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<p>Ibn Ezra is silent on the matter, but his identification of the Midianites with the Yishmaelites leads the reader to assume that he would include the Medanites in the equation as well. Radak, who adopts much of Ibn Ezra's position, explicitly states that the Yishmaelites, Midianites and Medanites are just three different names for the same group of people.</p></fn> identify the Midianites and Medanites with one another.<fn>None of them relate to the fact that Bereshit 25:2 lists them as separate sons of Keturah. The position taken by R. Tam and the Ma'asei Hashem could easily have suggested that the two are in fact distinct, and that the brothers used the Midianites as intermediaries while the Yishmaelites later used the Medanites for the same function.</fn></li>
<p>Ibn Ezra is silent on the matter, but his identification of the Midianites with the Yishmaelites leads the reader to assume that he would include the Medanites in the equation as well. Radak, who adopts much of Ibn Ezra's position, explicitly states that the Yishmaelites, Midianites and Medanites are just three different names for the same group of people.</p></fn> identify the Midianites and Medanites with one another.<fn>None of them relate to the fact that Bereshit 25:2 lists them as separate sons of Keturah. The position taken by R. Tam and the Ma'asei Hashem could easily have suggested that the two are in fact distinct, and that the brothers used the Midianites as intermediaries while the Yishmaelites later used the Medanites for the same function.</fn></li>
<point><b>How many sales? כמה מכירות?&#160;</b><ul>
<point><b>How many sales? כמה מכירות?</b><ul>
<li><b>שתיים -</b> רוב הפרשנים הללו סבורים שהיו רק שתי עסקאות: בין האחים לבין שיירת השימעאלים,<fn>ראו לעיל בדבר שלל התפקידים המיוחסים למדינים/מדנים לפי הפרשנים הללו.&#160;<br/>See above for the various roles assigned to the Midianites/Medanites according to these exegetes.</fn> ובין הישמעאלים לפוטיפר.&#160;</li>
<li><b>שתיים -</b> רוב הפרשנים הללו סבורים שהיו רק שתי עסקאות: בין האחים לבין שיירת השימעאלים,<fn>ראו לעיל בדבר שלל התפקידים המיוחסים למדינים/מדנים לפי הפרשנים הללו.&#160;<br/>See above for the various roles assigned to the Midianites/Medanites according to these exegetes.</fn> ובין הישמעאלים לפוטיפר.&#160;</li>
<li><b>Two</b> – Most of these commentators maintain that there were only two sales: by the brothers to the caravan of Yishmaelites<fn>See above for the various roles assigned to the Midianites/Medanites according to these exegetes.</fn> and by the Yishmaelites to Potiphar.</li>
<li><b>Two</b> – Most of these commentators maintain that there were only two sales: by the brothers to the caravan of Yishmaelites<fn>See above for the various roles assigned to the Midianites/Medanites according to these exegetes.</fn> and by the Yishmaelites to Potiphar.</li>
<li>שלוש - מדרש תנחומא (בובר)<fn>ראו בהערה לעיל דיון בגרסה המובאת במנחת יהודה.<br/>See the note above regarding the version cited by Minchat Yehuda.</fn> ורש"י לבראשית ל"ז:כ"ח<fn>See, though, Rashi on Bereshit 37:3 where he seems to contradict himself, stating that Yosef was sold to four groups: to Potiphar, the traders ("סֹחֲרִים"), the Yishmaelites, and the Medanites or Midianites (see the note above regarding the text of Rashi). [This earlier comment of Rashi is citing Bereshit Rabbah which reads the word "פַּסִּים" as an acronym for the groups who caused trouble for Yosef (this Midrash does not speak of the number of sales).] See Minchat Yehuda who attempts to resolve this contradiction in Rashi. See also the note above which presents two possible understandings of Rashi.</fn> מציעים שהיו בסך הכל שלוש מכירות: אחי יוסף מכרו אותו לישמעאלים, הישמעאלים מכרו אותו למדינים או למדנים, והמדנים או המדינים מכרו אותו לפוטיפר.&#160;</li>
<li><b>שלוש</b> - מדרש תנחומא (בובר)<fn>ראו בהערה לעיל דיון בגרסה המובאת במנחת יהודה.<br/>See the note above regarding the version cited by Minchat Yehuda.</fn> ורש"י לבראשית ל"ז:כ"ח<fn>See, though, Rashi on Bereshit 37:3 where he seems to contradict himself, stating that Yosef was sold to four groups: to Potiphar, the traders ("סֹחֲרִים"), the Yishmaelites, and the Medanites or Midianites (see the note above regarding the text of Rashi). [This earlier comment of Rashi is citing Bereshit Rabbah which reads the word "פַּסִּים" as an acronym for the groups who caused trouble for Yosef (this Midrash does not speak of the number of sales).] See Minchat Yehuda who attempts to resolve this contradiction in Rashi. See also the note above which presents two possible understandings of Rashi.</fn> מציעים שהיו בסך הכל שלוש מכירות: אחי יוסף מכרו אותו לישמעאלים, הישמעאלים מכרו אותו למדינים או למדנים, והמדנים או המדינים מכרו אותו לפוטיפר.&#160;</li>
<li><b>Three</b> – Tanchuma (Buber)<fn>See the note above regarding the version cited by Minchat Yehuda.</fn> and Rashi on Bereshit 37:28<fn>See, though, Rashi on Bereshit 37:3 where he seems to contradict himself, stating that Yosef was sold to four groups: to Potiphar, the traders ("סֹחֲרִים"), the Yishmaelites, and the Medanites or Midianites (see the note above regarding the text of Rashi). [This earlier comment of Rashi is citing <multilink><a href="BereshitRabbah84-8" data-aht="source">Bereshit Rabbah</a><a href="BereshitRabbah84-8" data-aht="source">84:8</a><a href="Bereshit Rabbah" data-aht="parshan">About Bereshit Rabbah</a></multilink> which reads the word "פַּסִּים" as an acronym for the groups who caused trouble for Yosef (this Midrash does not speak of the number of sales).] See <multilink><a href="MinchatYehudaBereshit37-28" data-aht="source">Minchat Yehuda</a><a href="MinchatYehudaBereshit37-28" data-aht="source">Bereshit 37:28</a><a href="R. Yehuda b. Elazar (Minchat Yehuda)" data-aht="parshan">About R. Yehuda b. Elazar</a></multilink> who attempts to resolve this contradiction in Rashi. See also the note above which presents two possible understandings of Rashi.</fn> assert that there were was a total of three sales: Yosef's brothers sold him to the Yishmaelites, the Yishmaelites sold him to the Medanites or Midianites,<fn>See above regarding the textual variants.</fn> and the Medanites or Midianites sold him to Potiphar.</li>
