Shabbat Table Topics – Parashat Ki Tavo/0/en

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Shabbat Table Topics – Parashat Ki Tavo

This topic has not yet undergone editorial review

On Geography, Polemics, and Parshanut

Though people who are unfamiliar with the geography of Israel and its surroundings often pay little attention to place names in Tanakh, sometimes awareness of geography can impact one's understanding of a narrative or law.  The commandment regarding the ceremony on Mt. Eival and Mt. Gerizim is a case in point.

  • R. Yehuda and R. Eliezer debate the location of the mountains, with R. Yehuda suggesting that they were in the vicinity of Shekhem, and R. Eliezer saying that they were near Gilgal, close to the Jordan.  What in the description of the mountain's location in Devarim 11 would support each position?
  • If the mountains really were in the middle of the country, how could the nation be expected to arrange the ceremony "on the day that you cross the Jordan".  Would that not involve passing through as of yet unconquered enemy territory?
  • What was the purpose of the ceremony as a whole?  Which location would best help achieve this goal?
  • A polemical factor might also play a role in commentator's choice of which location to choose.  Since the Samaritans sanctify Mt. Gerizim of Shekhem, setting a totally different geographical location for the mountain rids their claims of all validity.  Does the fact that an approach is polemically motivated make it less valid or intellectually rigorous than one which is influenced by the text alone?

See When Did the Ceremony on Mt. Eival Occur for elaboration.