Pinechas – Action and Reward/2

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Pinechas – Action and Reward

Exegetical Approaches


Vigilante Justice

Pinechas acts outside of the judicial system, taking the law into his own hands when he kills Zimri. This position subdivides...

Pinechas Leads the Way

Pinechas is the first to punish any of the worshippers of Baal Peor. His killing of Zimri paves the way for others to punish the rest of the offenders.

Crux of the position

Pinechas Acts as a קנאי

Pinechas takes on the role of a "zealot", the special circumstances of which allows one to act without due process of law.

Zimri's sin – These commentators connect Zimri's sin to that of the rest of the nation, but emphasize the aspect of his illicit relations with a non-Jew over the idolatry. Most of these exegetes1 add a component of rebellion to his actions as well, having Zimri question the decision to kill the offenders, and/or asking Moshe why consorting with a Midyanite is problematic, if after all Moshe, himself, had married Tzipporah,2 also a Midyanite.3
The judges' role – According to most of these commentators,4 Hashem commanded Moshe to set up judges to punish those who had sinned with Baal Peor.5 Though it is not explicit in the text, Rashi and Ralbag maintain that they did in fact do so, and had at least begun to punish the worshipers before Pinechas' actions.6
Why were the judges' actions insufficient? – Zimri's public and defiant act called for its own retribution.
Why was Pinchas permitted to act on his own?
  • In accord with halakhah – According to all of these commentators,7 Pinchas was acting according to the law that a zealot is allowed to kill one who is engaging in sexual activity with a non Jew, while they are in the midst of the act - "הבועל את הנכרית קנאין פוגעין בו".8
  • Prevent a desecration of Hashem – Shemuel in the Bavli and the Netziv add that Pinchas took matters into his own hands and did not consult first with Moshe since this was a חילול ה' and quick action was needed to prevent any further desecration.
  • Prevent punishment – According to R. Yitzchak in the Bavli, Pinechas saw that the angel of death was beginning to destroy the nation and decided to act so as to save the nation from punishment.
Why didn't Moshe act?
Why did Pinchas' act stop the plague? – for those who say zimri was trying to stop the punishments, make sense to kill him as sign that recognize punishment??
  • According to Rashi, Ralbag and Netziv, the plague was a response to the idolatrous acts of the nation at large. If so, and the perpetrators of that sin were already punished by the judges, it is not clear why the plague only stopped once Pinechas acted.9
  • According to Bavli Sanhedrin and Targum Pseudo-Jonathan, it is not clear when the plague started, and whether it was in response to the idolatrous actions of the nation or just the sin of Zimri. It is possible that Hashem had commanded the killing of the idolaters to assuage His wrath but had not personally punished anyone;10 only after Zimri's defiant act, did He do so. Thus, punishing Zimri specifically was necessary to stop the deaths. According to the Bavli, Zimri was accompanied by 24 thousand men from his own tribe, implying that it was these men (rather than the larger nation) who were killed.
Pinchas' priestly reward – According to all these commentators Pinechas was rewarded with some new status:
  • Perpetual priesthood – Bavli Sanhedrin11 maintains that Pinechas was promised that the priesthood would always remain in his family.12
  • High Priesthood – Ralbag and Targum Pseudo Jonathan assert that Pinechas was promised a promotion, that he and is descendants would be the high priests.13
  • Priest – According to Rashi, until this point Pinechas was not a priest at all. Only those anointed with Aharon and their descendants to be born thereafter had been given the position. Pinchas who had already been born at the time had missed out.
הִנְנִי נֹתֵן לוֹ אֶת בְּרִיתִי שָׁלוֹם – Targum Pseudo-Jonathan asserts that this is a promise of eternal life14 while Netziv suggests that Hashem was granting Pinechas the inner trait of peace. Since the act of killing, however justified, has the potential to change someone's character, Pinchas was promised that he would not become quick to anger but instead have a calm demeanor.15
Crux of the position

Following Orders

When Pinechas killed Zimri, he was simply heeding the command of Moshe to kill those who had participated in the sin of Baal Peor. This approach subdivides regarding what differentiated Pinechas from other leaders in Israel:

Pinechas Alone was Loyal to Moshe

The other judges were either unwilling or unable to carry out the killings. Only Pinechas did not hesitate to fulfill Moshe's directive, and garnered the courage to stab the offenders.

Zimri's sin – According to all of these exegetes, Zimri's sin was related to that of the nation and connected to the worship of Baal Peor. According to Hoil Moshe, he was even one of those who led the nation into sin.
The judges's role
  • According to most of these commentators, the judges=leaders were directed to kill the Israelites who had worshiped Baal Peor, 16 but did not fulfill their task.
  • Hoil Moshe raises the possibility that Hashem directed Moshe to appoint people to kill not the laymen within Israel but the leaders themselves, since it was these, Zimri amongst them, who were at the forefront of the worship of Baal Peor.17 The judges, though, were reluctant to act.
Why didn't the judges act? – Sifre suggests that in the face of Zimri's public actions, the other leaders lost their courage while Chizkuni suggests that they hesitated to kill their relatives. Hoil Moshe posits that the judges, being of lesser status than the leaders they were to punish, feared to harm them.
Why didn't Moshe act? Moshe had originally delegated the responsibility to others. It is possible that when no one followed his orders he did not personally step in because his late age precluded him from taking quick action.
Was Pinchas one of the appointed judges? – According to the Sifre, Pinechas was one of the judges appointed by Moshe.18 The other commentators do not address the question.
Vigilante justice – According to this position Pinechas is following Moshe's directive and thus the story raises no questions as to the validity of one taking the law into his own hands.
What would have happened if Pinchas did not act?
Pinchas' reward
Crux of the position

Pinechas Killed the Worst Offender

Though other judges also heeded Moshe's command and punished the offenders, it was Pinechas' deed which assuaged Hashem's wrath because he killed Zimri, the most public and esteemed of the wrongdoers.

Zimri's sin
The judges's role
Why didn't the judges act?
Why didn't Moshe act?
Was Pinchas a judge?
What would have happened if Pinchas did not act?
Pinchas' reward
Crux of the position



Crux of the position
Crux of the position