<li><b>Three</b> – Tanchuma (Buber)<fn>See the note above regarding the version cited by Minchat Yehuda.</fn> and Rashi on Bereshit 37:28<fn>See, though, Rashi on Bereshit 37:3 where he seems to contradict himself, stating that Yosef was sold to four groups: to Potiphar, the traders ("סֹחֲרִים"), the Yishmaelites, and the Medanites or Midianites (see the note above regarding the text of Rashi). [This earlier comment of Rashi is citing <multilink><a href="BereshitRabbah84-8" data-aht="source">Bereshit Rabbah</a><a href="BereshitRabbah84-8" data-aht="source">84:8</a><a href="Bereshit Rabbah" data-aht="parshan">About Bereshit Rabbah</a></multilink> which reads the word "פַּסִּים" as an acronym for the groups who caused trouble for Yosef (this Midrash does not speak of the number of sales).] See <multilink><a href="MinchatYehudaBereshit37-28" data-aht="source">Minchat Yehuda</a><a href="MinchatYehudaBereshit37-28" data-aht="source">Bereshit 37:28</a><a href="R. Yehuda b. Elazar (Minchat Yehuda)" data-aht="parshan">About R. Yehuda b. Elazar</a></multilink> who attempts to resolve this contradiction in Rashi. See also the note above which presents two possible understandings of Rashi.</fn> assert that there were was a total of three sales: Yosef's brothers sold him to the Yishmaelites, the Yishmaelites sold him to the Medanites or Midianites,<fn>See above regarding the textual variants.</fn> and the Medanites or Midianites sold him to Potiphar.</li>
<li><b>ארבע או חמש:&#160;</b>ר' יודן ור' חונה ב<a href="BereshitRabbah84-22" data-aht="source">בראשית רבה</a> נוקטים בעמדה הקיצונית לפיה יוסף נמכר ארבע או חמש פעמים, <span style="background-color: #ffff00;">ובה/כאשר</span>&#160; כל קבוצה (או כמעט כל קבוצה) המוזכרת בכתוב משתתפת בשרשרת העסקאות<fn>See also the variation of this approach found in Daat Zekeinim<br/><br/>גרסאות נוספות לגישה זו ראו גם ב<a href="DaatZekeinimBereshit37-28" data-aht="source">דעת זקנים</a>.</fn>.</li>
<li><b>Four or five</b> – R. Yudan and R. Chona in <multilink><a href="BereshitRabbah84-22" data-aht="source">Bereshit Rabbah</a><a href="BereshitRabbah84-22" data-aht="source">84:22</a><a href="Bereshit Rabbah" data-aht="parshan">About Bereshit Rabbah</a></multilink> take the extreme position that Yosef was sold four or five times, with every (or almost every) group mentioned in the story participating in the series of transactions.<fn>See also the variation of this approach found in <multilink><a href="DaatZekeinimBereshit37-28" data-aht="source">Daat Zekeinim</a><a href="DaatZekeinimBereshit37-28" data-aht="source">Bereshit 37:28</a><a href="Daat Zekeinim" data-aht="parshan">About Daat Zekeinim</a></multilink>.</fn></li>
<li><b>Four or five</b> – R. Yudan and R. Chona in <multilink><a href="BereshitRabbah84-22" data-aht="source">Bereshit Rabbah</a><a href="BereshitRabbah84-22" data-aht="source">84:22</a><a href="Bereshit Rabbah" data-aht="parshan">About Bereshit Rabbah</a></multilink> take the extreme position that Yosef was sold four or five times, with every (or almost every) group mentioned in the story participating in the series of transactions.<fn>See also the variation of this approach found in <multilink><a href="DaatZekeinimBereshit37-28" data-aht="source">Daat Zekeinim</a><a href="DaatZekeinimBereshit37-28" data-aht="source">Bereshit 37:28</a><a href="Daat Zekeinim" data-aht="parshan">About Daat Zekeinim</a></multilink>.</fn></li>
<point><b>Reuven's surprise</b> – Rashi asserts that Reuven was not with the brothers during the sale, and hence was surprised when he returned to the pit to find Yosef missing. Rashi suggests that Reuven was either busy atoning for his sin with Bilhah (Bereshit 35:22),<fn>This position seems to be motivated by a play on the word "וַיָּשָׁב" which can connote either a physical or spiritual return, and Reuven's absence from the brothers' meal which might suggest that he had been fasting.</fn> or that he had returned home to serve his father.<fn>This option is difficult given the geographic distance between Dotan and Chevron, but it is possible that Rashi was unaware of this fact, not being familiar with the geography of the land of Israel. Interestingly, only Rashi's first possibility appears in the Vilna edition of Bereshit Rabbah on this verse. It is possible that the text might be corrupt, as it mentions the existence of two opinions, but only brings one. Moreover, Bereshit Rabbah Albeck 84 does indeed bring both possibilities (and compare also Pesikta DeRav Kahana, Shuvah 24:9). Nevertheless, it is not clear if this is Rashi's source, for it speaks of Reuven dealing with all the burdens of the house, while Rashi's language of serving his father is much more similar to that found in Bereshit Rabbah (Vilna) 84:15.<!-- This Midrash, though, refers to a totally different verse, 37:27, where the words "And Reuven heard", might also suggest that Reuven had not been present beforehand. This placement of the midrashic explanation eliminates the difficulty presented by the geographic distance, since here Reuven is not going home and returning in a matter of a couple of hours, but is simply joining the brothers' shepherding later in the day. Nonetheless, one might wonder why Yaakov would need to send Yosef to check on the brothers, if he had just seen Reuven, and, additionally one might have assumed that the two brothers would then travel together.--></fn> Radak, though, suggests that Reuven had simply gone to graze his sheep in a different location<fn>Cf. <multilink><a href="RYBSBereshit37-25" data-aht="source">R. Yosef Bekhor Shor</a><a href="RYBSBereshit37-25" data-aht="source">Bereshit 37:25-30</a><a href="R. Yosef Bekhor Shor" data-aht="parshan">About R. Yosef Bekhor Shor</a></multilink> below.</fn> when the plan to sell Yosef was hatched and implemented.</point>
