Shaul's Sin in Gilgal/2

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Shaul's Sin in Gilgal

Exegetical Approaches

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Reliance on Self

In not waiting for Shemuel, Shaul demonstrated that he doubted Hashem's powers to save the nation and preferred to rely on his own strength and strategies.

Why make Shaul wait? Hashem wanted to ensure that the people recognized that it was Hashem's hand which lay behind their military victories, and not the power of man.  As such, Shemuel made a strategically illogical demand, telling Shaul to wait rather than seize the opportunity to defeat the Philistines while they were still unorganized.  Hashem intentionally had Shaul tarry until his army dispersed and he was left with but 600 men, so that no one could possibly think to take credit for the victory but rather all would recognize Hashem's aid.
Severity of sin – Demonstrating that war is not won by human might was especially important after the establishment of the monarchy, when the people were likely to attribute all success to their king and not Hashem.  Shaul's disobedience proved all of Shemuel's fears in appointing a king valid; soon the people would come to rely on him in place of the true King, Hashem.
Contrast to Yonatan – Yonatan's behavior stands in contrast to that of his father and highlights Shaul's failure. As opposed to Shaul who is unwilling to fight with his meager army,1 Yonatan goes to attack the Philistines with just his arms bearer.  Unlike Shaul, Yonatan recognizes that numbers in battle are not nearly as important as Hashem's backing, as he says  "כִּי אֵין לַיהֹוָה מַעְצוֹר לְהוֹשִׁיעַ בְּרַב אוֹ בִמְעָט."
Parallels to Gidon – The description of the battle here contains many parallels to the story of Gidon's battle against Midyan.2  In both stories, the vastness of the enemy is likened to the sand by the sea, while the Israelite fighting force consists of only a few hundred soldiers.  This is a reality imposed by Hashem, "פֶּן יִתְפָּאֵר עָלַי יִשְׂרָאֵל לֵאמֹר יָדִי הוֹשִׁיעָה לִּי".  While Shaul is afraid to attack with so few soldiers, Gidon gathers his men telling them that they can win with Hashem's help: "קוּמוּ כִּי נָתַן י"י בְּיֶדְכֶם אֶת מַחֲנֵה מִדְיָן"
Other manifestations of self-reliance – Later in Chapter 14, Shaul commits the same mistake, acting on his own rather than being guided by Hashem.  After Yonatan's attack, Shaul originally intends to seek Hashem's advice, but when he sees the confusion in the Philistine camp he tells the priest, "withdraw your hand," preferring to take advantage of the enemies' weakness and attack immediately than wait for Hashem's word.3  Once again, Shaul portrays ignorance of the fact that "לֹא בְכֹחַ יִגְבַּר אִישׁ".
Comparison to Shaul's sin in the battle against Amalek – This position might claim that the sin in the two stories was identical.  In taking from the booty of Amalek, Shaul demonstrated that he viewed himself, rather than Hashem, as the victor of the battle, once again betraying an attitude that attributes success to man's abilities and forgets Hashem's role.
David versus Shaul
  • Golyat
  • Philistines

Usurping Shemuel's Role

Shaul actions constituted a rebellion against the prophet, Shemuel.

Parallels to the Sin of the Golden Calf