Purpose of the Spies in Yehoshua 2/2

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Purpose of the Spies in Yehoshua 2

Exegetical Approaches

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Morale Boosting Mission

The spies were sent to gauge the low morale of the Canaanites, and thereby boost the confidence of the Israelite fighting force.

The spies' report – Ralbag supports this claim from the fact that the spies' report focused exclusively on the fear of the Canaanites and did not include any military information.
Report to Yehoshua alone – If the mission's purpose was to encourage the nation, it is surprising that the report was given only to Yehoshua. Ralbag might respond that Yehoshua had learned from the debacle of Moshe's spies not to chance a negative report, and that despite the text's silence, after the secret debriefing the findings became public.
Biblical parallels – Ralbag compares the mission to Gidon's visit to the Midianite camp in Shofetim 7, whose sole purpose was also only to instill confidence.
"חֶרֶשׁ" – Ralbag explains that the word "חֶרֶשׁ" relates to thought,2 and not secrecy.3  Yehoshua sent spies to evaluate the thoughts of the people.
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Military Mission

The spies were sent on a military mission