<point><b>הפתעתו של ראובן - Reuven's surprise</b> – רש"י מפרש שראובן לא היה עם האחים בעת המכירה, ולפיכך הופתע מהיעדרו של יוסף בשובו אל הבור. רש"י מציע שראובן היה עסוק בכפרה על חטאו עם בלהה (בראשית ל"ה:כב),<fn>This position seems to be motivated by a play on the word "וַיָּשָׁב" which can connote either a physical or spiritual return, and Reuven's absence from the brothers' meal which might suggest that he had been fasting.<br/><br/><br/>נדמה שעמדה זו מבוססת על משחק מלים על בסיס המלה "וַיָּשָׁב", שיכולה להתפרש כשיבה במישור הפיזי או במישור הרוחני, ועל היעדרו של ראובן מסעודתם של האחים שעשויה להצביע על צום.&#160;</fn> או ששב הביתה לשרת את אביו.<fn>אפשרות זו קשה לאור המרחק הגיאוגרפי בין דותן לחברון, אך יתכן שרש"י לא היה מודע לכך בשל היכרות מוגבלת עם הגיאוגרפיה של ארץ ישראל. מעניין לציין כי רק האפשרות הראשונה שמציע רש"י מופיעה במהדורת וילנא של בראשית רבה על הפסוק. יתכן כי הטקסט השתבש, שכן הוא מזכיר את קיומן של שתי דעות, ומביא רק אחת. יתר על כן, בבראשית רבה פ"ד מהדורת אלבק מובאות שתי האפשרויות (והשווה פסיקתא דרב כהנא, שובה, כ"ד:ט). על כל פנים, לא ברור אם אכן זהו המקור שעמד בפני רש"י, כיון שמתואר בו שראובן עסק בכל מלאכות הבית, בעוד לשונו של רש"י - לשרת את אביו - דומה בהרבה ללשון המדרש בבראשית רבה (וילנא) פ"ד:טו.<br/><br/>This option is difficult given the geographic distance between Dotan and Chevron, but it is possible that Rashi was unaware of this fact, not being familiar with the geography of the land of Israel. Interestingly, only Rashi's first possibility appears in the Vilna edition of Bereshit Rabbah on this verse. It is possible that the text might be corrupt, as it mentions the existence of two opinions, but only brings one. Moreover, Bereshit Rabbah Albeck 84 does indeed bring both possibilities (and compare also Pesikta DeRav Kahana, Shuvah 24:9). Nevertheless, it is not clear if this is Rashi's source, for it speaks of Reuven dealing with all the burdens of the house, while Rashi's language of serving his father is much more similar to that found in Bereshit Rabbah (Vilna) 84:15.</fn> רד"ק, לעומתו, מציע שראובן רק הלך לרעות את צאנו במקום אחר<fn>Cf. R. Yosef Bekhor Shor below.<br/><br/>ראו גם בפירוש&#160;<a href="RYBSBereshit37-25" data-aht="source">ר׳ יוסף בכור שור</a> להלן.&#160;</fn> כאשר התכנית למכירת יוסף נהגתה ובוצעה.&#160;<br/>Rashi asserts that Reuven was not with the brothers during the sale, and hence was surprised when he returned to the pit to find Yosef missing. Rashi suggests that Reuven was either busy atoning for his sin with Bilhah (Bereshit 35:22),<fn>This position seems to be motivated by a play on the word "וַיָּשָׁב" which can connote either a physical or spiritual return, and Reuven's absence from the brothers' meal which might suggest that he had been fasting.</fn> or that he had returned home to serve his father.<fn>This option is difficult given the geographic distance between Dotan and Chevron, but it is possible that Rashi was unaware of this fact, not being familiar with the geography of the land of Israel. Interestingly, only Rashi's first possibility appears in the Vilna edition of Bereshit Rabbah on this verse. It is possible that the text might be corrupt, as it mentions the existence of two opinions, but only brings one. Moreover, Bereshit Rabbah Albeck 84 does indeed bring both possibilities (and compare also Pesikta DeRav Kahana, Shuvah 24:9). Nevertheless, it is not clear if this is Rashi's source, for it speaks of Reuven dealing with all the burdens of the house, while Rashi's language of serving his father is much more similar to that found in Bereshit Rabbah (Vilna) 84:15.<!-- This Midrash, though, refers to a totally different verse, 37:27, where the words "And Reuven heard", might also suggest that Reuven had not been present beforehand. This placement of the midrashic explanation eliminates the difficulty presented by the geographic distance, since here Reuven is not going home and returning in a matter of a couple of hours, but is simply joining the brothers' shepherding later in the day. Nonetheless, one might wonder why Yaakov would need to send Yosef to check on the brothers, if he had just seen Reuven, and, additionally one might have assumed that the two brothers would then travel together.--></fn> Radak, though, suggests that Reuven had simply gone to graze his sheep in a different location<fn>Cf. <multilink><a href="RYBSBereshit37-25" data-aht="source">R. Yosef Bekhor Shor</a><a href="RYBSBereshit37-25" data-aht="source">Bereshit 37:25-30</a><a href="R. Yosef Bekhor Shor" data-aht="parshan">About R. Yosef Bekhor Shor</a></multilink> below.</fn> when the plan to sell Yosef was hatched and implemented.</point>
<point><b>The cover-up</b> – This position might suggest that the brothers first conceived of a cover-up only after Reuven returned, because their real goal was simply to ensure that Reuven did not get into trouble. Alternatively, only after seeing his distress did they realize how upset their father would be.</point>
<point><b>The cover-up</b> – This position might suggest that the brothers first conceived of a cover-up only after Reuven returned, because their real goal was simply to ensure that Reuven did not get into trouble. Alternatively, only after seeing his distress did they realize how upset their father would be.</point>
<point><b>"וַיִּשְׁמְעוּ אֶחָיו"</b> – In response to Yehuda's proposal to sell Yosef, the verse tells us that "the brothers heard." Rashi maintains that this implies consent.<fn>Rashi could have posited that it also connotes implementation. Cf. <multilink><a href="RYBSBereshit37-25" data-aht="source">R. Yosef Bekhor Shor</a><a href="RYBSBereshit37-25" data-aht="source">Bereshit 37:25-30</a><a href="R. Yosef Bekhor Shor" data-aht="parshan">About R. Yosef Bekhor Shor</a></multilink> below.</fn></point>
<point><b>"וַיִּשְׁמְעוּ אֶחָיו"</b> – In response to Yehuda's proposal to sell Yosef, the verse tells us that "the brothers heard." Rashi maintains that this implies consent.<fn>Rashi could have posited that it also connotes implementation. Cf. <multilink><a href="RYBSBereshit37-25" data-aht="source">R. Yosef Bekhor Shor</a><a href="RYBSBereshit37-25" data-aht="source">Bereshit 37:25-30</a><a href="R. Yosef Bekhor Shor" data-aht="parshan">About R. Yosef Bekhor Shor</a></multilink> below.</fn></point>

