Parashat Noach/ParashahSummary

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Parashat Noach – Summary


  • Parashat Noach begins with the life of Noach (10th generation from Adam) and ends with an introduction of Avraham (20th generation from Adam) and his family. Its focus is the story of the Flood and the subsequent repopulating of the world by Noach and his descendants.
  • Introducing NoachChapter 6 describes the preparations Noach made before the Flood.
  • Flood Arrives – In Chapter 7, Noach and his family survive inside their Ark, while the rest of humanity perishes in the Deluge.
  • Flood EndsChapter 8 recounts how the waters gradually receded until Noach was able to disembark from the Ark and offer sacrifices.
  • Covenant – With the world now restarted, Chapter 9 details Hashem's instructions to and covenant with Noach and his family. It concludes with the incident of Noah's vineyard and his death.
  • Noach's DescendantsChapter 10 lists the 70 nations which descended from Noach's three sons, Yefet, Cham, and Shem.
  • Backdrop to AvrahamChapter 11 explains how these nations resettled the world in the aftermath of the Tower of Bavel, and it then provides the genealogy from Shem until Avraham.

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