Tanakh and the Ancient Near East Index – Parashat Miketz/0

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Tanakh & the Ancient Near East Index – Parashat Miketz

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Dream Narratives and Interpretation

Egyptian Words in the Yosef Narrative

Yosef’s Economic Plan

Governmental Hierarchy in Ancient Egypt

Theft of Sacred Objects in Egypt

  • When searching for Yosef's "stolen" goblet, his servant tells the brothers, "He with whom it is found will be for me a slave and you shall be blameless”. See Crime and Punishment in Pharaonic Egypt for an overview of the system of punishments meted out in Egypt.  Among other things, this article demonstrates that the punishment for theft of a sacred object would be treated more severely than regular theft. 

Visual Aids

  • Olam Hamikra includes images of goblets from Ancient Egypt. Robert Alter and other scholars have explained that the method of divination in a goblet would most likely be the interpretation of patterns on the surface of the liquid in the goblet and in drops on the side of the goblet.
  • Yosef is shaved before appearing in front of Pharaoh, an Egyptian practice.  See Olam Hamikra for images relating to Egyptian practices of haircutting, shaving, and wearing wigs
  • See Olam Hamikra for images of the process of storing food in storehouses in ancient Egypt.