< Tefillah:Shirat HaYam
Version as of 05:03, 12 April 2019 by Aviva (talk | contribs)

Shirat HaYam

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Saying Shirat HaYam seems to be a minhag Eretz Yisraeli. It was then adopted, in the Geonim time, in Bavel although not everyone agreed on saying it. Some said it all the time, some said it only on Shabbat and some didn't say it at all.
During the Rishonim time, in Ashkenaz and France they said Shirat HaYam as part of Pesukei DeZimra although in Spain and Provence they said it after Yishtabach as not part of Pesukei DeZimra. Only later did everyone start saying Shirat HaYam before Yishtabach as part of Pesukei DeZimra.

Tannaim and Amoraim

Although Shirat HaYam is mentioned in the Bavli as being said on מנחה on Shabbat, there is no mention of it being said in Pesukei DeZimra. In the Tur and אבודרהם it says that we say Shirat HaYam since the Mekhilta is דורש the ט"ו תשבחות of Yishtabach from the verses of Shirat HaYam but it is not found in our Mekhilta.


Saying Shirat HaYam as part of Pesukei DeZimra seems to have started in Eretz Yisrael.1 In Bavel some people adopted the minhag and would say Shirat HaYam but only on Shabbat as found in תשובות ר' נטרונאי גאון but not everyone.2 During the time of Rasag it seems that they started saying Shirat HaYam even on chol.


During the Rishonim time, most people said Shirat HaYam but they said at different parts of davening:
