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<li><b>Words without actions&#160;</b>– According to Ramban, Akeidat Yitzchak, and Abarbanel the confession was not a complete return to Hashem.&#160; Though the people recognized and admitted to their sins, this was not accompanied by a change of ways.</li>
<li><b>Words without actions&#160;</b>– According to Ramban, Akeidat Yitzchak, and Abarbanel the confession was not a complete return to Hashem.&#160; Though the people recognized and admitted to their sins, this was not accompanied by a change of ways.</li>
<li><b>Only leaders confess</b>&#160;– Abarbanel and Seforno suggest that only the leaders of the generation such as Daniel, Ezra and Nechemiah confessed but the laypeople did not.<fn>Ramban does not say this explicitly but in his singling out of Daniel, Ezra and Nechemiah as those who confessed it would seem that he too agrees with this point.</fn></li>
<li><b>Only leaders confess</b>&#160;– Abarbanel and Seforno suggest that only the leaders of the generation such as Daniel, Ezra and Nechemiah confessed but the laypeople did not.<fn>Ramban does not say this explicitly but in his singling out of Daniel, Ezra and Nechemiah as those who confessed it would seem that he too agrees with this point.</fn></li>
<li><b>Command form</b> – According to the Biur and R.D"Z Hoffmann the word "וְהִתְוַדּוּ" does not mean "and they will confess" but rather "and they shall confess".<fn>N. Wessely pointsout that had thsi been a description of the people's repentance the verse would have read "יתודו".&#160; R. D"Z Hoffmann further supposrt the fact that "" is a command form by pointing to the same form of the word in Bemidbar 5:7.</fn>&#160; As such, it is not a description of what the nation will do but rather Hashem's command of what they should do and thus says nothing about their actual repentance.</li>
<li><b>Command form</b> – According to the Biur and R.D"Z Hoffmann the word "וְהִתְוַדּוּ" does not mean "and they will confess" but rather "and they shall confess".<fn>R. N"H Wessely points out that had this been a description of the people's repentance the verse would have read "יתודו" and not "וְהִתְוַדּוּ ".&#160; R. D"Z Hoffmann further supports the fact that "וְהִתְוַדּוּ " is a command by pointing to the same form of the word in <a href="Bemidbar5-7" data-aht="source">Bemidbar 5:7</a>.</fn>&#160; As such, it is not a description of what the nation will do but rather Hashem's command of what they should do and thus says nothing about their actual repentance.</li>
<point><b>"וְאָמַר... הֲלֹא עַל כִּי אֵין אֱלֹהַי בְּקִרְבִּי מְצָאוּנִי הָרָעוֹת "</b><ul>
<li>Partial repenatnce - Ramban suggests that this verse too refers to only partial repentance, a recognition of wrongdoing without a correction thereof. Tzeror HaMor simiallry posits that the nation might have repented in words but not in their heart, or only for part of their sins.<fn>He points out that verse 16 enumerates three sins, turning to idolatry, leaving Hashem and reneging on&#160; His convenant.</fn></li>
<point><b>"וְאָמַר... הֲלֹא עַל כִּי אֵין אֱלֹהַי בְּקִרְבִּי מְצָאוּנִי הָרָעוֹת "</b></point>
<point><b>"אֲנִי אֵלֵךְ עִמָּם בְּקֶרִי וְהֵבֵאתִי אֹתָם בְּאֶרֶץ אֹיְבֵיהֶם"</b></point>
<point><b>"אֲנִי אֵלֵךְ עִמָּם בְּקֶרִי וְהֵבֵאתִי אֹתָם בְּאֶרֶץ אֹיְבֵיהֶם"</b></point>
<point><b>"וְאָנֹכִי הַסְתֵּר אַסְתִּיר פָּנַי"</b></point>
<point><b>"וְאָנֹכִי הַסְתֵּר אַסְתִּיר פָּנַי"</b></point>

Version as of 01:08, 14 May 2015

Hashem's Response to Teshuvah

Exegetical Approaches

This topic is currently in progress

Repentance is Lacking

Though an initial read of the verses suggests that the nation repented, in reality their repentance was either incomplete or lacking altogether.  As such, they needed further punishment.

"וְהִתְוַדּוּ אֶת עֲוֺנָם"
  • Words without actions – According to Ramban, Akeidat Yitzchak, and Abarbanel the confession was not a complete return to Hashem.  Though the people recognized and admitted to their sins, this was not accompanied by a change of ways.
  • Only leaders confess – Abarbanel and Seforno suggest that only the leaders of the generation such as Daniel, Ezra and Nechemiah confessed but the laypeople did not.1
  • Command form – According to the Biur and R.D"Z Hoffmann the word "וְהִתְוַדּוּ" does not mean "and they will confess" but rather "and they shall confess".2  As such, it is not a description of what the nation will do but rather Hashem's command of what they should do and thus says nothing about their actual repentance.
"וְאָמַר... הֲלֹא עַל כִּי אֵין אֱלֹהַי בְּקִרְבִּי מְצָאוּנִי הָרָעוֹת "
  • Partial repenatnce - Ramban suggests that this verse too refers to only partial repentance, a recognition of wrongdoing without a correction thereof. Tzeror HaMor simiallry posits that the nation might have repented in words but not in their heart, or only for part of their sins.3
"אֲנִי אֵלֵךְ עִמָּם בְּקֶרִי וְהֵבֵאתִי אֹתָם בְּאֶרֶץ אֹיְבֵיהֶם"
"וְאָנֹכִי הַסְתֵּר אַסְתִּיר פָּנַי"
"אָז יִכָּנַע לְבָבָם הֶעָרֵל וְאָז יִרְצוּ אֶת עֲוֺנָם"
Power of repentance
When did this happen?
Relationship between rebukes of Vayikra and Devarim

No Punishment

Punishment Despite Repentance