Shabbat Table Topics – Parashat Terumah/0/en

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Shabbat Table Topics – Parashat Terumah

This topic has not yet undergone editorial review

Does Hashem Need a House?

As God has no need of shelter, light, bread or meat, why did He command the nation to build the Tabernacle and its accompanying vessels? See Purpose of the Mishkan.

  • According to Ramban, the Mishkan facilitated the continuation of the Divine revelation which began at Mt. Sinai and understands that Hashem's presence was literally contained within the walls of the Tabernacle. Does this imply that God can be contained in a physical structure? What does it suggest about the concept of "sacred space;" are certain locations more holy than others? Finally, how would having God literally in your midst affect your relationship with Hashem?
  • Sifre views the Tabernacle as a means to atone for the Sin of the Golden Calf. Tanchuma, instead, focuses on how it serves as a sign to surrounding nations that God had forgiven Israel. What polemical factors might be motivating such a reading? Can you think of other cases where a commentator's understanding of a story is polemically motivated.
  • Shadal suggests that the Tabernacle served to enhance not only man's relationship with Hashem but also to his fellow man. By providing a centralized location for all to gather in their worship of Hashem, the Mishkan served to unify the nation. What are other benefits of centralization? What are some of the down-sides?


Of Symbols and Meaning

We often look for symbolic meaning in rituals or objects, especially when no functional or simple explanation is readily apparent.

  • What do bread, light and spices represent for you?  What symbolism might lie behind the Table, Menorah and Incense Altar?  See how Abarbanel reads these vessels
  • R. Instead looks to parales from the