Version as of 02:36, 24 July 2018

מי מכר את יוסף?

גישות פרשניות


סיפור מכירת יוסף מתמקד בפעולותיהם של שני אחים - ראובן ויהודה , ובארבע קבוצות זרים - ישמעלים, מדינים, מדנים ומצרים. הפרשנים חלוקים בהבנת אופי היחסים בקרב האחים ובקרב הקבוצות השונות, והקשרים ביניהם. לשאלה זו השלכות נרחבות הן לשחזור רצף האירועים בפרק, והן לעמידה על טיבם של האחים.

The story of Yosef's sale focuses on the actions of two brothers – Reuven and Yehuda, and four groups of foreign nationals – Yishmaelites, Midianites, Medanites, and Egyptians. Commentators disagree about the internal relationships among both the brothers and the foreign parties, and the extent of the interaction between them. This has significant consequences for reconstructing the sequence of events in this episode as well as evaluating the brothers' character.

על פי בראשית רבה, האחים מכרו את יוסף כאיש אחד, וראובן היה המתנגד היחיד למעשה. בנוסף מתוארות קבוצות זרים רבות, בלתי תלויות, ומספר עסקאות, וכך מכירת יוסף לישמעלים ע"י האחים היא רק הראשונה בסדרת מכירות. מנגד, לפי ר' יוסף בכור היו האחים מפולגים בין סיעותיהם של ראובן ושל יהודה, ואילו קבוצות הזרים נכללו כולן בשיירה אחת. לדעתו, מחצית מהאחים מכרו את יוסף למכלול של זרים שהמשיכו והביאו אותו למצרים. לבסוף, הרשב"ם מציג את האחים, ובכללם ראובן, כישות אחת שלא היתה האחראית למכירת יוסף. הוא מציע שהמכירה התבצעה בין קבוצות הזרים לבין עצמן.  
Bereshit Rabbah views the brothers as acting in unison to sell Yosef, with Reuven being the lone holdout. It also maintains that there were numerous unrelated groups of foreigners and multiple transactions, with the brothers' sale to the Yishmaelites being merely the first in a series. In contrast, R. Yosef Bekhor Shor portrays the brothers as divided between the two factions of Reuven and Yehuda, and the foreign nationals as all being part of the same caravan. According to him, half of the brothers sold Yosef to the foreign conglomerate which then proceeded to take him to Egypt. Finally, Rashbam presents all of the brothers including Reuven as one entity which was not responsible for Yosef's sale. He posits that the transaction was instead conducted between the different foreign groups themselves.

All of the Brothers (Except for Reuven) Sold Yosef כל האחים (חוץ מראובן) מכרו את יוסף

אחי יוסף הם אלה שמכרו אותו, אבל ראובן היה במקום אחר בעת המכירה1
Yosef's brothers were the ones who sold him, but Reuven was elsewhere when the sale occurred.2

