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<li>Why was Hashem concerned lest <a href="Why Worry About Bilam" data-aht="page">Bilaam curse</a> the nation of Israel? Could He not have simply ensured thatt he curse not be fulfilled?</li>
<li>What is the meaning of Bilaam's blessings that Israel is "<a href="A Nation that Dwells Alone" data-aht="page">a nation that dwells alone</a>"?</li>

Version as of 11:17, 17 June 2017

Parashat Balak – Opening Questions

  • Why was Hashem concerned lest Bilaam curse the nation of Israel? Could He not have simply ensured thatt he curse not be fulfilled?
  • What is the meaning of Bilaam's blessings that Israel is "a nation that dwells alone"?