-aht="source">Second Targum of Megillat Esther</a><a href="SecondTargumofMegillatEsther3-3" data-aht="source">3:3</a><a href="Second Targum of Megillat Esther" data-aht="parshan">About Second Targum of Megillat Esther</a></multilink>, <multilink><a href="EstherRabbah7-8" data-aht="source">Esther Rabbah</a><a href="EstherRabbah7-8" data-aht="source">7:8</a><a href="Esther Rabbah" data-aht="parshan">About Esther Rabbah</a></multilink>,<fn>Esther Rabbah holds that there was also a religious prohibition of Idolatry.</fn> <multilink><a href="MidrashPanimAcherotVersionBParashah3" data-aht="source">Midrash Panim Acherot</a><a href="MidrashPanimAcherotVersionBParashah3" data-aht="source">Version B Parashah 3</a><a href="Midrash Panim Acherot" data-aht="parshan">About Midrash Panim Acherot</a></multilink>, <multilink><a href="REliezerAshkenaziYosefLekachEsther3-2" data-aht="source">Yosef Lekach</a><a href="REliezerAshkenaziYosefLekachEsther3-2" data-aht="source">Esther 3:2</a><a href="R. Eliezer Ashkenazi (Ma'asei Hashem)" data-aht="parshan">About R. Eliezer Ashkenazi</a></multilink></mekorot>
<mekorot><multilink><a href="SecondTargumofMegillatEsther3-3" data-aht="source">Second Targum of Megillat Esther</a><a href="SecondTargumofMegillatEsther3-3" data-aht="source">3:3</a><a href="Second Targum of Megillat Esther" data-aht="parshan">About Second Targum of Megillat Esther</a></multilink>, <multilink><a href="EstherRabbah7-8" data-aht="source">Esther Rabbah</a><a href="EstherRabbah7-8" data-aht="source">7:8</a><a href="Esther Rabbah" data-aht="parshan">About Esther Rabbah</a></multilink>,<fn>Esther Rabbah holds that there was also a religious prohibition of Idolatry.</fn> <multilink><a href="MidrashPanimAcherotVersionBParashah3" data-aht="source">Midrash Panim Acherot</a><a href="MidrashPanimAcherotVersionBParashah3" data-aht="source">Version B Parashah 3</a><a href="Midrash Panim Acherot" data-aht="parshan">About Midrash Panim Acherot</a></multilink>, <multilink><a href="REliezerAshkenaziYosefLekachEsther3-2" data-aht="source">Yosef Lekach</a><a href="REliezerAshkenaziYosefLekachEsther3-2" data-aht="source">Esther 3:2</a><a href="R. Eliezer Ashkenazi (Ma'asei Hashem)" data-aht="parshan">About R. Eliezer Ashkenazi</a></multilink></mekorot>
Line 105: Line 102:
<point><b>Did Mordechai know what the consequences would be?</b> It is likely that Mordechai did not consider the possibility that Haman would punish the entire nation for his personal refusal.</point>
<point><b>Did Mordechai know what the consequences would be?</b> It is likely that Mordechai did not consider the possibility that Haman would punish the entire nation for his personal refusal.</point>
<point><b>Who was supposed to bow down to Haman?</b> According to Yosef Lekach, the command was aimed only at the king's servants.&#160; As such, Mordechai did not feel that he was included, since he viewed himself as a servant of Hashem, and not of humans.&#160; The others might suggest that it was a more general command.</point>
<point><b>Who was supposed to bow down to Haman?</b> According to Yosef Lekach, the command was aimed only at the king's servants.&#160; As such, Mordechai did not feel that he was included, since he viewed himself as a servant of Hashem, and not of humans.&#160; The others might suggest that it was a more general command.</point>
<point><b>Haman's edict</b> – Haman, like Mordechai, might have viewed the rivalry as one between nations.&#160; As representative of Esav=Amalek, he viewed Israel as a whole, and not just Mordechai, as the enemy.</point>
<point><b>Haman's edict against the entire nation</b> – Haman, like Mordechai, might have viewed the rivalry as one between nations.&#160; As representative of Esav=Amalek, he viewed not just Mordechai, but Israel as a whole, as the enemy.</point>
<point><b>Mordechai's religious identity</b> – These sources all maintain that Mordechai was a religious Jew.&#160; One could have posited, though, that he strongly identified with his nation and lineage but was not particularly observant.</point>
<point><b>Mordechai's religious identity</b> – These sources all maintain that Mordechai was a religious Jew.&#160; One could have posited, though, that he strongly identified with his nation and lineage but was not particularly observant.</point>

Latest revision as of 13:17, 6 March 2024

Mordechai's Refusal to Bow

Exegetical Approaches


Mordechai's refusal to bow has been alternately perceived as personally, religiously, or politically motivated.  The Hoil Moshe views Haman and Mordechai as rivals in the king's court, each vying for positions of power.  Haman's promotion irked Mordechai who, thus, refused to show him honor.

