Prophetic Actions Without Explicit Divine Sanction/1/en

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Prophetic Actions Without Explicit Divine Sanction


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Prophetic autonomy?

How much autonomy does a prophet have to act or speak on his own initiative?  Must he consult with Hashem regarding his every deed, lest he veer from the Divine will, or may he proceed even without Divine sanction?  Can he declare a miracle on his own, and expect that nature will be overturned at his will?  These questions are raised by the many instances where both Moshe and other prophets seem to act, and even declare supernatural phenomena, without having previously received a Divine directive to do so :

  • Moshe and the Plagues – In Shemot 8 Moshe tells Paroh to sets a time for the plague of frogs to end, promising that it will terminate as requested.1 No where does the text share that Hashem directed him to do so.  Moshe then proceeds to pray that
  • Moshe and Meat – In Shemot 16
  • Moshe and Korach –
  • Moshe and the Petition of the Reuven and Gad –