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<h1>נושאים לשולחן שבת – פרשת אמר</h1>
<h1>נושאים לשולחן שבת – פרשת אמר</h1>
<category>How Does One Sanctify Hashem's Name?
<category>How Does One Sanctify Hashem's Name?
<p>The verse "וְנִקְדַּשְׁתִּי בְּתוֹךְ בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל" is often cited as the source for the obligation of <a href="Sanctifying Hashem's Name" data-aht="page">חובת קידוש השם</a>.</p><ul>
<p>הפסוק של "וְנִקְדַּשְׁתִּי בְּתוֹךְ בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל"&#160;לעתים קרובות מצוטט כמקור עבור <a href="Sanctifying Hashem's Name" data-aht="page">חובת קידוש השם</a>.</p>
<li>What actions constitute a "Kiddush Hashem"?&#160; While the <multilink><a href="SifraVayikra22-32" data-aht="source">ספרא ויקרא</a><a href="SifraVayikra22-32" data-aht="source">כ"ב:ל"ב</a><a href="Sifra Vayikra" data-aht="parshan">אודות הספרא ויקרא</a></multilink>asserts that the verse refers to the obligation of martyrdom,&#160;<multilink><a href="RambamIggeretHaShemad" data-aht="source">רמב"ם</a><a href="RambamIggeretHaShemad" data-aht="source">איגרת השמד</a><a href="R. Moshe b. Maimon (Rambam, Maimonides)" data-aht="parshan">אודות ר' משה בן מיימון</a></multilink><fn>He does also maintain that the verse can be used as the source for the obligation of martrydom as well.</fn> claims that it also speaks of general positive behavior.<fn>For example, if a person acts in a way that leads others to praise him, such as having a pleasant demeanor, good manners or polite speech, he thereby sanctifies Hashem's name.</fn>&#160; Which of these approaches finds more support in the text?</li>
<li>At various times in history, Jews have martyred themselves.&#160; What gives one the strength to do so?&#160; How should those who can not stand up to the challenge be viewed? See Rambam's&#160;<multilink><a href="RambamIggeretHaShemad" data-aht="source">Iggeret HaShemad</a><a href="RambamIggeretHaShemad" data-aht="source">איגרת השמד</a><a href="R. Moshe b. Maimon (Rambam, Maimonides)" data-aht="parshan">אודות ר' משה בן מיימון</a></multilink> and his attitude towards the אנוסים of his time who recited the Shahada (the Islamic declaration of faith) rather than be slain by the Almohades.</li>
<li>אילו פעולות מהוות "קידוש השם"?&#160; בעוד ש<multilink><a href="SifraVayikra22-32" data-aht="source">ספרא ויקרא</a><a href="SifraVayikra22-32" data-aht="source">כ"ב:ל"ב</a><a href="Sifra Vayikra" data-aht="parshan">אודות הספרא ויקרא</a></multilink>asserts that the verse refers to the obligation of martyrdom,&#160;<multilink><a href="RambamIggeretHaShemad" data-aht="source">רמב"ם</a><a href="RambamIggeretHaShemad" data-aht="source">איגרת השמד</a><a href="R. Moshe b. Maimon (Rambam, Maimonides)" data-aht="parshan">אודות ר' משה בן מיימון</a></multilink><fn>He does also maintain that the verse can be used as the source for the obligation of martrydom as well.</fn> claims that it also speaks of general positive behavior.<fn>For example, if a person acts in a way that leads others to praise him, such as having a pleasant demeanor, good manners or polite speech, he thereby sanctifies Hashem's name.</fn>&#160; Which of these approaches finds more support in the text?</li>
<li>At various times in history, Jews have martyred themselves.&#160; What gives one the strength to do so?&#160; How should those who can not stand up to the challenge be viewed? ראו דברי רמב"ם ב<multilink><a href="RambamIggeretHaShemad" data-aht="source">איגרת השמד</a><a href="RambamIggeretHaShemad" data-aht="source">איגרת השמד</a><a href="R. Moshe b. Maimon (Rambam, Maimonides)" data-aht="parshan">אודות ר' משה בן מיימון</a></multilink> and his attitude towards the אנוסים of his time who recited the Shahada (the Islamic declaration of faith) rather than be slain by the Almohades.</li>
