Shabbat Table Topics – Parashat Behar/0/en

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Shabbat Table Topics – Parashat Behar

This topic has not yet undergone editorial review

Shemittah: Between Man and God or Man and Man?

What is the Purpose of Shemittah?  While Ramban focuses on how the year helps an individual's spiritual growth and increases their recognition of Hashem, Shadal emphasizes how the year inculcates social equality and concern for the less fortunate.  Rambam, in contrast, suggests that Shemittah serves a practical function in keeping the land healthy and capable of bearing fruit.

  • Is it possible that certain commandments were instituted only for utilitarian purposes? What other mitzvot be understood in similar fashion?  For one example, see Ralbag on Tzara'at.
  • Does the Torah promote capitalism or socialism?  What do the laws of Shemittah suggest?1
  • How are Shemittah and Shabbat similar?  What benefits are gained from an enforced resting and refraining from work?  

The Hardest Mitzvah

The Hardest Mitzvah?

Is Shemittah really one of the most difficult mitzvot to keep?