Structural Analysis – Shemot 3–4
"Commissioning of Moshe"

Broader Context

Shemot 3–4 is part of the larger unit "First Mission Fails" which encompasses Chapters 2–5 of Sefer Shemot. For elaboration and various possible subdivisions of this unit, see Structure of Sefer Shemot.

Step 1 – Boundaries of the Unit

"Commissioning of Moshe" (3:1 – 4:26)

  • (One sentence summary) –
  • Frame
  • Plot
  • Theme
  • Parallels
  • Characters
  • Setting
  • Timing
  • Genre
  • Literary markers
  • Masoretic markers

Step 2 – Division into Scenes

I. "" (:)
II. "" (:)

  • (One sentence summary) –
  • Frame
  • Plot
  • Theme
  • Parallels
  • Characters
  • Setting
  • Timing
  • Genre
  • Literary markers
  • Masoretic markers

Step 3.1 – Subdivision of Scene I

A. "" (:)
B. "" (:)

  • (One sentence summary) –
  • Frame
  • Plot
  • Theme
  • Parallels
  • Characters
  • Setting
  • Timing
  • Genre
  • Literary markers
  • Masoretic markers

Step 3.2 – Subdivision of Scene II

A. "" (:)
B. "" (:)

  • (One sentence summary) –
  • Frame
  • Plot
  • Theme
  • Parallels
  • Characters
  • Setting
  • Timing
  • Genre
  • Literary markers
  • Masoretic markers

Click here to continue to Literary Analysis.
