Purpose of the Mishkan/2/en

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Purpose of the Mishkan

Exegetical Approaches


An Ideal

Dwelling for the Divine Presence

The Mishkan was built so that God would dwell amongst the people, thereby extending the experience of revelation at Mt. Sinai.

Home for Tablets of Covenant

Chronology – According to this approach, the command to build the Mishkan is in its rightful place. It preceded and is unrelated to the sin of the Golden Calf, and stems instead from God's desire to reside within the camp of the Nation of Israel.
Parallels – Ramban points to a number of linguistic and conceptual parallels between the description of the giving of the Decalogue at Mt. Sinai and the construction of the Mishkan.1 These highlight how the Tabernacle was meant to enable a continuation of the Sinai experience, changing the initial transitory connection that was created on the mountain into a constant one.2
Does Hashem need a house – Tanchuma Naso 19 emphasizes that Hashem did not command the Tabernacle's construction because He had need of a house. Rather, from His love for the nation, God decided to leave his "temple on high" so as to reside amongst them. Cassuto adds that though God can be amongst the people without the existence of any physical structure, it is the nation who needs to see a tangible building so as to feel and be sure of God's presence.
"וְשָׁכַנְתִּי בְּתוֹכָם" – This position maintains that these words provide God's explanation of the purpose of the building.
Focal point – The aron and the Tablets it houses are the primary focus of the Mishkan, for it is here where God descends to speak to Moshe and commune with the nation. Ramban points out that for this reason, the aron is the first vessel commanded to be made.3 This, too, is the source for referring to the Tabernacle as משכן העדות.
Ancient Near Eastern parallels
Crux of the position

Honor for Hashem

Crux of the position

Means of Purification

Crux of the position

A Concession to Reality


Shift in Purpose

Crux of the position

Dual Focus

Mishkan / Sacrifices, Mishkan / Incense Altar

Crux of the position