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Sancheriv's Campaign and Assyrian Sources

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The story of Sancheriv's campaign against Yehuda is one of the most documented events in Tanakh

Biblical Sources

Tanakh discusses Sancheriv's campaign at length in Melakhim II 18-19, Yeshayahu 36-37, and Divrei HaYamim II 32.  Many other chapters throughout the first half of Yeshayahu also allude to the threat,1 as does Mikhah.2

  • Melakhim II  – The account in Melakhim is the fullest of the three sources, sharing how Chizkiyahu rebelled against Assyria, leading Sancheriv to retaliate in the fourteenth year of Chizkiyahu's reign. Sancheriv captured the fortified cities of Yehuda, prompting Chizkiyahu to send him a large tribute so that he would not attack Yerushalayim. For unknown reasons, the tribute did not have the desired effect and emissaries of Sancheriv returned to the city to convince the people to surrender.3  Chizkiyahu prays and Yeshayahu tells him not to fear, for Sancheriv will return to his land and die there. Though a brief respite is granted when the Assyrians are forced to deal with a Kushite threat, Chizkiyahu remains fearful.  A second prayer leads to miraculous intervention as an angel strikes the Assyrian camp, killing 185,000 people and causing them to retreat.
  • Yeshayahu – Yeshayahu's version of the campaign is almost identical to that of Melakhim, leaving out only the discussion of Chizkiyahu's original tribute. Other passages in the book further allude to and highlight the destruction wrought by Assyria or speak of the miraculous salvation, though Sancheriv himself is not explicitly mentioned.4 
  • Divrei HaYamim II – The account in Divrei HaYamim, though relatively brief,5 provides information regarding Chizkiyahu's preparations for Sancheriv's attack that is lacking in the other Biblical sources. Chizkiyahu fortified the city walls, made shields and weapons, appointed military captains and encouraged his soldiers. His most well known act is his plugging of the springs outside the city and diverting the water through "Chizkiyahu's tunnel"6 to ensure that the enemy could not benefit from the water7 while  Israel did. 

Assyrian Sources

Sancheriv's campaign is well documented in Assyrian sources, as it is described in detail in the Assyrian annals and also portrayed pictorially in the Lakhish reliefs found in the palace of Nineveh.

  • The Annals – Copies of Sancheriv's annals have been preserved on three monumental prisms8 known as the the Taylor Prism,9 the Jerusalem Prism,10 and the Oriental Institute Prism.11 The inscriptions are almost identical12 and constitute the latest and most comprehensive editions of the annals.13   According to the inscription, Sancheriv's campaign was an attempt to quell rebellions in Tzidon, Ahskelon, Ekron and Yehuda.  The four had formed a coalition against Assyria, with expectation of aid from Egypt. Chizkiyahu is mentioned in two sections.  In the context of the insurrection of Ekron, we are told that they overthrew their king, who had been a loyal vassal to Sancheriv and "handed him over to Hezekiah, the Jew" for safekeeping.  Later, Sancheriv tells of the invasion of Yehuda. He boasts of having laid siege to 46 cities, taking 200,150 captives, imprisoning Chizkiyahu in Jerusalem, and plundering the towns. He ends by describing the extensive tribute paid to him by Chizkiyahu. 
  • Lakhish Relief – Sancheriv recorded his siege and victory over Lakhish in a series of wall reliefs that cover an entire room in his palace in Nineveh.14 Together they tell the story of the battle.  One panel depicts the Assyrian soldiers, some holding long spears, others armed with bows and arrows, and yet others with slingshots. Another section of the relief highlights the besieged city, depicting the ramps and battering rams used in the attack.  The relief then depicts the defeated Judeans, some dead, and others deported into exile. The Assyrians carry the looted booty, including huge goblets and even furniture.The final scene portrays Sancheriv on his throne as prisoners bow, or are executed, before him.  An inscription reads "Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, set up a throne and the booty of Lakhish passed before him."

Relationship Between the Sources There are certain events only allluded to in Tanakh which can be elucidated by the annals historical background provided by the annals might shed light on certain aspects of Tanakh's account which are otherwise obscure, or events which are only hinted to.only alluded to.

The two sets of sources agree about the basic facts: that Sancheriv attacked Yehuda, captured many of its cities, and finally reached Yerushalayim.  They both speak of the large tribute paid to Assyria,15 but differ greatly regarding the outcome of the battle.  Only Tanakh records the miraculous salvation of Yehuda and defeat of the Assyrians.

  • Extent of devastation – Sefer Melakhim only hints to the devastation wrought on Yehuda, sharing that "עָלָה סַנְחֵרִיב מֶלֶךְ אַשּׁוּר עַל כׇּל עָרֵי יְהוּדָה הַבְּצֻרוֹת וַיִּתְפְּשֵׂם".  Though Sancheriv's claim of smiting "46 cities" and taking hundreds of thousands of prisoners might be hyperbolic, it nonetheless testifies to the high degree of destruction
  • Role of Egypt
  • הוּא הִכָּה אֶת פְּלִשְׁתִּים עַד עַזָּה