Shabbat Table Topics – Parashat Vaetchanan/0/he

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נושאים לשולחן שבת – פרשת ואתחנן

Revelation: A "Face to Face" Encounter?

Though many people assume that the entire nation heard the entire Decalogue (עשרת הדברים) directly from Hashem, many commentators suggest that Moshe might have acted as an intermediary for at least part of, if not the entire, experience. Which verses might provide support for each position?

  • אבן עזראדברים ה':ה'שמות פירוש שני כ':א'אודות ר' אברהם אבן עזרא and רשב"םשמות כ':ט"ואודות ר' שמואל בן מאיר maintain that the nation heard the entire Decalogue from Hashem, but then fear overcame them and they requested that Moshe step in. According to them, had it not been for the people's fear, Hashem would have given them the rest of the Torah directly rather than via Moshe. How does this reading affect our perception of the uniqueness of the Decalogue? Is it problematic to suggest that Hashem might have a change of plan?
  • רמב"םב ל"גAbout Rambam Moreh Nevukhim, in contrast, assumes that Hashem spoke directly only to Moshe. The people listened in on their conversation, but heard merely a Divine voice without being able to decipher His words. Rambam is likely motivated by his belief that indiscriminate prophecy is impossible. Is prophecy really possible only with proper training and preparation, or can anyone reach prophetic levels if Hashem chooses to speak to them?  Attempt to bring evidence from other cases in Tanakh.
  • What ramifications does this dispute have for understanding the main purpose of the Sinaitic revelation?

For elaboration, see עשרת הדברים: ישירות מהקב"ה או דרך משה?

Sins of the Parents

Why, at times, are the righteous punished while sinners prosper? The verse "פֹּקֵד עֲוֹן אָבוֹת עַל בָּנִים" appears to suggest that, at least in certain circumstances, Hashem Himself punishes innocent children while their sinful parents go free.

  • How does this manifest Divine justice? Is there any other way of understanding the verse?
  • When, if ever, is collective punishment justified? Can the same reasoning apply to vicarious punishment? Does the fact that the verse speaks of punishment within the family make a difference?
  • For extensive discussion of the issue, see האם ה' פֹּקֵד עֲוֹן אָבֹת עַל בָּנִים?.

Loving Hashem

How should the concept of "love" be defined?  What does the commandment to love Hashem entail?  Are emotions even subject to one's will? How can one be commanded to feel a certain way? 

Decalogue Differences

There are many differences between the formulations of the Decalogue found in Shemot and in Devarim. How should these variations be understood? Were they introduced by Hashem, Moshe, or both? If the latter, what gave Moshe the authority to do so? Do both versions of the Decalogue have equal status, or does one represent the ideal (and which)?


For more, see: Parashat Vaetchanan Topics.