Shabbat Table Topics – Parashat Kedoshim/0/he

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נושאים לשולחן שבת – פרשת קדושים

האם נישואי תערובת אסורים מדאורייתא?

בויקרא י"ח:כ"א וכ':ב'-ה' the Torah commands not to give of one's seed to the Molekh. What does the violation of this prohibition entail? Some commentators assume that the verse refers to an idolatrous rite, such as child immolation or consecration, while others connect it to sexual offenses, such as relations or marriage to a non-Jew.

  • What textual support might be brought for each position? ראו נתינת זרע למולך.
  • Though the Torah prohibits intermarriage with the seven Canaanite nations, it nowhere explicitly legislates against marriage to other outsiders. How might this omission be understood, and how might it affect exegetes' reading of this passage?

חוקי כלאים

איסורי כלאים1 are often brought as the classic example of a law whose purpose is not self-evident and inherently logical. Commentators, nonetheless, attempt to explain the reasoning behind the various commandments. ראו מטרת חוקי כלאיים.

שליטה עצמית

לפי רש"ר הירשויקרא י"ט:כ"ג-כ"האודות ר' שמשון רפאל הירש, מטרת מצוות ערלה היא ללמד שליטה עצמית. [ראו מטרת איסור ערלה.] הוא מקשר בינה למצווה של "קדושים תהיו," explaining that holiness can only be achieved via self-control.

  • רש"ר הירש מסביר שמובן השורש "קדש" הוא להבדיל.  How does this work with his understanding that holiness is intricately connected to self discipline? Why is self-restraint so crucial for attaining holiness?
  • בעל עקדת יצחקויקרא דרוש י'אודות ר' יצחק עראמה goes a step further to suggest that all laws whose reason is unclear (such as the prohibition to wear linen and wool together) need have no other purpose other than the fact that they restrict man.  Is it possible that the goal of certain prohibitions is simply to have prohibitions?
  • Is abstinence always to be lauded? Is indulgence always negative? What is a healthy balance between the two?


לעוד נושאים בפרשה, ראו: רשימת נושאים – פרשת קדושים.