
< Yehoshua
Version as of 08:23, 17 September 2019 by Neima (talk | contribs)

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Unique Traits

Faith in Hashem

Yehoshua exhibits consistent faith in Hashem.  This is perhaps most evident in the fact that he is one of the few in his generation not to participate in two of the nation's biggest debacles in the Wilderness, the Sin of the Golden Calf and the Sin of the Spies. 

  • Sin of the Golden Calf –
  • Story of the Spies – Both Yehoshua and Calev disassociate themselves from the negative report of the other spies, but perhaps surprisingly it is Calev, rather than Yehoshua, who appears to take the lead role.

Loyal Servant

Military Prowess

Uncontested Leader

Possible Flaws

Change of Name

Family Life

Appointment as Successor

Yehoshua vs. Moshe