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<subcategory>Sheep Breeder
<subcategory>Sheep Breeder
<p>Bereshit 30 highlights Yaakov's success in sheep breeding.&#160; While Bereshit 30 speaks of a ploy done by placing certain peeled branches in front of the mating sheep, Bereshit 31 suggests that Hashem's hand and a prophetic dream guided him. Was Yaakov's success due to knowledge of science and nature, or was it miraculous, due only to Divine providence?</p>
<p>Bereshit 30 highlights Yaakov's success in sheep breeding.&#160; While Bereshit 30 speaks of a ploy done by placing certain peeled branches in front of the mating sheep, Bereshit 31 suggests that Hashem's hand and a prophetic dream guided him. Was Yaakov's success due to knowledge of science and nature, or was it miraculous, due only to Divine providence?</p><ul>
<li>Science –&#160;</li>
<li>Science –&#160;</li>
<li>Miracle – Rashi 31:10 and Bereshit Rabbah 73:10 suggest that Hashem had an angel supernaturally intervene to bring the necessary sheep from Lavan's flock to Yaakov's.</li>
<li>Miracle – Rashi 31:10 and Bereshit Rabbah 73:10 suggest that Hashem had an angel supernaturally intervene to bring the necessary sheep from Lavan's flock to Yaakov's.</li>
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<subcategory>Miraculous Might?
<subcategory>Miraculous Might?
<p>When imagining Yaakov and Esav, many picture Esav as being physically fit and mighty, and Yaakov being of ordinary, or perhaps even under average, strength.&#160; two stories might question that assumption:</p>
<p>When imagining Yaakov and Esav, many picture Esav as being physically fit and mighty, and Yaakov being of ordinary, or perhaps even under average, strength.&#160; two stories might question that assumption:</p><ul>
<li><b>Removing the stone</b>&#160; – In Bereshit 28 we read how Yaakov arrived in Charan to find several shepherds waiting to water their flocks until enough gathered to remove the huge boulder which covered the well.&#160; However, as soon as Yaakov sets eyes on Rachel, he manages to roll the stone off by himself.</li>
<li><b>Removing the stone</b>&#160; – In Bereshit 28 we read how Yaakov arrived in Charan to find several shepherds waiting to water their flocks until enough gathered to remove the huge boulder which covered the well.&#160; However, as soon as Yaakov sets eyes on Rachel, he manages to roll the stone off by himself.</li>
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<li><b>Wrestling with angels?</b> – A similar question arises with regards to Yaakov's wrestling match with the mysterious "איש".&#160; If Yaakov's opponent was an angel, as most commentators maintain, how was he able to overcome him?</li>
<li><b>Wrestling with angels?</b> – A similar question arises with regards to Yaakov's wrestling match with the mysterious "איש".&#160; If Yaakov's opponent was an angel, as most commentators maintain, how was he able to overcome him?</li>
<li>Hashem's help</li>
<li>Opponent was human</li>
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<subcategory name="The Birthright">
<subcategory name="The Birthright">
Sale of the Birthright
Sale of the Birthright
<p><a href="Bereshit25-19-34" data-aht="source">Bereshit 25</a> discusses Yaakov's buying of the birthright from the famished Esav. The story raises several question regarding the ethics of Yaakov's actions.&#160; Did he not exploit his brother's hunger for his own gain? Is not buying the birthright for a mere pot of lentils considered extortion?&#160; Commentators attempt to defend Yaakov's behavior in a number of ways: [For a full discussion of the issue, see <a href="Sale of the Birthright – A Fair Deal" data-aht="page">Sale of the Birthright – A Fair Deal?</a>]</p>
