Prohibition of Blood/2

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Prohibition of Blood

Exegetical Approaches

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Blood is the Soul

Blood is prohibited from consumption since blood represents the animal's soul and life force. This position subdivides regarding why this is problematic:

Sacredness of Life

Mixing of Animal and Human Nature

Sanctified to Hashem

Since the blood of animals is thrown on the altar and sanctified to Hashem, it is not fit for human consumption.

"וַאֲנִי נְתַתִּיו לָכֶם עַל הַמִּזְבֵּחַ לְכַפֵּר עַל נַפְשֹׁתֵיכֶם" – This verse forms the basis for this approach, but commentators focus on different aspects of it, leading to two related, but somewhat distinct understandings of the prohibition:
  • Apportioned to Hashem – According to Ibn Ezra, R"Y Bekhor Shor, and Ramban, the crucial point of the verse is that the blood is dedicated to the altar.13 In other words, the blood is Hashem's portion of the sacrifice (חלק גבוה) and, as such, it is off limits to man.
  • Role in atonement – Ralbag, Abarbanel and R. Hoffmann, instead, focus on the blood's role in atonement.
    • R. Hoffmann explains that if the animal's blood is supposed to represent and substitute for the sinner's soul, being sacrificed in the sinner's stead, it is inappropriate for it to be consumed.14
    • Ralbag adds that Hashem wanted to ensure that man recognize the atoning powers of blood, so that he feel that his sacrifice was effective in achieving penance. As such, Hashem prohibited its consumption, highlighting its unique role.15
"כִּי הַדָּם הוּא הַנָּפֶשׁ" – According to this approach, this phrase comes to explain not why it is prohibited to eat blood, but why blood was chosen to serve as atonement and is sprinkled on the altar. Since blood represents or is the source of the animal's soul, it can represent man's soul and act as its substitute on the altar.
Why is blood of non-sacrificial meat prohibited? As only the blood of domesticated animals being offered as a sacrifice is sanctified to Hashem and used for atonement, this approach must explain why blood of "בשר תאווה" and non domesticated animals and birds are also prohibited:
  • Ramban suggests that this is simply a safeguard to ensure that no one err and eat the blood of animals which can be sacrificed.
  • R"Y Bekhor Shor and the Netziv,16 though, concede that this reasoning cannot account for the prohibition regarding non-domesticated animals and suggest that they are prohibited for other reasons.17
Spilling vs. covering blood
Prohibition to Noach
Similarity to other forbidden foods / items

Distancing from Idolatry