Parashat Chukkat – Summary
- Parashat Chukkat fast forwards us to the Children of Israel's fortieth and final year in the wilderness. It marks the closing of an era and the prelude to the conquest of the Promised Land.
- Red Heifer – Chapter 19 describes the ritual of the Red Heifer ("parah adumah"), whose ashes are used in the purification of a person or objects which have come in contact with a dead body.
- End of an Era and its Leadership – Chapter 20 opens with Miriam's death and the nation's subsequent complaint over the water shortage at Mei Merivah. Moshe provides water by hitting the rock, but Hashem castigates Moshe and Aharon for their failure to sanctify Him in the eyes of Israel and decrees that they will not enter the Land of Israel. The chapter continues with the unsuccessful attempt at obtaining permission from the Edomites to pass through their land on the way to Israel, Aharon's death, and his son Elazar replacing him as the high priest.
- Sin of the Snakes and Initial Military Victories – Chapter 21 describes Hashem's punishing of the Children of Israel with venomous snakes for their complaints against Him and Moshe, and His subsequent miraculous healing of Israel upon their repentance. The Israelites conquer the Canaanites in the Negev at the beginning of the chapter and Sichon and Og at the end of the chapter, paving the way for their settling of lands east of the Jordan.
- Encampment in Transjordan – The Parashah concludes with the first verse of Chapter 22 and the Israelites camped near the land of Moav.
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