<p><a href="Bereshit25-19-34" data-aht="source">Bereshit 25</a> discusses Yaakov's buying of the birthright from the famished Esav. The story raises several question regarding the ethics of Yaakov's actions.&#160; Did he not exploit his brother's hunger for his own gain? Is not buying the birthright for a mere pot of lentils considered extortion?&#160; Commentators attempt to defend Yaakov's behavior in a number of ways: [For a full discussion of the issue, see <a href="Sale of the Birthright – A Fair Deal" data-aht="page">Sale of the Birthright – A Fair Deal?</a>]</p><ul>
<li><b>Esav was unworthy</b> – According to&#160;<a href="BereshitRabbah63-13" data-aht="source">Bereshit Rabbah</a> and <multilink><a href="RashiBereshit25-31-34" data-aht="source">Rashi</a><a href="RashiBereshit25-31-34" data-aht="source">Bereshit 25:31-34</a><a href="R. Shelomo Yitzchaki (Rashi)" data-aht="parshan">About R. Shelomo Yitzchaki</a></multilink>, the birthright was a spiritual commodity, the priestly status, which Esav was both unworthy of and uninterested in receiving.</li>
<li><b>Esav was unworthy</b> – According to&#160;<a href="BereshitRabbah63-13" data-aht="source">Bereshit Rabbah</a> and <multilink><a href="RashiBereshit25-31-34" data-aht="source">Rashi</a><a href="RashiBereshit25-31-34" data-aht="source">Bereshit 25:31-34</a><a href="R. Shelomo Yitzchaki (Rashi)" data-aht="parshan">About R. Shelomo Yitzchaki</a></multilink>, the birthright was a spiritual commodity, the priestly status, which Esav was both unworthy of and uninterested in receiving.</li>
<li><b>Yaakov paid fair value</b>&#160;–&#160;<multilink><a href="RashbamBereshit25-31-34" data-aht="source">Rashbam</a><a href="RashbamBereshit25-31-34" data-aht="source">Bereshit 25:31-34</a><a href="R. Shemuel b. Meir (Rashbam)" data-aht="parshan">About R. Shemuel b. Meir</a></multilink> claims that Yaakov paid for the birthright in full, with money.&#160; The accompanying meal served simply to seal the deal.&#160; <multilink><a href="IbnEzraBereshitFirstCommentary25-31-34" data-aht="source">Ibn Ezra</a><a href="IbnEzraBereshitFirstCommentary25-31-34" data-aht="source">Bereshit First Commentary 25:31-34</a><a href="R. Avraham ibn Ezra" data-aht="parshan">About R. Avraham ibn Ezra</a></multilink>, instead, suggests that the birthright was almost worthless since Yitzchak was penniless. As such, the lentil stew was a fair price.</li>
<li><b>Yaakov paid fair value</b>&#160;–&#160;<multilink><a href="RashbamBereshit25-31-34" data-aht="source">Rashbam</a><a href="RashbamBereshit25-31-34" data-aht="source">Bereshit 25:31-34</a><a href="R. Shemuel b. Meir (Rashbam)" data-aht="parshan">About R. Shemuel b. Meir</a></multilink> claims that Yaakov paid for the birthright in full, with money.&#160; The accompanying meal served simply to seal the deal.&#160; <multilink><a href="IbnEzraBereshitFirstCommentary25-31-34" data-aht="source">Ibn Ezra</a><a href="IbnEzraBereshitFirstCommentary25-31-34" data-aht="source">Bereshit First Commentary 25:31-34</a><a href="R. Avraham ibn Ezra" data-aht="parshan">About R. Avraham ibn Ezra</a></multilink>, instead, suggests that the birthright was almost worthless since Yitzchak was penniless. As such, the lentil stew was a fair price.</li>
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<subcategory>Taking the Blessing
<subcategory>Taking the Blessing