The majority of commentators, though, drawing on the verse "כִּי הִגִּיד לָהֶם אֲשֶׁר הוּא יְהוּדִי", instead assert that Mordechai had a religious obligation to refrain from bowing.  The Bavli maintains that Haman had turned himself into a god, while Esther Rabbah suggests that he wore an idol on his garments.  Both of these positions assume that Mordechai's action was not only justified but required by law.  In contrast, R. Reggio suggests that Mordechai mistakenly assumed that one may not bow to a human and that he endangered the entire nation due to his erroneous piety.

A final approach sets Mordechai and Haman in opposing political or national camps. This position subdivides regarding the perceived nationality of Haman and thus the specific threat that he posed.  According to Y. Eldad, Haman hailed from Greece, and Mordechai considered him a fifth column and a security hazard to the Persian empire.  According to many Midrashic sources, in contrast, Haman was a descendant of Esav, the sworn enemy of Israel.  Either way, Mordechai deemed it dangerous to submit to the authority of an enemy.

Personal Rivalry

Mordechai refused to bow down out of pride and an ongoing personal rivalry with Haman.

What rivalry?
  • Slave/master relationship – According to the First Targum, Haman had previously sold himself as a slave to Mordechai,3 and therefore Mordechai could not bring himself to bow down to his servant.4
  • Court competition – The Hoil Moshe, in contrast, suggests that both Mordechai and Haman were prominent members of the king's court, and Haman had been promoted without merit.  Mordechai refused to degrade himself before one who was undeserving. It is possible that there was an element of jealousy in the actions as well; Mordechai likely found the promotion particularly unjust since he had just saved the king's life and was ignored, while Haman who had not done anything noteworthy was rewarded.
Was Mordechai justified? One might suggest that Mordechai should have swallowed his pride and flattered Haman rather than endanger the nation.5  In Mordechai's defense, though, he had no reason to assume that his actions would lead to such dire results.  How was he to know that to avenge his honor, Haman would set out to annihilate an entire nation?
"כִּי הִגִּיד לָהֶם אֲשֶׁר הוּא יְהוּדִי"
  • Reason for servants' tattling – This approach might maintain6 that these words do not explain why Mordechai refused to bow, but rather why the king's servants informed on him.7  Since he was a Jew, they were jealous and desired his fall.
  • Fabricated excuse – Alternatively, although Mordechai's real motives were personal, he pretended that he was acting out of religious concerns as a means of explaining his disobedience.
"כֹּרְעִים וּמִשְׁתַּחֲוִים" – The Hoil Moshe asserts that each of these verbs appear often in Tanakh in the context of people submitting or bowing to other people,8 rather than gods.9 He does not, though, address the question whether this is also true when the words appear together.10
Mordechai's religious identity – The First Targum of Megillat Esther maintains that Mordechai was an observant Jew.11 It is possible, though, that Mordechai was fully assimilated into Persian society. He had taken on a Persian name12 and had managed to rise to a position of power in the king's palace.  He thus viewed himself as at least equal to Haman.
Who was supposed to bow down to Haman and why?
  • The Hoil Moshe does not address the issue explicitly, but he might be assuming that only those in the king's court ("וְכׇל עַבְדֵי הַמֶּלֶךְ אֲשֶׁר בְּשַׁעַר הַמֶּלֶךְ") were commanded to bow,13 as an acknowledgment that Haman was now promoted above them.  Mordechai, who viewed the promotion as baseless, refused.
  • Alternatively, it is possible that the entire populace was commanded, and Haman, being second only to the king, was given special honor.  Mordechai who saw himself as more important than the average layperson and on par with Haman thought himself above the edict.
Authority behind the command – Hoil Moshe contends that bowing to Haman was a command of the king, but not yet signed into law, and thus could still be reversed.  He suggests that Mordechai was trying to set himself as an example to other members of the court that they too should refuse to honor Haman and instead get the king to annul the command.
Did Mordechai know what the consequences would be? This position would probably maintain that Mordechai did not know what the consequences of his actions would be, since it is unlikely that he would have sacrificed the whole nation's lives just for his personal pride.14  From Chapter 5, though, it sounds as if Mordechai continued to refuse to pay Haman honor even after the decree, "וְלֹא קָם וְלֹא זָע מִמֶּנּוּ".  This position might respond that, even after the fact, Mordechai never realized that the reason that Haman had set out to destroy the Jews was because of his personal refusal to bow.15
Haman's edict against the entire nation – Haman's decision to destroy a nation due to competition with a single individual is somewhat difficult for this approach.  If the whole story was about personal vendettas, it is odd that Haman did not simply find a way to rid himself of Mordechai without annihilating an entire nation.16
"וְאֶת דָּתֵי הַמֶּלֶךְ אֵינָם עֹשִׂים" – This position would probably suggest that Haman was referring to general laws that the nation did not abide by, and that this statement had nothing to do with Mordechai's refusal to bow to him.17