"וַיִּמְשְׁכוּ, וַיַּעֲלוּ... וַיִּמְכְּרוּ" – גישה זו נחלקת לפרשנויות שונות לגבי האופן בו מתייחסים שלושת הפעלים האלה למדינים, שהוצגו בתחילת הפסוק ("וַיַּעַבְרוּ אֲנָשִׁים מִדְיָנִים סֹחֲרִים"):
This approach subdivides into differing interpretations of how these three
verbs relate to the Midianites who were introduced at the beginning of the verse ("וַיַּעַבְרוּ אֲנָשִׁים מִדְיָנִים סֹחֲרִים"):
  • לדעת רש"י, כל שלושת הפעלים אינם קשורים למדינים, אלא מוסבים על האחים שהופיעו כנושא בפסוקים הקודמים. האחים משכו והעלו את יוסף מהבור, ואז מכרו אותו לישמעלים ממש כפי שתכננו. עם זאת, עמדה זו בעייתית כיון שהופעת המדינים בתחילת הפסוק נדמית לפתע מיותרת ושלא במקומה9.
  • According to Rashi, all three verbs are unconnected to the Midianites, butrather refer back to the brothers who were the subject of the previous verses. The brothers pulled and raised Yosef from the pit and then sold him to the Yishmaelites precisely as they had planned. This position, though, is problematic, as the mention of the Midianites at the beginning of the verse becomes seemingly irrelevant and out of place.10
  • לעומתו, מעשי ה'11 מציע שאמנם האחים מכרו את יוסף לישמעלים, אך היו אלה המדינים, בתפקיד הסבלים והמתווכים במכירה, שהעלו את יוסף מהבור. עמדה זו מסבירה בנקל את את הזכרת המדינים בתחילת הפסוק, שכן הם נושא הפעולות הנזכרות מיד.
  • In contrast, the Ma'asei Hashem12 suggests that though the brothers are the ones who sold Yosef to the Yishmaelites, it was the Midianites, playing the role of porters and intermediaries in the sale, who pulled him out of the pit. This proposal easily explains the mention of the Midianites in the first clause of the verse, as they are the subject of what follows.
Yishmaelites and Midianites ישמעאלים ומדינים
  • נפרדים אבל שווים - בבראשית רבה מוצגות שתי הקבוצות הללו כקבוצות סוחרים נפרדות.13 הישמעאלים קנו את יוסף מהאחים, והמדינים בתורם קנו אותו מהישמעאלים ומכרו אותו במצרים.14 
  • Separate and equal – Bereshit Rabbah understands these to be two totally separate groups of merchants.15 The Yishmaelites bought Yosef from the brothers, and the Midianites subsequently bought him from the Yishmaelites and then marketed him in Egypt.16
  • נפרדים ולא שווים - גם רבנו תם ומעשי ה' רואים בהן שתי קבוצות מובחנות, אך מציעים שהמדינים משמשים במתווכים בעסקת המכירה הנערכת בין האחים לבין הישמעאלים.17 
  • Separate but unequal – R. Tam and the Ma'asei Hashem also view them as two distinct groups, but suggest that the Midianites played the role of middlemen in facilitating the sale of Yosef by the brothers to the Yishmaelites.18
  • שיירה אחת - לעומתם, האבן עזרא19, ר' אברהם בן הרמב"ם והרמב"ן מפרשים שהם היו בני שיירה אחת.
  • Same caravan – On the other hand, Ibn Ezra,20 R. Avraham b. HaRambam, and Ramban maintain, that they were part of the same caravan.
    • אבן עזרא טוען שיש כאן שני שמות לקבוצה אחת,21 איך אינו מסביר מדוע לעתים מופיע שם אחד ולעתים האחר.
    • Ibn Ezra asserts that these are simply two names for one group of people,22 but does not explain why sometimes they are referred to in one way and sometimes in another.
    • רמב"ן, לעומתו, שהישמעאלים היו חמרי הגמלים,23 ואילו המדינים היו בעלי העבדים.24 
    • Ramban, in contrast, suggests that the Yishmaelites were the camel drivers25 while the Midianites were the slave owners.26
    • דעת ר' אברהם בן הרמב"ם ממוקמת בין הקצוות, כאשר הוא טוען שהישמעאלים והמדינים היו שתי קבוצות מובחנות באותה שיירה, אך מציע ששמותיהן מתחלפים לעתים כיון שיש להם שושלת משותפת ומאפיינים משותפים.27 
    • R. Avraham b. HaRambam's position is some place in the middle as he proposes that both the Yishmaelites and Midianites were distinct members of the caravan, but maintains that their names are sometimes interchanged as they shared a common lineage and features.28
Midianites and Medanites מדינים ומדנים
  • קבוצות מובחנות - נראה29 כי על פי בראשית רבה היו שתי קבוצות שונות. ר' אברהם בן הרמב"ם מציע גם הוא שאלה שתי אומות מובחנות, אך הקבוצות היו שייכות לשיירה אחת. 
  • Distinct – It appears30 that Bereshit Rabbah understands them to be two different groups. R. Avraham b. HaRambam also maintains that they were two distinct peoples, but says they were part of the same caravan.