<p><a href="Bereshit27-1-30" data-aht="source">Bereshit 27</a>&#160;describes Rivka's machinations to ensure that Yitzchak's blessing go to Yaakov rather than Esav.&#160; How should Yaakov's role in the deception of his father be viewed?&#160; Was he a willing or unwilling participant?&#160;&#160; Were his actions justified?</p>
<p><a href="Bereshit27-1-30" data-aht="source">Bereshit 27</a>&#160;describes Rivka's machinations to ensure that Yitzchak's blessing go to Yaakov rather than Esav.&#160; How should Yaakov's role in the deception of his father be viewed?&#160; Was he a willing or unwilling participant?&#160;&#160; Were his actions justified?</p><ul>
<li><b>Justified</b> –Several commentators suggest that Yaakov's deceit was justified:</li>
<li><b>Justified</b> –Several commentators suggest that Yaakov's deceit was justified:</li>
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<subcategory name="Lack of Trust">
<subcategory name="Lack of Trust">
Lack of Trust in Hashem?
Lack of Trust in Hashem?
<p>In Bereshit 32:7-8, after hearing that Esav is approaching him with 400 men, Yaakov reacts with fear: "וַיִּירָא יַעֲקֹב מְאֹד וַיֵּצֶר לוֹ". Given that Hashem had promised Yaakov that He would watch over him,<fn>See Hashem's words to Yaakov in Bereshit 28:15: "וְהִנֵּה אָנֹכִי עִמָּךְ וּשְׁמַרְתִּיךָ בְּכֹל אֲשֶׁר תֵּלֵךְ וַהֲשִׁבֹתִיךָ אֶל הָאֲדָמָה הַזֹּאת".</fn> should this fear be interpreted negatively as betraying a lack of trust in Hashem?</p>
<p>In Bereshit 32:7-8, after hearing that Esav is approaching him with 400 men, Yaakov reacts with fear: "וַיִּירָא יַעֲקֹב מְאֹד וַיֵּצֶר לוֹ". Given that Hashem had promised Yaakov that He would watch over him,<fn>See Hashem's words to Yaakov in Bereshit 28:15: "וְהִנֵּה אָנֹכִי עִמָּךְ וּשְׁמַרְתִּיךָ בְּכֹל אֲשֶׁר תֵּלֵךְ וַהֲשִׁבֹתִיךָ אֶל הָאֲדָמָה הַזֹּאת".</fn> should this fear be interpreted negatively as betraying a lack of trust in Hashem?</p><ul>
<li><b>No lack of faith</b> -&#160; Bereshit Rabbah 76:2<fn>See also Ibn Ezra, Radak, Ramban, R. Hirsch and others.&#160; Bereshit Rabbah suggests that Yaakov feared not only that he sinned, but also that Esav's merits in honoring his parents (and Yaakov's inability to do the same) might give Esav the upper hand.</fn> explain that Yaakov thought that he might have sinned and therefore no longer deserved Hashem's blessing. R"Y Bekhor Shor,<fn>See also Ibn Ezra and the opinion rejected by Ramban.</fn> instead, suggests that Yaakov thought that Hashem's blessing of providence might be limited to him, and though he would be saved, his family might come to harm.</li>
<li><b>No lack of faith</b> -&#160; Bereshit Rabbah 76:2<fn>See also Ibn Ezra, Radak, Ramban, R. Hirsch and others.&#160; Bereshit Rabbah suggests that Yaakov feared not only that he sinned, but also that Esav's merits in honoring his parents (and Yaakov's inability to do the same) might give Esav the upper hand.</fn> explain that Yaakov thought that he might have sinned and therefore no longer deserved Hashem's blessing. R"Y Bekhor Shor,<fn>See also Ibn Ezra and the opinion rejected by Ramban.</fn> instead, suggests that Yaakov thought that Hashem's blessing of providence might be limited to him, and though he would be saved, his family might come to harm.</li>
<li><b>Lack of faith</b> - Both Rashbam and Malbim blame Yaakov for not trusting in Hashem.&#160; Rashbam even suggests that the attack by the angel was a punishment for this lack of trust.<fn>See also Radak who asserts that the injury to Yaakov's thigh was due to his lack of trust as betrayed by his subservience to Esav.</fn>&#160; See <a href="Wrestling With Angels and Men" data-aht="page">Wrestling With Angels and Men</a>.</li>
