Shabbat Table Topics – Parashat Eikev/0/en

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Shabbat Table Topics – Parashat Eikev

This topic has not yet undergone editorial review

Loving Hashem

How should the concept of "love" be defined? What does the commandment to love Hashem entail? Are emotions even subject to one's will? How can one be commanded to feel a certain way?

  • Commentators disagree whether the love prescribed is an emotion, a cognitive process, or an action. While the Rambam views love of Hashem as an emotional longing, comparable to the love between spouses, Shadal asserts that the commandment is action-oriented and is a metaphoric way of saying that one must be loyal to God and observe His commandments. Ramban offers a third possibility, that the mitzvah is one of martyrdom.
  • Which of the above approaches do you find the most compelling? Which verses in the paragraphs of "Shema" might support each understanding? How might each exegete apply his interpretation to other directives involving love of another, such as the commandment to love your neighbor and a foreigner? For elaboration, see Ahavat Hashem.