Moshe and Yehoshua/0

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Moshe and Yehoshua

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Content Parallels

  • Title – Both Moshe and Yehoshua are referred to as  "עֶבֶד י"י".‎1  They are the only two leaders in Tanakh to merit the title.
  • Encouragement needed – At the beginning of their careers each leader lacks confidence and needs Hashem to encourage them.2
  • King and prophet – In contrast to other leaders, both Moshe and Yehoshua take on both political and spiritual roles, combining the positions of king and prophet.
Similar Events
  • Spies – Both Moshe and Yehoshua send spies to check out the land before the intended conquest.
  • Splitting of water – The miracle of the splitting of Yam Suf is repeated in the time of Yehoshua as the Jordan is similarly cut.
  • Pesach – The Pesach is sacrificed before the major events of each era, the Exodus and the Conquest.
  • Revelation – At the burning bush, an angel tells Moshe to remove his sandals, since the land upon which he stands is holy.  In Yericho, Yehoshua is told the same.
Fulfillment of Tasks

Tasks begun by Moshe are completed by Yehoshua:

  • Conquest – Moshe aids the nation to conquer the eastern side of the Jordan, while Yehoshua conquers the west.
  • Promise of 2 1/2 tribes – Yehoshua ensures that the 2/12 tribes fulfill their promise to Moshe and fight in the front lines.
  • Blessings and curses – Yehoshua sets up the ceremony of blessings and curses at Mt. Eival and Mt. Gerezim as commanded by Moshe.
  • Cities of Refuge – Moshe allocates three cities on the eastern side of the Jordan and Yehoshua designates the three cities on the western side.

Literary Allusions


  • Degree of similarity – 
  • Distinctive phrases – 

Points of Contrast
