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Fatal 76: Opening and ending tag mismatch: category line 125 and p
125: <p><category>Yehoshua vs. Moshe
126: In Bavli Bava Batra Moshe and Yehoshua are compared, with Moshe being likened to the sun and Yehoshua to the moon. The analogy is an apt one, as many of Yehoshua's deeds do indeed reflect those of his teacher. Again and again, the reader feels a sense of déjà vu, as Yehoshua re-enacts events from the life of Moshe. Moreover, the text consciously calls for a comparison of the two luminaries via both explicit references and literary allusions. What are we to make of the many similarities between the lives of the two leaders?&#160; What can we learn from the differences? For a full discussion of the parallels and thier significance, see <a href="Moshe and Yehoshua" data-aht="page">Moshe and Yehoshua</a>.</p>