Moshe's Birth and the Legend of Sargon/0

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Moshe's Birth and the Legend of Sargon

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Many legends from both the ancient and classical periods share the motif of a hero being abandoned at birth, and recall the story of Moshe's infancy in Shemot 2.1   Elements common to many of these tales include: a baby of noble status, abandonment and explanation thereof, unusual nursing or protection of the infant, discovery and adoption, and finally, a list of exploits of the hero. Of the many such myths, the Mesopotamian legend retelling the birth of Sargon, founder Akkad,2 is probably the closest parallel to Moshe's birth story.

Content Parallels and Contrasts

Parallels Contrasts
Parents Moshe's mother is from the Levite tribe and Sargon's mother is a priestess. In both stories, the father does not play an active role. While Sargon "does not know his father", Moshe's father is identified. Moreover, while Sargon loses contact with his mother, Moshe's mother continues to nurse him.
Baby Left in River Moshe and Sargon are both placed in a basket covered in bitumen and set in the river.  Sargon's mother "cast" him into the "river", suggesting abandonment.  In contrast, Moshe is "placed" in the "reeds", with his sister standing guard.
Salvation by
 "Water Drawer"
Unknown Identity
Rise to Power

Literary Allusions


  • Degree of similarity – 
  • Distinctive phrases – 

Points of Contrast