  • קבוצות זהות - מרבית פרשני ימי הביניים31 מזהים את המדנים והמדינים אלה עם אלה.32 
  • Identical – Most of the medieval commentators33 identify the Midianites and Medanites with one another.34
How many sales? כמה מכירות?
  • שתיים - רוב הפרשנים הללו סבורים שהיו רק שתי עסקאות: בין האחים לבין שיירת השימעאלים,35 ובין הישמעאלים לפוטיפר. 
  • Two – Most of these commentators maintain that there were only two sales: by the brothers to the caravan of Yishmaelites36 and by the Yishmaelites to Potiphar.
  • שלוש - מדרש תנחומא (בובר)37 ורש"י לבראשית ל"ז:כ"ח38 מציעים שהיו בסך הכל שלוש מכירות: אחי יוסף מכרו אותו לישמעאלים, הישמעאלים מכרו אותו למדינים או למדנים, והמדנים או המדינים מכרו אותו לפוטיפר. 
  • Three – Tanchuma (Buber)39 and Rashi on Bereshit 37:2840 assert that there were was a total of three sales: Yosef's brothers sold him to the Yishmaelites, the Yishmaelites sold him to the Medanites or Midianites,41 and the Medanites or Midianites sold him to Potiphar.
  • ארבע או חמש: ר' יודן ור' חונה בבראשית רבה נוקטים בעמדה הקיצונית לפיה יוסף נמכר ארבע או חמש פעמים, ובה/כאשר  כל קבוצה (או כמעט כל קבוצה) המוזכרת בכתוב משתתפת בשרשרת העסקאות42.
  • Four or five – R. Yudan and R. Chona in Bereshit Rabbah84:22About Bereshit Rabbah take the extreme position that Yosef was sold four or five times, with every (or almost every) group mentioned in the story participating in the series of transactions.43
הפתעתו של ראובן - Reuven's surprise – רש"י מפרש שראובן לא היה עם האחים בעת המכירה, ולפיכך הופתע מהיעדרו של יוסף בשובו אל הבור. רש"י מציע שראובן היה עסוק בכפרה על חטאו עם בלהה (בראשית ל"ה:כב),44 או ששב הביתה לשרת את אביו.45 רד"ק, לעומתו, מציע שראובן רק הלך לרעות את צאנו במקום אחר46 כאשר התכנית למכירת יוסף נהגתה ובוצעה. 
Rashi asserts that Reuven was not with the brothers during the sale, and hence was surprised when he returned to the pit to find Yosef missing. Rashi suggests that Reuven was either busy atoning for his sin with Bilhah (Bereshit 35:22),47 or that he had returned home to serve his father.48 Radak, though, suggests that Reuven had simply gone to graze his sheep in a different location49 when the plan to sell Yosef was hatched and implemented.
The cover-up – This position might suggest that the brothers first conceived of a cover-up only after Reuven returned, because their real goal was simply to ensure that Reuven did not get into trouble. Alternatively, only after seeing his distress did they realize how upset their father would be.
"וַיִּשְׁמְעוּ אֶחָיו" – In response to Yehuda's proposal to sell Yosef, the verse tells us that "the brothers heard." Rashi maintains that this implies consent.50
"וְאָחִיו מֵת" – Rashi suggests that when Yehuda says this to Yosef, he is lying, fearful of telling the vizier of Egypt that his brother had been sold.51
"אֲנִי יוֹסֵף אֲחִיכֶם אֲשֶׁר מְכַרְתֶּם אֹתִי מִצְרָיְמָה" – At face value, this verse reflects Yosef's belief that his brothers were the party which sold him, and it supports this approach.
Did Yaakov ever find out? RambanBereshit 45:27About R. Moshe b. Nachman contends that Yaakov never became aware that the brothers sold Yosef, but rather thought that others had abducted Yosef and sold him.  According to this, the brothers are not telling the truth in Bereshit 50:16-17 when they claim that Yaakov arranged for a message be delivered to Yosef (after Yaakov's death) requesting that Yosef forgive his brothers (see also Radak and Ralbag there). In contrast, ShadalBereshit 49:23About R. Shemuel David Luzzatto cites the opinion of R. Mordechai Mortara that Yaakov must have been aware of the brothers' role in Yosef's sale, or else the message to Yosef would not have been credible.
Does Binyamin ever find out? ShadalBereshit 45:4About R. Shemuel David Luzzatto suggests that Binyamin may have never learned the true story.  He explains that when Yosef revealed himself to the brothers as "Yosef whom you sold to Egypt" Binyamin was not within hearing range.  He points out that immediately beforehand, Yosef said to the brothers, "גְּשׁוּ נָא אֵלַי", asking them alone to come close,52 so that Binyamin would not overhear.53