<category>Sectarian Debates Over the Omer
<category>Sectarian Debates Over the Omer
<p>The date of the Omer offering has been a source of fiery debate between various sects of Judaism for over two thousand years. The Torah provides no calendrical date, merely stating that the Omer should be brought "מִמׇּחֳרַת הַשַּׁבָּת".&#160; While the Samaritan, Karaite, and Qumran sects all understand "הַשַּׁבָּת" to refer to the seventh day of the week (and that the Omer offering is therefore brought on a Sunday), Rabbinic Judaism maintains that it refers to the first day of Chag HaMatzot (and that the Omer is offered on the 16th of Nisan). See <a href="MiMachorat HaShabbat" data-aht="page">"ממחרת השבת"</a>.</p><ul>
<p>The date of the Omer offering has been a source of fiery debate between various sects of Judaism for over two thousand years. The Torah provides no calendrical date, merely stating that the Omer should be brought "מִמׇּחֳרַת הַשַּׁבָּת".&#160; While the Samaritan, Karaite, and Qumran sects all understand "הַשַּׁבָּת" to refer to the seventh day of the week (and that the Omer offering is therefore brought on a Sunday), Rabbinic Judaism maintains that it refers to the first day of Chag HaMatzot (and that the Omer is offered on the 16th of Nisan). ראו <a href="MiMachorat HaShabbat" data-aht="page">"ממחרת השבת"</a>.</p>
<li>What motivates the Rabbinic position to read the word "Shabbat" in this manner?&#160; Is this a simple rendering of the word?&#160; What other textual or theological issues might lead Rabbinic commentators to disagree with the sectarian readings?</li>
<li>What motivates the Rabbinic position to read the word "Shabbat" in this manner?&#160; Is this a simple rendering of the word?&#160; What other textual or theological issues might lead Rabbinic commentators to disagree with the sectarian readings?</li>
<li>According to the sectarian groups, what is so significant about a Sunday that Hashem would mandate that the Omer offering (and thus Shavuot) always fall out on that day specifically? In addition, the lack of a set date for Shavuot<fn>As "מִמׇּחֳרַת הַשַּׁבָּת" can be a different date in any given year, depending on what day of the month that Sunday happens to fall, each year Shavuot might fall on a number of different days in Sivan.&#160; [This is true for both the Samaritans and Karaites, but not for the Qumran sect. Since they have a 364 day calendar which is evenly divisible by seven, the Omer offering was always brought not only on a set day of the week, but also on a set date of the month, the 26th of Nisan. Thus Shavuot always falls on the 15th of Sivan.]</fn> serves to sever any connection between it and the historical event of revelation. What does that do to "חג מתן תורתנו"?</li>
<li>According to the sectarian groups, what is so significant about a Sunday that Hashem would mandate that the Omer offering (and thus Shavuot) always fall out on that day specifically? In addition, the lack of a set date for Shavuot<fn>מפני ש"מִמׇּחֳרַת הַשַּׁבָּת" can be a different date in any given year, depending on what day of the month that Sunday happens to fall, each year Shavuot might fall on a number of different days in Sivan.&#160; [This is true for both the Samaritans and Karaites, but not for the Qumran sect. Since they have a 364 day calendar which is evenly divisible by seven, the Omer offering was always brought not only on a set day of the week, but also on a set date of the month, the 26th of Nisan. Thus Shavuot always falls on the 15th of Sivan.]</fn> serves to sever any connection between it and the historical event of revelation. What does that do to "חג מתן תורתנו"?</li>
