The Moabite Rebellion and the Mesha Stele/0

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The Moabite Rebellion and the Mesha Stele

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Biblical Sources Melakhim II 3 tells how Mesha, the King of Moav, had originally paid tribute to Israel, but rebelled after the death of Achav. His descendant, Yehoram, makes an alliance with Yehoshafat, the King of Yehuda, and Edom to retaliate. They plan an attack from the south, but en route find themselves without water. Hashem intervenes by bringing a flash flood, taking care of their thirst.  The Moabites mistake the reddish hue of the water as blood and erroneously conclude that the allies have turned on each other, leading them to rush into the Israelite camp to plunder.  Israel is thus able to smite them, but despite the initial success, the battle ends without a clear victor.