Parashat Bereshit – Summary

  • Parashat Bereshit recounts the early history of the world from its creation until Hashem's decision to destroy his creation due to the sins of mankind.

  • CreationChapter 1 and the first three verses of Chapter 2 gives a general overview of the different stages of creation.
  • Mankind – Most of Chapter 2 then focuses on the creation of man and woman (later Adam and Chavah) and their placement in Gan Eden. This provides the backdrop for the story of Chapter 3.
  • Sin and PunishmentsChapter 3 describes the sin of man eating from the Tree of Knowledge, the various punishments God meted out, and the ensuing expulsion from Gan Eden.
  • Kayin and Hevel – After introducing Kayin and Hevel (the sons of Adam and Chavah), Chapter 4 tells of their sacrifices, Hevel's murder, and Kayin's punishment and aftermath.
  • GenealogyChapter 5 lists the ten generations from Adam until Noach.
  • Prelude to Flood – The first eight verses of Chapter 6 describe society's deteriorating morality, including the enigmatic story of the "sons of God" marrying the "daughters of man".

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