Parashat Miketz/ParashahSummary

< Parashat Miketz
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Parashat Miketz – Summary

  • Parashat Miketz recounts the story of Yosef's rise to power in Egypt and the process of his reconnection with his brothers.
  • Paroh's Dreams and Yosef's Royal AppointmentChapter 41 opens with Paroh's dreams and Yosef being summoned from jail to interpret them. Yosef predicts the coming of seven years of plenty in Egypt followed by seven years of famine. Paroh appoints Yosef as his viceroy, and during the seven years of prosperity, Yosef stores up grain from all over Egypt, in preparation for the famine. Yosef marries and has two sons.
  • Yosef's Brothers Go to Egypt – In Chapter 42, the famine begins and Yaakov sends all of his sons except for Binyamin to Egypt to buy grain. Yosef recognizes his brothers although they do not recognize him, and he accuses them of spying. Yosef arrests Shimon and demands that the brothers bring Binyamin to Egypt in order to verify their story. When the brothers return home, Yaakov refuses to send Binyamin to Egypt.
  • The Brothers (Including Binyamin) Return to EgyptChapter 43 resumes the narrative with Yaakov's family having exhausted their food supply. Yehuda personally guarantees Binyamin's safety and persuades Yaakov to allow the brothers to return to Egypt with Binyamin in tow.
  • Yosef Frames Binyamin – In Chapter 44, Yosef plants his silver goblet in Binyamin's bag, and then accuses the brothers of stealing it. The brothers vehemently deny any wrongdoing, but the goblet is found in Binyamin's bag. The Parashah ends with Yosef permitting the brothers to go home but insisting that Binyamin will remain as his slave.

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