<li>I. Kislev<fn>See I. Kislev, <a href="http://herzogpress.herzog.ac.il/gilayon.asp?gilh=%D7%98%D7%96&amp;ktav=1&amp;gil=16">"והאכילנו את המן ונתן לנו את השבת"</a>, Megadim 16 (1992): 43-55.</fn> understands the phrase "מִמׇּחֳרַת הַשַּׁבָּת" to mean "the morrow of the cessation", and he suggests that the Omer was originally brought on the day after the cessation of the manna.&#160; In fact, the whole offering was meant to commemorate the miracle of the manna and the subsequent transition from supernatural providence to natural living.&#160; Why might it be important to remember the miracle of the manna specifically during harvest season?</li>
<li>א' כסלו<fn>ראו א' כסלו, <a href="http://herzogpress.herzog.ac.il/gilayon.asp?gilh=%D7%98%D7%96&amp;ktav=1&amp;gil=16">"והאכילנו את המן ונתן לנו את השבת"</a>, מגדים ט"ז (תשנ"ב): 55-43.</fn> מציע שמובן הביטוי "מִמׇּחֳרַת הַשַּׁבָּת" הוא "ממחרת השביתה", and he suggests that the Omer was originally brought on the day after the cessation of the manna.&#160; In fact, the whole offering was meant to commemorate the miracle of the manna and the subsequent transition from supernatural providence to natural living.&#160; Why might it be important to remember the miracle of the manna specifically during harvest season?</li>
<category>לחם הפנים ולחם הברית
<category>לחם הפנים ולחם הברית
<li>Food plays an important role in many religious ceremonies.&#160; The rites of the Mishkan are no exception, and they include both the sacrificial service on the outer Altar ו<a href="Purpose of the Shulchan and Lechem HaPanim" data-aht="page">לחם הפנים</a> on the inner Table.&#160; Why, though, is there a need for food in Hashem's abode?</li>
<li>Food plays an important role in many religious ceremonies.&#160; The rites of the Mishkan are no exception, and they include both the sacrificial service on the outer Altar ו<a href="Purpose of the Shulchan and Lechem HaPanim" data-aht="page">לחם הפנים</a> בשולחן הפנימי.&#160; Why, though, is there a need for food in Hashem's abode?</li>
<li>בתקופת התנ"ך, אכילת ארוחה משותפת הייתה חלק מתהליך כריתת ברית,<fn>ראו <a href="ANE:Treaties in Tanakh and the Ancient Near East" data-aht="page">בריתות בתנ"ך ובמזרח הקדמון</a>.</fn>&#160;דומה ללחיצת יד בחברה שלנו. לאור זה, ר' חובב יחיאלי<fn>ראו ר' חובב יחיאלי, <a href="http://herzogpress.herzog.ac.il/gilayon.asp?gilh=%D7%9E%D7%93&amp;ktav=1&amp;gil=44">"תערך לפני שלחן – השולחן ולחם הפנים"</a>, מגדים מ"ד (תשס"ו): 49-33.</fn> מציע שלחם הפנים היה סוג של סעודה לצורך כריתת ברית שחידש באופן מתמיד את ברית סיני. איזו תמיכה טקסטואלית או רעיונית אפשר למצוא&#160;לקריאה זו? ראו <a href="Purpose of the Shulchan and Lechem HaPanim" data-aht="page">מטרת השולחן ולחם הפנים</a>,&#160;<a href="Purpose of the Sacrifices" data-aht="page">מטרת הקרבנות</a>, ו<a href="Purpose of the Mishkan" data-aht="page">מטרת המשכן</a>.</li>
<li>בתקופת התנ"ך, אכילת ארוחה משותפת הייתה חלק מתהליך כריתת ברית,<fn>ראו <a href="ANE:Treaties in Tanakh and the Ancient Near East" data-aht="page">בריתות בתנ"ך ובמזרח הקדמון</a>.</fn>&#160;דומה ללחיצת יד בחברה שלנו. לאור זה, ר' חובב יחיאלי<fn>ראו ר' חובב יחיאלי, <a href="http://herzogpress.herzog.ac.il/gilayon.asp?gilh=%D7%9E%D7%93&amp;ktav=1&amp;gil=44">"תערך לפני שלחן – השולחן ולחם הפנים"</a>, מגדים מ"ד (תשס"ו): 49-33.</fn> מציע שלחם הפנים היה סוג של סעודה לצורך כריתת ברית שחידש באופן מתמיד את ברית סיני. איזו תמיכה טקסטואלית או רעיונית אפשר למצוא&#160;לקריאה זו? ראו <a href="Purpose of the Shulchan and Lechem HaPanim" data-aht="page">מטרת השולחן ולחם הפנים</a>,&#160;<a href="Purpose of the Sacrifices" data-aht="page">מטרת הקרבנות</a>, ו<a href="Purpose of the Mishkan" data-aht="page">מטרת המשכן</a>.</li>