Only Some of the Brothers Sold Yosef

One group of Yosef's brothers (led by Yehuda) sold Yosef, while another group of the brothers (headed by Reuven) were not present and did not participate.

Reuven out to lunch – According to R. Yosef Bekhor Shor, the brothers dined in shifts.54 While Yehuda's group ate lunch ("וַיֵּשְׁבוּ לֶאֱכָל לֶחֶם"), Reuven's group was tending to the sheep.55 Thus, Reuven and his entire group of brothers were completely unaware of both Yehuda's proposal and the sale itself.56
"וַיִּשְׁמְעוּ אֶחָיו" – According to R"Y Bekhor Shor, this term implies not just hearing and consent, but also implementation ("ויעשו כן") of Yehuda's plan.
"וַיִּמְשְׁכוּ, וַיַּעֲלוּ... וַיִּמְכְּרוּ" – Yehuda and his contingent of brothers are the subject of the verb "וַיִּמְכְּרוּ". It is unclear, though, whether the brothers also raised and pulled Yosef out of the pit, or if the buyers did that.57
"אֲנִי יוֹסֵף אֲחִיכֶם אֲשֶׁר מְכַרְתֶּם אֹתִי מִצְרָיְמָה" – R"Y Bekhor Shor proves from this verse that the brothers were responsible for the sale.
Yishmaelites, Midianites, and Medanites – R"Y Bekhor Shor suggests that these three groups were all traveling together in one caravan, as they were related to each other, all being descendants of Avraham's concubines, Hagar and Keturah. As they were essentially all part of one broader population, the different names are used interchangeably in the text.58
How many sales? Yosef was sold only twice. The brothers sold him to the combined Yishmaelite / Midianite / Medanite caravan, who then resold him to Potiphar.
"וְאָחִיו מֵת" – R"Y Bekhor Shor does not comment on this verse, but he could maintain, like Rashi above, that Yehuda was simply lying, or that he thought Yosef was as good as dead.
Why Yosef never sent to Yaakov? R"Y Bekhor Shor59 explains that when the brothers sold Yosef, they forced him to take an oath that he would never reveal his identity or communicate with Yaakov.60

None of the Brothers Sold Yosef

While Yosef's brothers planned on selling him, they never actually succeeded in doing so, as the Midianites preempted them by abducting Yosef from the pit.