Religious Prohibition

Mordechai did not bow down due his belief that there was a religious prohibition to do so.  This approach subdivides regarding the exact nature of such a prohibition and the correctness of Mordechai's position:


Bowing would have been a violation of the prohibition against idolatry, either because Haman proclaimed himself to be a deity, or because he wore an idol on his clothing.

Human deity or figurine?
  • Human deity – Those who suggest that Haman viewed himself as a deity18 likely prefer this option since the verses speak explicitly of bowing to him, while nowhere mentioning an idol.  Additionally, it is unclear that bowing to a person who is wearing an idol would constitute idolatry.19
  • Figurine on his clothing – Those who present Haman as wearing a figurine,20 might question whether the worship of humans was prevalent in Persia.21
Was Mordechai justified? According to these exegetes, Mordechai's actions were justified since he had a religious obligation to act as he did. The law requires one to die22 rather than transgress the prohibition of idolatry (‎‏ייהרג ואל יעבור‎).23  R. Astruc asserts that even according to Persian law, Mordechai had no obligation to bow to Haman, since the kingdom had laws of religious tolerance and a Jew could not be forced to act against his faith.
"כִּי הִגִּיד לָהֶם אֲשֶׁר הוּא יְהוּדִי" – R. Saadia finds support for this position in this verse, understanding that Mordechai had given a religious reason ("הוּא יְהוּדִי") for his actions.
"כֹּרְעִים וּמִשְׁתַּחֲוִים" – R. Saadia suggests that although השתחוויה appears in Tanakh in relation to honoring people, the combination of כריעה and השתחוויה appears only in the context of religious worship, supporting the idea that the bowing here is idolatrous in nature.24
Did Mordechai know what the consequences would be? According to this position, even if Mordechai knew in advance that Haman would try to annihilate the nation in retaliation, he would have still been obligated to refuse to bow.
Who was supposed to bow down to Haman and why? Esther Rabbah maintains that Haman was using his political power for religious ends, and wore an idol on his chest because he wanted everyone to worship idolatry.  In contrast, those who maintain that Haman made himself into a god would likely contend that Haman was using religion as a means to amass greater political power.
"וְאֶת דָּתֵי הַמֶּלֶךְ אֵינָם עֹשִׂים" – This position might suggest that all of the Jews followed Mordechai's lead in not bowing, and it is to this which Haman refers when he asserted that the Jewish nation did not follow the laws of the king.25
Haman's edict against the entire nation – If the Jews followed Mordechai's lead in refusing to bow, it would make sense that Haman took out his anger, on the whole Jewish people and not just on Mordechai.26
Mordechai's religious identity – According to this approach, Mordechai was an observant Jew whose actions were motivated by his loyalty to his faith.  His actions are to be lauded and emulated.27
Biblical parallels – R. Saadia compares Mordechai to Chananyah, Mishael, and Azaryah who similarly risked their lives in their refusal to bow to idolatry.

Bowing to Humans

Mordechai thought that it was prohibited to bow down to anyone other than Hashem.