<li><b>Lack of faith</b> - Both Rashbam and Malbim blame Yaakov for not trusting in Hashem.&#160; Rashbam even suggests that the attack by the angel was a punishment for this lack of trust.<fn>See also Radak who asserts that the injury to Yaakov's thigh was due to his lack of trust as betrayed by his subservience to Esav.</fn>&#160; See <a href="Wrestling With Angels and Men" data-aht="page">Wrestling With Angels and Men</a>.</li>
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<subcategory name="Childrens' Births">
Births of Yaakov's Children
<p>A simple reading of Parashat Vayetze suggests that Yaakov sired all 12 of his children in just seven years, with Leah alone bearing seven of the twelve. This chronology is difficult not only with regards to Leah's birthing schedule<fn>Though it is possible to bear 7 children in the same number of years, given that in the middle there was a hiatus in which Leah could not conceive for long enough to make her give her maidservant to Yaakov, the story is difficult.</fn> but also because of how it affects later stories In Bereshit. This reading would make Shimon and Levi only eleven or twelve when they decimated Shekehm, and has Yehuda siring the equivalent of three generations worth of progeny by the age of 43.</p>
<li>For details regarding the chronology, its difficulties, and potential solutions, see <a href="The Births and Relative Ages of Yaakov's Children" data-aht="page">The Births and Relative Ages of Yaakov's Children</a>.</li>
<subcategory>Favoring Yosef
<p><b>"כִּי בֶן זְקֻנִים הוּא לוֹ"</b> – How is one to understand Yaakov's favoring of Yosef? Though many assume that Yaakov transferred his love for Rachel to Yosef, the verses offer a different explanation: "&#8206;כִּי בֶן זְקֻנִים הוּא לוֹ".&#8206; What does this term mean and what does it suggest about the reasons for Yaakov's love?</p>
<li>Similar to father – Bereshit Rabbah, Tanchuma, Targum Pseudo-Jonathan</li>
<li>Wise – Josephus, Targum Onkelos, Ibn Ezra, Radak</li>
<li>Served father – Ramban</li>
<li>Youngest – R. Avraham b. HaRambam and Shadal</li>
<li>Born after despairing of having a child by Rachel – Ralbag</li>
<p><b> "עָשָׂה לוֹ כְּתֹנֶת פַּסִּים"</b> – What did Yaakov mean to signify in giving Yosef the cloak? Was he simply showing parental favoritism, or did he have other intentions?</p>
<li><b> Show of love</b> – Ralbag</li>
<li><b> Sign of leadership or chosen status</b> – Seforno, HaKetav VeHaKabbalah, and R. Hirsch suggest that the cloak was a sign of stature. This reading might suggest that the siblings were not merely engaged in common sibling rivalry, but in a competition as to who was to be the "chosen son" and merit to continue the line of Avraham.</li>
<subcategory>Shimon and Levi
<subcategory name="Blessings">
Blessings to Children
<subcategory>Menashe &amp; Ephraim
<subcategory name="Yaakov and Leah">
<subcategory name="Yaakov and Leah">
Yaakov and Leah: "כִּי שְׂנוּאָה לֵאָה"
Yaakov and Leah: "כִּי שְׂנוּאָה לֵאָה"
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<subcategory name="Childrens' Births">
Births of Yaakov's Children
