Who Sold Yosef/2/he
מי מכר את יוסף?
גישות פרשניות
סיפור מכירת יוסף מתמקד בפעולותיהם של שני אחים - ראובן ויהודה , ובארבע קבוצות זרים - ישמעלים, מדינים, מדנים ומצרים. הפרשנים חלוקים בהבנת אופי היחסים בקרב האחים ובקרב הקבוצות השונות, והקשרים ביניהם. לשאלה זו השלכות נרחבות הן לשחזור רצף האירועים בפרק, והן לעמידה על טיבם של האחים.
The story of Yosef's sale focuses on the actions of two brothers – Reuven and Yehuda, and four groups of foreign nationals – Yishmaelites, Midianites, Medanites, and Egyptians. Commentators disagree about the internal relationships among both the brothers and the foreign parties, and the extent of the interaction between them. This has significant consequences for reconstructing the sequence of events in this episode as well as evaluating the brothers' character.
על פי בראשית רבה, האחים מכרו את יוסף כאיש אחד, וראובן היה המתנגד היחיד למעשה. בנוסף מתוארות קבוצות זרים רבות, בלתי תלויות, ומספר עסקאות, וכך מכירת יוסף לישמעלים ע"י האחים היא רק הראשונה בסדרת מכירות. מנגד, לפי ר' יוסף בכור היו האחים מפולגים בין סיעותיהם של ראובן ושל יהודה, ואילו קבוצות הזרים נכללו כולן בשיירה אחת. לדעתו, מחצית מהאחים מכרו את יוסף למכלול של זרים שהמשיכו והביאו אותו למצרים. לבסוף, הרשב"ם מציג את האחים, ובכללם ראובן, כישות אחת שלא היתה האחראית למכירת יוסף. הוא מציע שהמכירה התבצעה בין קבוצות הזרים לבין עצמן.
Bereshit Rabbah views the brothers as acting in unison to sell Yosef, with Reuven being the lone holdout. It also maintains that there were numerous unrelated groups of foreigners and multiple transactions, with the brothers' sale to the Yishmaelites being merely the first in a series. In contrast, R. Yosef Bekhor Shor portrays the brothers as divided between the two factions of Reuven and Yehuda, and the foreign nationals as all being part of the same caravan. According to him, half of the brothers sold Yosef to the foreign conglomerate which then proceeded to take him to Egypt. Finally, Rashbam presents all of the brothers including Reuven as one entity which was not responsible for Yosef's sale. He posits that the transaction was instead conducted between the different foreign groups themselves.
All of the Brothers (Except for Reuven) Sold Yosefכל האחים (חוץ מאובן) מכרו את יוסף
אחי יוסף הם אלה שמכרו אותו, אבל ראובן היה במקום אחר בעת המכירה1.
Yosef's brothers were the ones who sold him, but Reuven was elsewhere when the sale occurred.2
בראשית רבה3, תנחומא (בובר)4, תרגום המיוחס ליונתן, רש״י5, אבן עזרא, רבינו תם, רד״ק, ר׳ אברהם בן הרמב״ם, רמב״ן, מעשי ה׳
Bereshit Rabbah,6 Tanchuma (Buber),7 Targum Pseudo-Jonathan, Rashi,8Ibn Ezra, R. Tam, Radak, R. Avraham b. HaRambam, Ramban, Ma'asei Hashem
- According to Rashi, all three verbs are unconnected to the Midianites, but rather refer back to the brothers who were the subject of the previous verses. The brothers pulled and raised Yosef from the pit and then sold him to the Yishmaelites precisely as they had planned. This position, though, is problematic, as the mention of the Midianites at the beginning of the verse becomes seemingly irrelevant and out of place.9
- In contrast, the Ma'asei Hashem10 suggests that though the brothers are the ones who sold Yosef to the Yishmaelites, it was the Midianites, playing the role of porters and intermediaries in the sale, who pulled him out of the pit. This proposal easily explains the mention of the Midianites in the first clause of the verse, as they are the subject of what follows.
- Separate and equal – Bereshit Rabbah understands these to be two totally separate groups of merchants.11 The Yishmaelites bought Yosef from the brothers, and the Midianites subsequently bought him from the Yishmaelites and then marketed him in Egypt.12
- Separate but unequal – R. Tam and the Ma'asei Hashem also view them as two distinct groups, but suggest that the Midianites played the role of middlemen in facilitating the sale of Yosef by the brothers to the Yishmaelites.13
- Same caravan – On the other hand, Ibn Ezra,14 R. Avraham b. HaRambam, and Ramban maintain, that they were part of the same caravan.
- Ibn Ezra asserts that these are simply two names for one group of people,15 but does not explain why sometimes they are referred to in one way and sometimes in another.
- Ramban, in contrast, suggests that the Yishmaelites were the camel drivers16 while the Midianites were the slave owners.17
- R. Avraham b. HaRambam's position is some place in the middle as he proposes that both the Yishmaelites and Midianites were distinct members of the caravan, but maintains that their names are sometimes interchanged as they shared a common lineage and features.18
- Distinct – It appears19 that Bereshit Rabbah understands them to be two different groups. R. Avraham b. HaRambam also maintains that they were two distinct peoples, but says they were part of the same caravan.
- Identical – Most of the medieval commentators20 identify the Midianites and Medanites with one another.21
- Two – Most of these commentators maintain that there were only two sales: by the brothers to the caravan of Yishmaelites22 and by the Yishmaelites to Potiphar.
- Three – Tanchuma (Buber)23 and Rashi on Bereshit 37:2824 assert that there were was a total of three sales: Yosef's brothers sold him to the Yishmaelites, the Yishmaelites sold him to the Medanites or Midianites,25 and the Medanites or Midianites sold him to Potiphar.
- Four or five – R. Yudan and R. Chona in Bereshit Rabbah take the extreme position that Yosef was sold four or five times, with every (or almost every) group mentioned in the story participating in the series of transactions.26
Only Some of the Brothers Sold Yosef
One group of Yosef's brothers (led by Yehuda) sold Yosef, while another group of the brothers (headed by Reuven) were not present and did not participate.
None of the Brothers Sold Yosef
While Yosef's brothers planned on selling him, they never actually succeeded in doing so, as the Midianites preempted them by abducting Yosef from the pit.
- According to most of these commentators, the brothers intended to sell Yosef to the Yishmaelites, but their plans were foiled when the Midianites beat them to it.44
- R. Azariah Figo and Malbim, however, go a step further. They suggest that Yehuda never intended for the brothers themselves to sell Yosef. Rather, he persuades his brothers to leave the vicinity of the pit so that the Yishmaelites would find the abandoned Yosef and, of their own initiative, sell him as a slave.45
- Rashbam and Shadal's cousin identify the Medanites as the Yishmaelites, with Shadal's cousin suggesting that all of the sons of Avraham (besides Yitzchak's line) can be referred to as Yishmaelites. This is how they eliminate the contradiction between 37:36 and 39:1.
- Shadal and Malbim, in contrast, identify the Medanites with the Midianites. They propose that 37:36 is not saying that the Medanites physically brought Yosef to Egypt (as that would contradict 39:1), but that they sold Yosef towards Egypt (ie. with the intent that he arrive in Egypt).53 Alternatively, the verse might simply mean that the Midianites were the main cause of Yosef's going to Egypt, as they were the ones who originally drew him from the pit.