Purposes of the Egyptian Bondage/3/he

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מטרות שעבוד מצרים

נקודות המחלוקת

These are some of the central points of dispute (נקודות המחלוקת) between the various exegetes:

Religious identity of the Israelites in Egypt

Completely righteous – Ran, R. Chasdai Crescas, Tzeror HaMor, Malbim

Needed to be taught belief in Hashem – Ralbag, Ma'asei Hashem

Assimilated and idolatrous – Radak, Nimmukei Yosef, Seforno, Netziv

Does Hashem punish children for the sins of fathers?

Yes – Three Amoraic opinions in Bavli Nedarim, Vayikra Rabbah, Targum Pseudo-Jonathan, Tanchuma, R. Yochanan b. Zakkai in Pirkei DeRabbi Eliezer (Higger), Ramban, Mishnat Rabbi Eliezer, Opinion cited (and rejected) by Akeidat Yitzchak, Abarbanel (Approach #1)1

No – Akeidat Yitzchak, Abarbanel

Collective punishment

Yes – Abarbanel (Approach #1)

No – Akeidat Yitzchak

Afflictions without sin?

Yes – Rashi, Ran, R. Chasdai Crescas

No – Ramban

Why in Egypt?

Ma'aseh Avot Siman LeBanim – Ramban

Measure for measure – Abarbanel (Approach #1)

Egypt was the world's leading center of idolatry – R. Chasdai Crescas, Abarbanel (Approach #2)

The Egyptians were xenophobic and this prevented assimilation – Zohar, Seforno, R. Hirsch, Immanueli