<p>A simple reading of Parashat Vayetze suggests that Yaakov sired all 12 of his children in just seven years, with Leah alone bearing seven of the twelve. This chronology is difficult not only with regards to Leah's birthing schedule<fn>Though it is possible to bear 7 children in the same number of years, given that in the middle there was a hiatus in which Leah could not conceive for long enough to make her give her maidservant to Yaakov, the story is difficult.</fn> but also because of how it affects later stories In Bereshit. This reading would make Shimon and Levi only eleven or twelve when they decimated Shekehm, and has Yehuda siring the equivalent of three generations worth of progeny by the age of 43.</p>
<li>For details regarding the chronology, its difficulties, and potential solutions, see <a href="The Births and Relative Ages of Yaakov's Children" data-aht="page">The Births and Relative Ages of Yaakov's Children</a>.</li>
<subcategory>Favoring Yosef
<p><b>"כִּי בֶן זְקֻנִים הוּא לוֹ"</b> – How is one to understand Yaakov's favoring of Yosef? Though many assume that Yaakov transferred his love for Rachel to Yosef, the verses offer a different explanation: "&#8206;כִּי בֶן זְקֻנִים הוּא לוֹ".&#8206; What does this term mean and what does it suggest about the reasons for Yaakov's love?</p>
<li>Similar to father – Bereshit Rabbah, Tanchuma, Targum Pseudo-Jonathan</li>
<li>Wise – Josephus, Targum Onkelos, Ibn Ezra, Radak</li>
<li>Served father – Ramban</li>
<li>Youngest – R. Avraham b. HaRambam and Shadal</li>
<li>Born after despairing of having a child by Rachel – Ralbag</li>
<p><b> "עָשָׂה לוֹ כְּתֹנֶת פַּסִּים"</b> – What did Yaakov mean to signify in giving Yosef the cloak? Was he simply showing parental favoritism, or did he have other intentions?</p>
<li><b> Show of love</b> – Ralbag</li>
<li><b> Sign of leadership or chosen status</b> – Seforno, HaKetav VeHaKabbalah, and R. Hirsch suggest that the cloak was a sign of stature. This reading might suggest that the siblings were not merely engaged in common sibling rivalry, but in a competition as to who was to be the "chosen son" and merit to continue the line of Avraham.</li>
<subcategory>Shimon and Levi
<subcategory name="Blessings">
Blessings to Children
<subcategory>Menashe &amp; Ephraim
<category>Religious Identity
<category>Religious Identity
<subcategory>Oath at Beit El
<subcategory>Oath at Beit El
<p>Upon awakening after his dream in Biet El, Yaakov makes an oath, saying that if Hashem watches over him, "וְשַׁבְתִּי בְשָׁלוֹם אֶל בֵּית אָבִי וְהָיָה יְהֹוָה לִי לֵאלֹהִים וְהָאֶבֶן הַזֹּאת אֲשֶׁר שַׂמְתִּי מַצֵּבָה יִהְיֶה בֵּית אֱלֹהִים." It is unclear where Yaakov's request ends and his personal obligations begin.&#160; Are the words "וְהָיָה ה' לִי לֵאלֹהִים" part of what he expects from Hashem, or what he will do for Hashem?&#160; If the latter what is he promising to do?&#160; Was Hashem not already his God?</p>
<p>Upon awakening after his dream in Biet El, Yaakov makes an oath, saying that if Hashem watches over him, "וְשַׁבְתִּי בְשָׁלוֹם אֶל בֵּית אָבִי וְהָיָה יְהֹוָה לִי לֵאלֹהִים וְהָאֶבֶן הַזֹּאת אֲשֶׁר שַׂמְתִּי מַצֵּבָה יִהְיֶה בֵּית אֱלֹהִים." It is unclear where Yaakov's request ends and his personal obligations begin.&#160; Are the words "וְהָיָה ה' לִי לֵאלֹהִים" part of what he expects from Hashem, or what he will do for Hashem?&#160; If the latter what is he promising to do?&#160; Was Hashem not already his God?</p><ul>
<li>Condition – Yaakov asks that hashem </li>
<li>Condition – Yaakov asks that hashem </li>
<li>Obligation– Yaakov promises</li>
<li>Obligation– Yaakov promises</li>
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<li>Yaakov at the Well</li>
<li>Yaakov at the Well</li>
<li><a href="Yaakov and David" data-aht="page">Yaakov and David</a></li>
<li><a href="Yaakov and David" data-aht="page">Yaakov and David</a></li>
<li> </li>

