Shabbat Table Topics – Parashat Toledot/0/en

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Shabbat Table Topics – Parashat Toledot

Sale of the Birthright

How should each of Yaakov and Esav be evaluated for their role in the sale of the birthright?

  • Was Yaakov taking advantage of his brother's hunger for his own gain?  Was the sale not an example of extortion? Or, is there more going on in the story than a cursory read suggests?
  • Was Esav's willingness to sell the birthright a sign of his impetuous nature, indicative of his living only in the moment, or was it a logical decision given the circumstances? 
  • The way one answers the above is partially dependent on how one understands the birthright.  Was Yaakov purchasing a monetary inheritance (Ibn Ezra), a religious status (Bereshit Rabbah), or Avraham's legacy (R. D"Z Hoffmann)?  Which position is best supported by the text?  How does each affect your understanding of the story as a whole?   See Sale of the Birthright – A Fair Deal for elaboration.