Parashat Vayeshev/ParashahSummary

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Parashat Vayeshev – Summary

  • Parashat Vayeshev recounts the story of Yaakov's children, focusing on the life of Yosef.
  • Yosef's Dreams and the Sale of YosefChapter 37 describes Yaakov's favoring of Yosef and Yosef's recounting of his dreams of ruling over his brothers. As a result, Yosef's brothers conspire to kill him, but are then convinced by Reuven to merely throw him into a pit. Yehuda then persuades the brothers to sell Yosef as a slave. To cover up their actions, the brothers lead Yaakov to believe that Yosef was killed by a wild animal.
  • Yehuda and Tamar – In Chapter 38, Yehuda marries a Canaanite woman who bears him three sons. Yehuda's eldest son marries Tamar, but dies childless. Yehuda instructs his second son to perform levirate marriage, but he too dies. When Yehuda does not marry Tamar to his third son, Tamar disguises herself in order to seduce Yehuda himself, and she becomes pregnant from this encounter. Tamar is almost put to death for harlotry, but Yehuda saves her by acknowledging his paternity.
  • Yosef in the House of PotipharChapter 39 sees Yosef, the slave, promoted to oversee Potiphar's house. When Yosef repeatedly rejects Mrs. Potiphar's advances, she falsely accuses him of attempted rape and he is imprisoned. In jail, Yosef again finds favor in his master's eyes and is appointed caretaker of the prisoners.
  • Yosef Interprets Dreams in Prison – In Chapter 40, Yosef interprets the dreams of the jailed royal chief butler and baker and accurately predicts that the butler will be restored to his post. Upon his reinstatement, though, the butler forgets Yosef and does not intervene with Paroh on his behalf.

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