Version as of 11:02, 20 November 2018

Yaakov – Overview

This topic has not yet undergone editorial review

Unique Traits

"וְיַעֲקֹב אִישׁ תָּם יֹשֵׁב אֹהָלִים"

Bereshit 25 introduces Yaakov by telling the reader that he was an "אִישׁ תָּם יֹשֵׁב אֹהָלִים". What, though, do each of these descriptions mean?

Sheep Breeder

Bereshit 30 highlights Yaakov's success in sheep breeding.  While Bereshit 30 speaks of a ploy done by placing certain peeled branches in front of the mating sheep, Bereshit 31 suggests that Hashem's hand and a prophetic dream guided him. Was Yaakov's success due to knowledge of science and nature, or was it miraculous, due only to Divine providence?

  • Science – 
  • Miracle – Rashi 31:10 and Bereshit Rabbah 73:10 suggest that Hashem had an angel supernaturally intervene to bring the necessary sheep from Lavan's flock to Yaakov's.
  • Mixture -

Miraculous Might?

When imagining Yaakov and Esav, many picture Esav as being physically fit and mighty, and Yaakov being of ordinary, or perhaps even under average, strength.  two stories might question that assumption:

  • Removing the stone  – In Bereshit 28 we read how Yaakov arrived in Charan to find several shepherds waiting to water their flocks until enough gathered to remove the huge boulder which covered the well.  However, as soon as Yaakov sets eyes on Rachel, he manages to roll the stone off by himself.
    • Super strength - R. D"Z Hoffmann points out that in this story, the Torah tangentially shares that Yaakov, and not only Esav, possessed great physical strength.2  He points out, though, that Yaakov is never seen using his strength to hurt those weaker than himself.
    • Ordinary strength – R"Y Bekhor Shor suggests that really the only reason the other shepherds could not remove the stone on their own was because they were still youths and not yet full grown adults like Yaakov. Radak also posits that Yaakov was no stronger than the average and that he was capable of removing the boulder only due to Hashem's help.3
  • Wrestling with angels? – A similar question arises with regards to Yaakov's wrestling match with the mysterious "איש".  If Yaakov's opponent was an angel, as most commentators maintain, how was he able to overcome him?

Possible Sins / Flaws

Sale of the Birthright

Bereshit 25 discusses Yaakov's buying of the birthright from the famished Esav. The story raises several question regarding the ethics of Yaakov's actions.  Did he not exploit his brother's hunger for his own gain? Is not buying the birthright for a mere pot of lentils considered extortion?  Commentators attempt to defend Yaakov's behavior in a number of ways: [For a full discussion of the issue, see Sale of the Birthright – A Fair Deal?]

Taking the Blessing

Bereshit 27 describes Rivka's machinations to ensure that Yitzchak's blessing go to Yaakov rather than Esav.  How should Yaakov's role in the deception of his father be viewed?  Was he a willing or unwilling participant?   Were his actions justified?

  • Justified –Several commentators suggest that Yaakov's deceit was justified:
    • Heeding mother and prophecy – Radak suggests that Yaakov was simply acting according to his mother's wishes. Moreover since he was the worthy son, and acting to fulfill the prophecy,4 his deception was justified.5 
    • Retrieving a loss – R"Y Bekhor Shor, instead, claims that when Yaakov bought the birthright, he bought the rights to the blessing.  Since Esav was trying to renege on the deal, Yaakov cannot be blamed for trying to retrieve was was rightfully his.
  • Mitigate wrong-doing – Others attempt to mitigate Yaakov's wrong-doing, even if they do not totally justify his actions:
    • Minimize lying – Bereshit Rabbah and Rashi attempt to minimize Yaakov's lying by repunctuating his words "אָנֹכִי עֵשָׂו בְּכֹרֶךָ" to read "אנכי – המביא לך, ועשו הוא בכורך."
    • Unwilling participant – HaKetav veHaKabbalah, instead, defends Yaakov by  suggesting that he was an unwilling participant, and even hoped to be found out.
  • Unjustified – Tanchuma suggests that Yaakov sinned and was punished measure for measure for his trickery. See also Maasei Hashem.

Lack of Trust in Hashem?

In Bereshit 32:7-8, after hearing that Esav is approaching him with 400 men, Yaakov reacts with fear: "וַיִּירָא יַעֲקֹב מְאֹד וַיֵּצֶר לוֹ". Given that Hashem had promised Yaakov that He would watch over him,6 should this fear be interpreted negatively as betraying a lack of trust in Hashem?

  • No lack of faith -  Bereshit Rabbah 76:27 explain that Yaakov thought that he might have sinned and therefore no longer deserved Hashem's blessing. R"Y Bekhor Shor,8 instead, suggests that Yaakov thought that Hashem's blessing of providence might be limited to him, and though he would be saved, his family might come to harm.
  • Lack of faith - Both Rashbam and Malbim blame Yaakov for not trusting in Hashem.  Rashbam even suggests that the attack by the angel was a punishment for this lack of trust.9  See Wrestling With Angels and Men.

