Yitro's Visit – Purpose and Significance/3/en

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Yitro's Visit – Its Purpose and Significance

Points of Dispute

  • Did Yitro convert? See Yitro's Religious Identity.
    • Yes – R. Eliezer and R. Elazar HaModai in Mekhilta DeRabbi Yishmael Yitro Amalek 1, Bavli Zevachim 116a,1 Targum Pseudo-Jonathan Shemot 18:6-7, Tanchuma Yitro 1-7, Tanchuma Buber Yitro 1-5, Shemot Rabbah 27:1-9, Ramban Shemot 18:1,12, Minchah Belulah 18:5,9.
    • No – Cassuto.
  • Yitro's sacrifices – See Yitro's Sacrifices.
    • Celebration of the Jewish people's salvation – Chizkuni 18:12.
    • Conversion sacrifice – Ramban 18:12, Seforno 18:12.
    • Covenant sealing meal – R. D"Z Hoffmann Shemot 18:12, Fensham.
  • Did Yitro ultimately remain with the nation? See Did Yitro return and remain?
    • Yes – R"E HaModai in Mekhilta DeRabbi Yishmael Yitro Amalek 2, Ramban 18:1.
    • No – Cassuto.