Overview – Sefer Bereshit/0

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Overview – Sefer Bereshit

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Structure of the Book

Sefer Bereshit divides into two main sections, Chapters 1-11 which speak of universal history: the creation, destruction and recreation of the world at large, and Chapters 12-50 which focus on the selection of the individuals and family who were to father Hashem's chosen nation.  For full discussion of the book's structure, see Structure – Sefer Bereshit

Purpose of the Book


Selection and Rejection – Much of Sefer Bereshit revolves around the selection and rejection of both nations and individuals.  It is not always so clear from the text, however, what was so objectionable about certain characters, and so wonderful about others.  In fact, commentators often vary widely in their evaluation of the various protagonists of the sefer:

  • Rejection of Kayin's line: Kayin's murder of Hevel appears to be a fairly obvious explanation for his rejection, but see Kayin – Intentional or Unintentional Murderer, that not all agree regarding the severity of his crime.  See also Lemekh's Monologue for different takes on whether or not his violent streak continued in his descendants.
  • Destruction of the World: The Flood ?? בני הא־להים and בנות האדם‎
  • Rejection of Canaan:  Cursing Canaan‎:
  • Generation of the Dispersal: Deconstructing Migdal Bavel‎
  • A Portrait of Lot [stub]
  • A Portrait of Yishmael‎
  • A Portrait of Esav

Religiosity of the Avot

Chronological Issues