"כֹּרְעִים וּמִשְׁתַּחֲוִים לְהָמָן" – From the fact that the verse mentions bowing to Haman, R. Reggio claims that the issue could not have been bowing to an idol,28 but must have related to bowing to a human specifically.
Was Mordechai justified?
  • Unjustified – R. Reggio29 claims that Mordechai made a mistake (טעה בהתחסדות), thinking he was being pious in not bowing to a person, when in reality this is permitted.30 Moreover, since the halakhah is that one must abide by the laws of the land (דינא דמלכותא דינא), Mordechai was actually obligated to listen to the king's command and bow!  See also R. Yosef Karain N. French Commentary Esther 10:3About R. Yosef Kara who suggests that Mordechai's detractors blamed him for placing the entire nation in danger.31 R"Y Kara, however, does not go as far as R. Reggio, and does not say that the detractors were correct.
  • Justified – One might attempt to justify Mordechai's actions by claiming that he had a religious obligation to act as he did:
    • Kneeling before a person – Although there seems to be no prohibition against bowing (השתחוויה) to people,32 it is possible that kneeling (כריעה) is not allowed even if the intent is just to honor.
    • Era of destruction – One might also suggest that the era was a "period of decrees against Judaism" (שעת השמד) during which one is prohibited from performing even the slightest action upon the command of someone who is intent on the nation's spiritual destruction.33
"כִּי הִגִּיד לָהֶם אֲשֶׁר הוּא יְהוּדִי" – R. Yosef Kara and R. Reggio claim that these words constitute Mordechai's reasoning for not bowing. Since Mordechai pointed specifically to his Judaism, this proves that his motives were religious in nature.
"כֹּרְעִים וּמִשְׁתַּחֲוִים" – As mentioned above, these terms often refer to a show of subservience to another human even when not in the context of religious worship.34
Did Mordechai know what the consequences would be? According to R. Reggio, Mordechai never considered what his actions might lead to and was horrified at the outcome. He asserts that Mordechai regretted his decision and felt guilty that he had caused the edict of destruction.35
Who was supposed to bow down to Haman and why? R. Yosef Kara asserts that everyone was included in the command. The verse specifies only the officers in order to point out that even they were included, all the more so the laypeople.
Haman's edict against the entire nation – R. Reggio claims that Haman's edict against the nation as a whole emanated, not from Mordechai's specific action, but from his own antisemitism (which stemmed from his Amalekite roots).  He points out that it is only "because they told him Mordechai's nationality" ("כִּי הִגִּידוּ לוֹ אֶת עַם מׇרְדֳּכָי") that Haman thought to take Mordechai's action as an excuse to annihilate the Jewish nation.36
Mordechai's religious identity – R. Reggio paints a Mordechai with very little knowledge (basically an עם הארץ), unaware of the intricacies of Torah laws, whose "extra" piety put the entire nation in danger.

Political Opposition

Mordechai refused to submit to the authority of a person whom he considered to be a political or national threat.  This approach subdivides regarding whether Mordechai was looking after the interests of Persia or the Jewish people.

Aegean Threat

Haman and Mordechai were the leaders of two opposing Persian political parties, with Haman in favor of allying with the Greeks, and Mordechai drumming up opposition.  Mordechai thus refused to submit to Haman's authority, as he viewed him as a threat to the stability of the Persian empire.37

Historical background – This position identifies Achashverosh with Xerxes and reads the Megillah on the backdrop of his wars with the Greeks. Towards the beginning of his reign he suffered a defeat at their hands and made peace with them, and then ten years later he again waged war against them.  The Septuagint identifies Haman as a Macedonian,40 and suggests that he was trying to bring Persia under Greek control.41 Y. Eldad proposes that Mordechai and his fellow Jews were in the opposing political camp.42 If so, the Megillah's subplot is one of opposing political ideologies regarding the Greek threat.43
"כִּי הִגִּיד לָהֶם אֲשֶׁר הוּא יְהוּדִי" – This position would likely assert, as above, that these words do not constitute the reason for Mordechai's refusal but rather explain why the king's servants informed on him to Haman.  Being in Haman's political camp, once they saw that Mordechai was a Jew and in the opposing camp, they recognized that his actions were a threat.
Did Mordechai know what the consequences would be? It is likely that Mordechai knew that his action would be considered provocative, but he had no reason to think that it would lead to a decree of annihilation.
Was Mordechai justified? According to this position, Mordechai's actions were a political statement (the equivalent of refusing to shake the hand of a perceived enemy).  Since he truly viewed Haman as a national security threat, he believed that a show of submission was extremely problematic and set a dangerous precedent.  In addition, as mentioned above, Mordechai was not knowingly endangering his nation, and his ideological statement was legitimate.
"כֹּרְעִים וּמִשְׁתַּחֲוִים" – As mentioned earlier, there are many places where these terms refer to showing subservience to another human, and not in the context of religious worship.44
Mordechai's religious identity – According to the Septuagint, Mordechai was a religiously observant Jew.45  Eldad suggests that the Megillah is ambiguous on this point,46 but that it is immaterial to the discussion since it was Mordechai's views on foreign affairs, not his religious orientation, that motivated his actions.47
Haman's edict against the entire nation – Y. Eldad asserts that Haman's decree was motivated by both his personal antisemitism and his political leanings. He viewed the entire nation as a threat to his plans for Greek domination and, as such, did not suffice with killing Mordechai but tried to destroy the entire population.48
The miracle of Purim – Y. Eldad suggests that the true miracle of Purim was that Mordechai managed to convince the king that Haman was a threat, not just to the Jewish nation, but to Persia as a whole.
"וְאֶת דָּתֵי הַמֶּלֶךְ אֵינָם עֹשִׂים" – According to Y. Eldad, Haman was suggesting that the Jews followed their own laws, trying to set up a state within a state.  This phrase had nothing to do with the refusal to bow or to other crimes that might have been religious in nature.

