Parashat Acharei Mot/ParashahSummary

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Parashat Acharei Mot – Summary

  • Parashat Acharei Mot serves as a transition between the first half of Vayikra with its focus on the Mishkan and its sanctity, and the second half of Vayikra where the concept of sanctity is extended to the entire Land of Israel and all areas of life.
  • Atonement in the Holy of HoliesChapter 16 details the process through which the high priest is permitted to enters the Holy of Holies to atone for the nation's transgressions and defiling of the Mishkan. The chapter concludes by commanding that this rite be performed annually on every Yom HaKippurim.
  • Non-Sacrificial Animal SlaughterChapter 17 prohibits both the slaughtering of an animal in the camp instead of sacrificing it at the Mishkan as well as the eating of an animal's blood.
  • Forbidden UnionsChapter 18 presents a list of forbidden sexual unions, violation of which will result in the Children of Israel's expulsion from the Land of Israel.

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