Subservience to Esav

Commentators debate how to evaluate Yaakov's extreme acts of subservience to his brother. Is it problematic to degrade one's self and show weakness to an enemy?

  • Praiseworthy – Zohar Vayishlakh 115a
  • Necessary – Bereshit Rabbah 75:5
  • Problematic–Bereshit Rabbah 75:1, Midrash HaGadol p. 578,10 [ Radak Bereshit 32]

Parents and Siblings

Favored by Rivka

Bereshit 25:28 shares that while Yitzchak preferred Esav, Rivka favored Yaakov (וְרִבְקָה אֹהֶבֶת אֶת יַעֲקֹב).  What led Rivka to love Yaakov?

  • The prophecy – Rashbam clams that Rivka's preference for Yaakov was a direct result of the prophecy which granted him superior status to his brother.
  • Character – Ralbag and Hoil Moshe assert that Rivka's preference related to Yaakov's character, seeing in him integrity and mercy.11
  • Shepherd – R"Y Bekhor Shor suggests that women in general like those who raise animals.

Yaakov and Esav

See above regarding Yaakov's buying of the birthright and taking the blessing. How did these incidents impact the siblings' relationship in the long term? When they meet again decades later, is Esav still angry at Yaakov or has time healed the rift? On one hand, we read how Esav approached Yaakov with 400 men, leading Yaakov to prepare for war. On the other hand when the two do finally meet, Esav embraces and cries on his brother's shoulders.

  • Still angry – The majority of commentators12 assume that Esav was still angry and approaching with 400 men, intent on attacking Yaakov.  They explain Esav's kissing of Yaakov in Bereshit 32 to be either insincere13 (or even an attempt to harm Yaakov)14, a result of Yaakov's successful attempts at appeasement,15 or an act of Divine intervention.16
  • Anger dissipated - Rashbam,17 in contrast, assumes that Esav harbored no ill will and was coming to greet Yaakov with 400 men who were to serve as an honor guard. [It was only Yaakov who, in his fear, interpreted the entourage as having evil intent.] Esav's embrace and tears at the end of the story are understood to be sincere expressions of brotherly love. [For elaboration on this reading, see Wrestling With Angels and Men and Yaakov's Dividing of his Camp.]
  • Esav's feelings ambiguous – R"Y Bekhor Shor asserts that Esav's actions were ambiguous.  It was this uncertainty as to whether he was approaching in peace or hatred that led to Yaakov's fear, since he did not know how to prepare for the meeting.18

Births of Yaakov's Children

A simple reading of Parashat Vayetze suggests that Yaakov sired all 12 of his children in just seven years, with Leah alone bearing seven of the twelve. This chronology is difficult not only with regards to Leah's birthing schedule19 but also because of how it affects later stories In Bereshit. This reading would make Shimon and Levi only eleven or twelve when they decimated Shekehm, and has Yehuda siring the equivalent of three generations worth of progeny by the age of 43.

Favoring Yosef

"כִּי בֶן זְקֻנִים הוּא לוֹ" – How is one to understand Yaakov's favoring of Yosef? Though many assume that Yaakov transferred his love for Rachel to Yosef, the verses offer a different explanation: "‎כִּי בֶן זְקֻנִים הוּא לוֹ".‎ What does this term mean and what does it suggest about the reasons for Yaakov's love?

  • Similar to father – Bereshit Rabbah, Tanchuma, Targum Pseudo-Jonathan
  • Wise – Josephus, Targum Onkelos, Ibn Ezra, Radak
  • Served father – Ramban
  • Youngest – R. Avraham b. HaRambam and Shadal
  • Born after despairing of having a child by Rachel – Ralbag

"עָשָׂה לוֹ כְּתֹנֶת פַּסִּים" – What did Yaakov mean to signify in giving Yosef the cloak? Was he simply showing parental favoritism, or did he have other intentions?

  • Show of love – Ralbag
  • Sign of leadership or chosen status – Seforno, HaKetav VeHaKabbalah, and R. Hirsch suggest that the cloak was a sign of stature. This reading might suggest that the siblings were not merely engaged in common sibling rivalry, but in a competition as to who was to be the "chosen son" and merit to continue the line of Avraham.


