
< Tzara'at
Version as of 14:06, 8 February 2017 by Neima (talk | contribs)

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Exegetical Approaches

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Divine Punishment

Tzaraat is a malady sent by Hashem to warn or punish a person for sin.

Natural or supernatural?
For which sins? These sources disagree regarding which sins cause a person to be plagued with צרעת, but most of them speak of  slander1 and/or haughtiness.  Several of the  Midrashic sources2 include entire lists of potential sins,3 mentioning theft, murder, selfishness, lying, desecration of God's name, overstepping boundaries, illicit sexual relations, and swearing falsely.
Biblical cases – This position is supported by the fact that most of the stories in Tanakh which mention a person being afflicted with צרעת, explicitly speak of it as a punishment:
  • Bemidbar 12– Miriam is Divinely struck with tzaraat for speaking against Moshe.
  • Shemuel II 3 – After killing Avner against David's wishes, Yoav is cursed that he shall be afflicted with צרעת.
  • Melakhim II 5 – Gechazi is plagued by tzaraat upon the word of Elisha after he disobeys the prophet.
  • Divrei HaYamim II 26 – King Uziyahu is punished with tzaraat for his haughtiness in bringing the ketoret.
From this list, it seems that  the common denominator between the various sins is a rebellion against authority.4
Comparison to tzaraat of the house and clothing – According to many of these sources,5 the afflictions brought on a person's clothing and house are meant to serve as warnings of sin, to lead the person to repent before he himself is bodily afflicted.6  Abarbanel adds that the obvious supernatural nature of the plague on the house comes to teach that the others as well are Divine and providential.7
"וְנָתַתִּי נֶגַע צָרַעַת" – Ramban8 points out that the language of "וְנָתַתִּי" suggests that Hashem is actively bringing the plague and that it cannot be attributed to natural causes.9 R. Hirsch adds that the word "נֶגַע" itself has the specific connotation of a plague brought by Divine decree,10 rather than an ordinary disease.
Comparison to other forms of impurity – Most other conditions which cause impurity (bodily emissions, childbirth, and death) do not seem to be connected to sin and punishment, but are rather natural states.  As such, this understanding of tzaraat would make it an exceptional form of impurity.
Role of priest – The afflicted person is checked by a priest rather than a doctor since this is a cultic issue of sin and impurity rather than natural disease.11  Seforno adds that the priest will both push the person to reflect on his deeds and pray for him as well.
Aspects of the purification process – These sources understand many aspects of the purification process as correctives to, or punishment for sin:
  • Isolation – Rashi, following Bavli Arakhin, explains that this is a measure for measure punishment. Since the metzora, through his gossip, caused people to separate from one another, so too he he is separated from society. Rav Hirsch, instead, suggests that the isolation serves to shame the person into self reflection12 and correction of his negative social behavior.13
  • Sending away of birds – Ramban compares the birds to the goat that is sent to Azazel as part of the purification process of Yom HaKippurim, suggesting that in both cases their role is to carry away the people''s sins.  Bavli Arakhin explains that birds were chosen specifically because they chirp, thereby reminding the person of his sin of speaking about others.14 
  • Cedar and hyssop – Rashi and R. Yosef Bekhor Shor suggest that these symbolize the fact that the person who had been haughty15 is now humbled and brought low.
  • Seven day
  • Asham and chatat sacrfiices

Natural Disease

Natural or supernatural?
Tzaraat of the house and clothing
Why does it  cause impurity?
Connection to other forms of impurity
  • Other cases of impurity, too, come as the result of natural processes.
  • Kashrut has been understood by many as related to health.
Biblical cases of tzaraat
Aspects of the purification process
  • Isolation
  • Chatat and asham
  • Sending away of birds
  • Ezov
  • Seven day waiting periods
Role of kohen