Shabbat Table Topics – Parashat Vayigash/0/en

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Shabbat Table Topics – Parashat Vayigash

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Economic Antisemitism

Throughout history Jewish economic success has sparked antisemitism. Jews have been blamed for the ills of capitalism, stereotyped as greedy moneylenders, and accused of attempting to take over the world. The phenomenon goes back to Biblical times, and one of its first manifestations might stem from Parashat Vayigash.1  Modern scholars,2 following R"Y Bekhor ShorShemot 1:11About R. Yosef Bekhor Shor, assert that the Economic Policies instituted by Yosef to deal with the famine bred hatred.  The harsh measures and enslavement of the Egyptians, together with Yosef's simultaneous nepotism towards his family, caused resentment that later paved the way for the Israelite bondage. 

  • Do you think this is a valid reading of the events?
  • What are the root causes of economic antisemitism?  How does it compare to religious antisemitism?  What role (if any) did each play in the enslavement?
  • In what circumstances do you think that nepotism is a valid practice, and when is it problematic? Where else in Tanakh do leaders give preferential treatment to their families? Does this end well or poorly?

Why Stay in Egypt?

In the middle of the parashah, Yaakov's family descends to Egypt marking the beginning of Israel's first exile. 

  • When Yaakov's family moved to Egypt, how long had they intended to stay?  Why did they not return to Israel as soon as the famine ended?  [For one suggestion, see the third approach in Yosef's Economic Policies].
  • Already in the Covenant between the Pieces, Hashem tells Avraham of the future exile.  Does this mean that Hashem actively intervened to guide the Israelites into Egypt,3 or was the exile merely a natural result of human choices which did not involve any special heavenly input?  Was Yaakov's family even aware of the prophecy, and if so, did they view themselves as fulfilling a Divine decree?  See Divine Plans and Israelite Free Choice for elaboration.
  • Why was the exile in Egypt a necessary part of Jewish history? What did it accomplish?  Are the purposes of the exile and bondage identical, or might each have its own goals?  See Purposes of the Egyptian Bondage.

Making Sense of Midrash

The TanchumaVayigash 5About the Tanchuma recasts Yehuda's plea for Binyamin into an overtly hostile and aggressive dispute in which Yehuda and Yosef each accuses the other of wrongdoing and duplicity, and finally threaten each other with violence.  Is there any evidence for such a reading in the text?  If not, where is the Midrash coming from and what message is it trying to impart? [See Yehuda's Oration]

  • In general, how is one approach midrashim that seem to veer sharply from the plain sense of the verses?
  • In this case, N. Leibowitz suggests that the Tanchuma is really having Yehuda argue not with Yosef, but with his own conscience, while others suggest that it is serving to foreshadow the future enmity between two tribes which will vie for power. Can you think of other midrashim which might similarly be read as either an internal monologue or with the future in mind?

Shtetl or Ghetto?

What led to the decision to live in Goshen?  According to the NetzivBereshit 46:34About R. Naftali Tzvi Yehuda Berlin, Yaakov's family attempted to isolate themselves so as to prevent assimilation and preserve their national identity. RalbagBereshit Beur HaMilot 46:34About R. Levi b. Gershom, though, raises the possibility that fear of hostility from the Egyptians "who abhorred shepherds" is what prompted the segregation. RashiBereshit 46:34About R. Shelomo Yitzchaki, on the other hand, implies that the decision was economic in nature, and Yosef simply looked to provide good grazing the land for the family.  See Why Live in Goshen and Where in Egypt Did the Israelites Live for more.

  • What support can you find in the text for each approach?
  • What should be the balance between integration into foreign society and segregation from negative cultural influences?4
  • Does integration provoke antisemitism or prevent it?