Jewish Pride

Mordechai's decision emanated from feelings of national pride and was unrelated to any religious prohibition or personal competition.

Source of pride
  • Yaakov and Esav – According to most of these sources, the antagonism between Mordechai (a descendant of Binyamin) and Haman (an Agagite, a descendant of Esav)50 was a continuation of the rivalry between their ancestors.  These Midrashim highlight that of all the children of Yaakov, Binyamin alone did not bow down and submit to Esav,51 and Mordechai followed his precedent.52 
  • Israel and Amalek – One might instead suggest that this is a stance against descendants of Amalek specifically. Mordechai refused to honor the descendants of a sworn enemy of Israel.  It is possible that he felt particularly strongly about this since his ancestor Shaul53 had failed to obliterate Amalek, and he might have seen it as his duty to correct this mistake. Thus, no show of mercy, and definitely no show of submission, could be countenanced.
  • Servants of Hashem not people – Yosef Lekach, instead, posits that Mordechai refused to bow down to anyone other than God, not because he viewed this as a religious prohibition, but simply out of pride in his role as Hashem's servant.54
"הָמָן בֶּן הַמְּדָתָא הָאֲגָגִי" – It is not at all clear that Haman was actually from the line of Amalek, or even from Esav at all.  Though Agag was a king of Amalek, Haman's genealogy might refer to any other Agag.  Alternatively, as above, it could be a variant of אגיי and refer to the fact that Haman was from the Aegean or Greek sea.
מׇרְדֳּכַי בֶּן יָאִיר בֶּן שִׁמְעִי בֶּן קִישׁ אִישׁ יְמִינִי – The verse clearly points to Mordechai's being from the tribe of Binyamin, but the connection to Shaul is much weaker. Rashi55 and others assume that the Kish mentioned in the genealogy refers to the father of Shaul, but Ibn Ezra points out that if the verse wanted to highlight the connection to the king it is strange that it should skip generations to mention Kish by name but not Shaul.
"כִּי הִגִּיד לָהֶם אֲשֶׁר הוּא יְהוּדִי" – According to this position, this phrase expresses the reason for Mordechai's actions; his Jewish nationality ("אֲשֶׁר הוּא יְהוּדִי") is what led him to refuse to bow.
Was Mordechai justified? R. Medan asserts that Mordechai recognized that a show of weakness to a sworn enemy comes with a price.56  Giving in to the other and succumbing to their demands all too often leads to more and harsher demands.57 Mordechai recognized the slippery slope and attempted to prevent it.
"אֲשֶׁר יִשְׁלְטוּ הַיְּהוּדִים הֵמָּה בְּשֹׂנְאֵיהֶם" – R. Medan points to the nation's ability to fight against their enemies as proof of the success of Mordechai's policy.  The nation which had earlier been forced into submission by their enemies, now could rise to defend itself.
Did Mordechai know what the consequences would be? It is likely that Mordechai did not consider the possibility that Haman would punish the entire nation for his personal refusal.
Who was supposed to bow down to Haman? According to Yosef Lekach, the command was aimed only at the king's servants.  As such, Mordechai did not feel that he was included, since he viewed himself as a servant of Hashem, and not of humans.  The others might suggest that it was a more general command.
Haman's edict against the entire nation – Haman, like Mordechai, might have viewed the rivalry as one between nations.  As representative of Esav=Amalek, he viewed not just Mordechai, but Israel as a whole, as the enemy.
Mordechai's religious identity – These sources all maintain that Mordechai was a religious Jew.  One could have posited, though, that he strongly identified with his nation and lineage but was not particularly observant.