Version as of 04:56, 22 August 2019

נושאים לשולחן שבת – פרשת אמר

How Does One Sanctify Hashem's Name?

הפסוק של "וְנִקְדַּשְׁתִּי בְּתוֹךְ בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל" לעתים קרובות מצוטט כמקור עבור חובת קידוש השם.

Sectarian Debates Over the Omer

The date of the Omer offering has been a source of fiery debate between various sects of Judaism for over two thousand years. The Torah provides no calendrical date, merely stating that the Omer should be brought "מִמׇּחֳרַת הַשַּׁבָּת".  While the Samaritan, Karaite, and Qumran sects all understand "הַשַּׁבָּת" to refer to the seventh day of the week (and that the Omer offering is therefore brought on a Sunday), Rabbinic Judaism maintains that it refers to the first day of Chag HaMatzot (and that the Omer is offered on the 16th of Nisan). ראו "ממחרת השבת".

  • What motivates the Rabbinic position to read the word "Shabbat" in this manner?  Is this a simple rendering of the word?  What other textual or theological issues might lead Rabbinic commentators to disagree with the sectarian readings?
  • According to the sectarian groups, what is so significant about a Sunday that Hashem would mandate that the Omer offering (and thus Shavuot) always fall out on that day specifically? In addition, the lack of a set date for Shavuot3 serves to sever any connection between it and the historical event of revelation. What does that do to "חג מתן תורתנו"?
  • א' כסלו4 מציע שמובן הביטוי "מִמׇּחֳרַת הַשַּׁבָּת" הוא "ממחרת השביתה", and he suggests that the Omer was originally brought on the day after the cessation of the manna.  In fact, the whole offering was meant to commemorate the miracle of the manna and the subsequent transition from supernatural providence to natural living.  Why might it be important to remember the miracle of the manna specifically during harvest season?

לחם הפנים ולחם הברית

  • Food plays an important role in many religious ceremonies.  The rites of the Mishkan are no exception, and they include both the sacrificial service on the outer Altar ולחם הפנים בשולחן הפנימי.  Why, though, is there a need for food in Hashem's abode?
  • בתקופת התנ"ך, אכילת ארוחה משותפת הייתה חלק מתהליך כריתת ברית,5 דומה ללחיצת יד בחברה שלנו. לאור זה, ר' חובב יחיאלי6 מציע שלחם הפנים היה סוג של סעודה לצורך כריתת ברית שחידש באופן מתמיד את ברית סיני. איזו תמיכה טקסטואלית או רעיונית אפשר למצוא לקריאה זו? ראו מטרת השולחן ולחם הפניםמטרת הקרבנות, ומטרת המשכן.

"עַיִן תַּחַת עַיִן"

כעונש על צורות מסוימות של תקיפה פיזית, התורה מציבה כלל של עונש "מידה כנגד מידה", ומצהירה שהדין הוא "עַיִן תַּחַת עַיִן שֵׁן תַּחַת שֵׁן ...".

  • האם זה הדין ההוגן ביותר, או שזה דווקא עונש אכזרי וחריג?
  • בקביעת עונשים, איזו מהמטרות הבאות היא הכי חשובה: פיצוי הקרבן, שיקום העבריין, נקמה, או הרתעה? מה אפשר ללמוד מדין "עין תחת עין"? האם הוא משקף גישה סטנדרטית של התורה, או שהוא יוצא דופן?
  • הרוב המכריע של חכמי התלמוד קובעים שבמקרה של נזק גופני, הפוגע משלם פיצוי כספי. אך האם זה הפשט של הפסוקים בתורה? האם פשט הפסוקים שונה מהדין של חז"ל? אם כן, מדוע? והכי חשוב, איך ניתן יישב את הפשט עם הדרש? ראו "עין תחת עין".


לעוד נושאים בפרשה, ראו: רשימת נושאים – פרשת אמר.