"וַיִּמְשְׁכוּ, וַיַּעֲלוּ... וַיִּמְכְּרוּ" – According to this approach, the subject of all three of these verbs is the Midianites, as they are the direct antecedent in the first part of the verse ("וַיַּעַבְרוּ אֲנָשִׁים מִדְיָנִים סֹחֲרִים").‎63
The original plan
  • According to most of these commentators, the brothers intended to sell Yosef to the Yishmaelites, but their plans were foiled when the Midianites beat them to it.64
  • R. Azariah Figo and Malbim, however, go a step further. They suggest that Yehuda never intended for the brothers themselves to sell Yosef. Rather, he persuades his brothers to leave the vicinity of the pit so that the Yishmaelites would find the abandoned Yosef and, of their own initiative, sell him as a slave.65
"וַיִּשְׁמְעוּ אֶחָיו" – Shadal's cousin and Malbim interpret literally that all66 of the brothers agreed, but did not yet act on their plan.
Reuven's surprise – According to Shadal and Malbim, Reuven is with the brothers when they plan the sale, but hastily returns to the pit to save Yosef before the plan could be implemented, only to find the pit empty. Reuven is thus not the last, but rather the first, to discover that Yosef is missing.67 When he returns to his brothers, they are just as astonished as he is,68 and they all conclude that Yosef must have been devoured by a wild animal.
"וְאָחִיו מֵת" – Yehuda's later statement is readily understandable in light of the fact that the brothers truly believed that Yosef had died. Additionally, Shadal notes that Reuven's words, "וְגַם דָּמוֹ הִנֵּה נִדְרָשׁ", can be understood similarly.
No cover-up – The plans for what to tell Yaakov are discussed only after Reuven's discovery because until then none of the brothers were aware that Yosef was missing. Chizkuni adds that, as the brothers themselves believed that a wild animal consumed Yosef, their dipping of Yosef's tunic in blood was not intended to deceive Yaakov (but was merely an attempt to give him closure).69
No search for Yosef – Chizkuni and Shadal's cousin explain that although the brothers regretted their intended actions and tried to console Yaakov, they did not search for Yosef, because it was a foregone conclusion that he was dead.70
Yosef's brothers' character – Shadal's cousin explicitly states that taking this approach mitigates the brothers' sin – "כי בני יעקב שבטי יה אשר בחר לסגולתו אינם רשעים מתכונת נפשם הרעה", and transforms it into a temporary lapse for which they immediately repented: "ואף אם ברגע קטון חטאו מסיבת הקנאה והשנאה, כי הלא דרך אנוש למעול, אינם עומדים ח"ו במרדם, וקל מהרה יכירו חטאם וינחמו על כל אשר עשו, ויטרחו בכל יכלתם להינקות ממנו". Others have also suggested that this approach may be motivated by anti-Christian polemics.71
Yishmaelites, Midianites, and Medanites – This approach assumes that the Midianites and Yishmaelites are two distinct groups of people, with the Midianites being the original salesmen and the Yishmaelites the original purchasers.72 The approach subdivides, though, regarding the relationship of the Medanites to these two groups:
  • Rashbam and Shadal's cousin identify the Medanites as the Yishmaelites, with Shadal's cousin suggesting that all of the sons of Avraham (besides Yitzchak's line) can be referred to as Yishmaelites. This is how they eliminate the contradiction between 37:36 and 39:1.
  • Shadal and Malbim, in contrast, identify the Medanites with the Midianites. They propose that 37:36 is not saying that the Medanites physically brought Yosef to Egypt (as that would contradict 39:1), but that they sold Yosef towards Egypt (ie. with the intent that he arrive in Egypt).73 Alternatively, the verse might simply mean that the Midianites were the main cause of Yosef's going to Egypt, as they were the ones who originally drew him from the pit.
How many sales? According to this approach, there were only two sales. The Midianites stole Yosef from the pit and sold him to the Yishmaelites who, in turn, sold him to Potiphar.
"אֲנִי יוֹסֵף אֲחִיכֶם אֲשֶׁר מְכַרְתֶּם אֹתִי מִצְרָיְמָה" – What did Yosef think? Rashbam explains that while the brothers did not actually sell Yosef, since their actions resulted in his sale, it is considered as if they sold him.74 Shadal's cousin adds that it is also possible that Yosef himself mistakenly assumed that the brothers had sold him to the Midianites who had then proceeded to claim their purchase from the well.75
"כִּי גֻנֹּב גֻּנַּבְתִּי מֵאֶרֶץ הָעִבְרִים" – Shadal's cousin reads these words of Yosef as a reference to the Midianites stealing him from the pit. Shadal, though, thinks that Yosef is referring to his brothers stealing him from Yaakov, and that this statement merely reflects Yosef's own erroneous assumption that his brothers had sold him.
Why Yosef never sent to Yaakov? R"Y Bekhor Shor notes that Rashbam's approach has the greatest difficulty explaining why Yosef did not send to his father, given the fact that he had not even been sold by his brothers.76
Yaakov's Blessings – In contrast to other exegetes, RashbamBereshit 49:9Bereshit 49:23About R. Shemuel b. Meir maintains that none of Yaakov's blessings in Bereshit 49 make reference to the brothers' sale of Yosef.  Thus, Rashbam opts to interpret "וַיְמָרְרֻהוּ וָרֹבּוּ וַיִּשְׂטְמֻהוּ בַּעֲלֵי חִצִּים" as referring to Mrs. Potiphar's attempts to harm Yosef, rather than the brothers.  See also ShadalBereshit 49:23About R. Shemuel David Luzzatto who notes that this position could be consistent with Rashbam's view that the brothers were not the ones who sold Yosef.77  For elaboration on Rashbam's reading of the blessing to Yosef, see Yaakov's Blessing of Yosef.
What did Yaakov think? ShadalBereshit 49:23About R. Shemuel David Luzzatto suggests that, according to Rashbam, it is possible that Yaakov never knew even of the brothers' hatred of Yosef, but rather assumed (correctly) that Yosef had been abducted and sold by a different party.  Shadal himself, though, in the later printed editions of his commentary,78 contends that Yaakov assumed (incorrectly) that the brothers had been directly responsible.79