Parashat Shemini – Summary
- Parashat Shemini describes the events of the eighth day of the Mishkan's dedication and their aftermath.
- The Consecration of the Mishkan – Chapter 9 opens on the eighth day of the Mishkan’s dedication. After Aharon and his sons offer sacrifices on behalf of themselves and the people, the Glory of Hashem appears to the nation and a fire issues forth to consume the offerings on the altar.
- Death of Nadav and Avihu – In Chapter 10, Nadav and Avihu, Aharon's two elder sons, offer a "strange fire before Hashem, which He commanded them not" and are, in turn, consumed by a Heavenly fire. Aharon and his remaining sons are instructed not to engage in acts of mourning.
- The Dietary Laws – Chapter 11 presents the basic laws of kosher and non-kosher land mammals, fish, birds, winged swarming creatures, and insects. The chapter also outlines the laws of purity and impurity that apply to the carcasses of various creatures.
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