Shimon and Levi

Blessings to Children

Menashe & Ephraim


Yaakov and Leah: "כִּי שְׂנוּאָה לֵאָה"

In Bereshit 29:31, Leah is referred to as "שְׂנוּאָה", one who is hated. In the immediately preceding verse, however, we read, "וַיֶּאֱהַב גַּם אֶת רָחֵל מִלֵּאָה", suggesting that she, too, was loved, but less so than Rachel. Did Yaakov actively dislike Leah, or was she simply not his first choice?

  • Preferred Rachel - Many commentaors20 assume that Yaakov loved both wives; and that the word "hated" is a relative term, connoting only only that Leah was not as loved as Rachel.21
  • Hated Leah – Bereshit Rabbah 71:2, Ramban and the Netziv, in contrast, assume that Yaakov actively hated Leah for her deceit.  Love is built on trust, and after Leah's participation in Lavan's scheme, there was no trust for Yaakov to build love upon.22

Yaakov and Rachel: "וַיִּחַר אַף יַעֲקֹב בְּרָחֵל"

Despite Yaakov's love for Rachel, when Rachel complains to Yaakov, "הָבָה לִּי בָנִים וְאִם אַיִן מֵתָה אָנֹכִי", he responds in anger: "Am I in God’s place, who has withheld from you the fruit of the womb?"  Is Yaakov's anger at his wife justified?

  • Justified – Many commentators assume that Yaakov's anger was justified:
    • Radak and R. Avraham b. HaRambam23 explain that Yaakov was justifiably angry that Rachel turned to him rather than Hashem, not recognizing that the matter was in Hashem's hands and not His.24
    • Ramban,25 instead, assumes that Rachel had in fact asked that Yaakov pray to Hashem, but her mistake was is in viewing Yaakov's prayer as some type of automatic magical remedy.  Yaakov taught her that even the prayers of the righteous are not always answered.
    • Finally, Akeidat Yitzchak has Yaakov upset that Rachel did not realize that her primary purpose in life was not simply to bear children, but to fill her life "בדברי שכל וחסידות".  Her barrenness was not a reason to think her life was not worth living.
  • Unjustified – Bereshit Rabbah 71:7 maintains that Yaakov was in the wrong, presenting Hashem as responding to Yaakov, "כך עונין את המעיקות?!"
  • Misunderstood – R"Y Bekhor Shor26 asserts that Yaakov misunderstood his wife, assuming that she was expecting him to somehow do what Hashem had not, when Rachel had only meant that he should take her maidservant and siire children from her so that Rachel could be their surrogate mother.

Status of Bilhah and Zilpah

Throughout the first section of the Yaakov narratives, Bilhah and Zilpah are consistently referred to a maidservants (of either Lavan, Rachel and Leah, or Yaakov).  In Bereshit 35:22, during the incident with Reuven, Bilhah is referred to as a concubine. Afterwards, (excepting 35:25-26), they are never again referred to as servants, and in 37:2 both are spoken of as "Yaakov's wives". How did Yaakov view Bilhah and Zilpah: as real wives, concubines, or simply surrogate mothers?  Did their status change over time?

  • Surrogate mothers
  • Changing status –


Religious Identity

Oath at Beit El

Upon awakening after his dream in Biet El, Yaakov makes an oath, saying that if Hashem watches over him, "וְשַׁבְתִּי בְשָׁלוֹם אֶל בֵּית אָבִי וְהָיָה יְהֹוָה לִי לֵאלֹהִים וְהָאֶבֶן הַזֹּאת אֲשֶׁר שַׂמְתִּי מַצֵּבָה יִהְיֶה בֵּית אֱלֹהִים." It is unclear where Yaakov's request ends and his personal obligations begin.  Are the words "וְהָיָה ה' לִי לֵאלֹהִים" part of what he expects from Hashem, or what he will do for Hashem?  If the latter what is he promising to do?  Was Hashem not already his God?

  • Condition – Yaakov asks that hashem
  • Obligation– Yaakov promises
