Sefer Yonah – Outline

  1. First Mission Aborted (Chapters 1-2)
    1. Near Destruction of Boatmen (Chapter 1)
      1. Prophet Flees Call (1:1-3)
      2. Danger of Death (1:4-13)
      3. Sailors turn to God and are Saved (1:14-16)
    2. Miracles and Prayer (Chapter 2)
      1. Lesson from a Fish: Yonah Swallowed (2:1)
      2. Prophet Prays for/ from Salvation (2:2-10)
      3. Lesson from a Fish: Yonah Released (2:11)
  2. Second Mission Fulfilled (Chapters 3-4)
    1. Near Destruction of Nineveh (Chapter 3)
      1. Prophet Heeds Call (3:1-3)
      2. Danger of Destruction (3:4)
      3. Ninevites turn to God and are Saved (3:5-10)
    2. Prayer and Miracles (Chapter 4)
      1. Prophet Prays to Die (4:1-5)
      2. Lesson from a Gourd (4:6-11)