Shabbat Table Topics – Parashat Metzora/0/en

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Shabbat Table Topics – Parashat Metzora

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Tzara'at: Natural Disease or Divine Punishment?

Among the many mysteries of Tanakh, Tzara'at ranks high on the list of unknowns. What is this malady? Why does a person get afflicted? Is it a natural disease that anyone can contract, or is it a Divinely sent, supernatural phenomenon, meant as punishment for sin?

  • Look at all the instances in Tanakh in which someone is plagued by tzara'at. Can you find a common offense perpetrated by each of those afflicted? If the malady is indeed a punishment, what seems to be the crime?
  • Why does tzara'at cause impurity? Compare the various cases of impurity in Torah. Is there any common denominator which might explain why specifically these conditions defile a person?

Among the many mysteries of Tanakh,

  • Look at all the instances in Tanakh in which someone is plagued by tzara'at. Can you find a common offense perpetrated by each of those afflicted?  If the malady is indeed a punishment, what seems to be the crime?
  • Why does tzara'at cause impurity? Compare the various cases of impurity in Torah. Is there any common denominator which might explain why specifically these conditions defile a person?